• 全球化时代我们同一条船上

    In this era of globalization, we are all in the same boat.


  • 全球化时代我们并不重要像念声充塞耳畔。

    It's a mantra of the age of globalization that where we live doesn't matter.


  • 全球化时代我国文化安全问题日益突出

    Under the age of globalization, the issues of Chinese cultural security turn to be increasingly prominent.


  • 全球化时代新的世界结构条件下实证主义出路哪里

    Where is the way for positivism approach under the circumstances of globalization and new world structures?


  • 认为此次会议主要议题应该媒体全球化时代合作竞争可能性

    I think that the main theme of this conference is the potential for cooperation and competition between new and old media in the era of globalization.


  • 全球化时代,国家形象柔性塑造通过文化传播方式得以实现

    Human are charger of culture transmission, at the same time, the bearer of culture.


  • 但是全球化时代寻求大国之间退出策略合作协调十分必要的。

    However, in the era of globalization, it's necessary to seek cooperation and coordination between the major powers in exit strategy.


  • 本质国际垄断资本全球化时代世界范围内攫取垄断利润工具

    The essence of neo-liberalism is a tool which help the international monopoly capital to extract monopoly profits from the worldwide market in the era of globalization.


  • 我国文化建设提出新的挑战——全球化时代如何进行青少年的文化教育。

    This proposes a new challenge to the cultural construction in our country-how should we help the youth in his socialization in globalization era?


  • 全球化时代哲学尤其解决市场竞争导致精神问题以及其它全球性问题。

    In the globalization times, philosophy must solve the mental problems caused by the "market competition" and other global problems in particular.


  • 全球化时代每一位艺术家对“人与自然”亘古常新的命题做出独具匠心的解答

    In a globalize era, each artist has his or her own answer to this never-obsolescent subject in creative way.


  • 全球化时代战争不再属于某个国家记忆无法面向国内的内向型思维解读

    In our globalized times, war is no longer the memory of a single country and cannot be deciphered with an introvert mentality that only faces one's own country.


  • 全球化时代才是英国保持竞争力需要的:灵活应变技能高超工人以及恰当社会行为

    This is about more than Britain's ability to compete in a brave new globalised world that demands flexible, highly skilled workers. It also has to do with social behaviour.


  • 全球化时代大背景下外界强势文化冲击着侗族文化,许多原生态艺术文化面临失传边缘。

    With the background of globalization, the outside mainstream culture is attacking Dong culture, so many original artistic cultures are in danger of dying out.


  • 全球化时代自觉抵制美国文化霸权保护本国文化主权,将世界各国一项长期艰巨的任务

    In the age of globalization, it is a long-term and tremendous task for various nations in the world to consciously resist the American cultural hegemony and protect their own cultures.


  • 美国政界人士关注于“国内经济”,仿佛他们能够脱离外国影响——全球化时代毫无用处的。

    In the age of globalisation, it is of no use for us politicians to focus on the "domestic economy" as though it can be isolated from foreign influences.


  • 要不然,该怎么解释全球化时代旅游书籍不景气呢?一时间以来游记作家一直视为亚种生物。

    How else to explain the decline of the travel book in the age of globalization? For some time now, the travel writer has been viewed as a kind of subspecies.


  • 全球化时代中国国际舞台上保持姿态”传统做法已经不合时宜,因为全球化是中国财富来源

    Its old doctrine of keeping a low global profile does not work in an era of globalisation, the source of China's wealth.


  • 全球化时代大学文化使命进行自觉的文化反思文化批判建构全球化时代中国新文化精神

    In the era of globalization, the culture mission of university is: carrying out culture reflection and critique conscientiously, and constructing Chinese culture spirit in the era of globalization.


  • 全球化时代这种过去被认为落后保守阴性化文化价值取向,那种阳刚为特色尚武文化更加适合未来人类生存

    In the age of globalization, this cultural trend of feminist theory is more fitful for human survival than the masculine culture advocating force.


  • 一个被世博效应充斥全球化时代诸如此类的国际化活动能否再次受人瞩目成为了未知数。

    And it is hard to see how, in an era of globalization so saturated with World's Fair Effects, such an international event can ever really matter again.


  • 一个全球化国际化时代中,难道我们应该抛弃中餐的偏见吗?

    In an era of globalisation and international travel, isn't it time we ditched these stale old prejudices about Chinese food?


  • 格玛最新著作《决胜于半全球化时代副标题依旧各种边界世界里跨越国界。

    The subtitle of Ghemawat's latest book, "Redefining Global Strategy", is "Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter".


  • 全球化时代服务业全球性竞争使旅游服务企业管理服务模式上都发生深刻变革

    Because of global competition in the global age, tourism enterprises will change profoundly in management and service model.


  • 我们生活全球化时代所以还要确保的域名汉语法语等语言里不是没有贬义(注:微软的bing【病】就是一个很好的反面教材)。

    We live in a global world, too, so do check that your great URL does not mean "Your mother is a mangy dog" in Chinese, French, or whatever.


  • 并非由我主导全球化进程中,我们必须保持清醒头脑树立适应全球化时代健康文化心态

    We must keep a cool head and attempt to foster a wholesome mind on culture to pick our steps on the inevitable course of globalization.


  • 东方民族面对全球化时代新的一轮西方文化冲击,东方民族坚守自己的民族文化。

    In globalization times, when the Orient nations are encountering west's new culture impact, they should hold their nations' culture.


  • 东方民族面对全球化时代新的一轮西方文化冲击,东方民族坚守自己的民族文化。

    In globalization times, when the Orient nations are encountering west's new culture impact, they should hold their nations' culture.


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