• 声明中只有极少事实

    There is a particle of truth in his statement.


  • 美国联邦调查局发言人声明中机场安检处进行X 光安检时,可疑物品随身携带的行李

    The item was in his carry-on during X-ray screening at a security checkpoint at the airport, an FBI spokesman said in a statement.


  • 抱怨说,对于不确定性声明也是误导因为没有披露未来气候预测的不确定性,看来那是巨大的。

    He complains that the statement on uncertainties is also misleading because it does not reveal that uncertainties about future climate projections are, in his view, immense.


  • 霍尔德没有声明中披露囚犯身份

    Holder did not reveal the identity of the detainees in his statement.


  • 论证明中巴马显示灰色地带欣赏

    In his reasoning and pronouncements, Obama has shown an appreciation for shades of gray.


  • 这个变化用户增加了一些认知压力必须考虑步骤实例 而不是步骤声明(位于一个管道)。

    This change adds a slight cognitive load to users who now have to think about an instance of a step versus its declaration (in a library or pipeline).


  • 获救之后参加的CBS广播次采访报道称霍恩贝克父母已经事先声明过,电台所提的问题不能涉及任何关于当年自己为何主动求援的成分。

    In an interview aired on CBS the year after Hornbeck was freed, the reporter noted that the boy's parents had requested that Shawn not be asked why he never spoke up.


  • 曼德基金会周五早晨声明,“现亲自出席世界杯开幕式不太……合适。”

    "It would ... be inappropriate for him to personally attend the World Cup opening celebrations, " the Nelson Mandela Foundation said in a statement on Friday morning.


  • 尽管声明中表示致力于共同框架解决问题。

    In their declaration they nonetheless strived to appear in the same frame.


  • 当皮埃尔上周发表声明如果可能我会改变过去生活一些东西。”时,是否会谈到自己的风流韵事,这并不清楚

    It's unclear whether Pierre was talking about affairs when he said in the statement he issued last week that "If I could, I would have changed some things in my past."


  • 微软雅虎尤其是微软Ballmer在他共同声明以及电话会议多次冒犯了,或者说挑衅了搜索市场老大Google

    Both Microsoft and Yahoo — but especially Microsoft's Ballmer — used their joint statement and conference call to offer several digs at search market leader Google.


  • 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织”声明中控制一块狭长的海岸地带内有15万平民,们正处于挨饿边缘上,只有停火们才能得到提供帮助。

    The LTTE, in a statement, says 150,000 civilians, on the verge of starvation in the sliver of coastal land they still control, can only be helped by a halt in the fighting.


  • 发言人吉姆·肯尼迪公布声明中克林顿说:“高兴回家盼望左右回到工作。”

    "I" m glad to be home and look forward to getting back to work within the next month or so, "Clinton said in a statement issued by his spokesman, Jim Kennedy."


  • 声明称,迈克尔英国牛津郡安祥地辞世,但并未透露更多细节

    Michael died peacefully at his home in Goring, Oxfordshire, U. K., according to a statement, which gave no further details.


  • 退役声明中小贝说明了退役决定

    Here, in his retirement statement, Beckham talks about his decision to retire from playing.


  • 今天发布声明小贝说明了退役决定

    Here, in his statement released today, Beckham talks about his decision to retire from playing.


  • 巴菲特声明中大卫人路博润股票是讨论收购事宜之前当时并不知道建议可能有什么反应

    "Dave's purchases were made before he had discussed Lubrizol with me and with no knowledge of how I might react to his idea," Mr. Buffett wrote in the statement. Mr.


  • 即便如此看做世界上重要摇滚乐队之一可是网站周三发表声明中REM宣告解散

    Yet they were consistently regarded as one of the world's most significant rock acts In an unexpected statement on their website on Wednesday though, REM announced they were splitting up.


  • 上任第二巴马就书面声明承认过去的几十年里,对于堕胎的争论一直非常激烈。

    In a written statement issued on his second full day in office, Mr. Obama acknowledged the deep tensions that have persisted through the decades over abortion.


  • 网站声明中,贝克·汉姆机会感谢所有发送消息支持的人,它们对我来说重要。

    In a statement on his website, Beckham said: "I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their messages of support, they mean a lot to me."


  • 高尔夫球手老虎·伍兹今天网站上发表的一个声明承认称的违法行为,自己家人失望了没有透露详情

    Golfer Tiger Woods in a statement on his website today acknowledged what he termed "transgressions", saying he had let his family down, though he offered no further details.


  • FDA声明中该项发现令人兴奋的”,在他们重新考虑政策之前需要更加严格实验证据。

    In a statement, the FDA said the findings were "provocative," but that more rigorous testing would be needed before it reviews the policy.


  • 安德烈职业生涯还从来没有做出任何辩解或者这样声明做出回应

    Never in his sports career has Andrey made any excuses or reacted to such statements.


  • 已经原先住过房间0266贴声明今后几天我还要房间打扫一下,因为我已经把租给冈萨雷斯

    I don't think he'll be back with the Bluecoats looking for him. I have put an eviction notice on his area, 0266, and I plan on clearing out the place in a few days to rent it to Gonzalez.


  • 已经原先住过房间0266贴声明今后几天我还要房间打扫一下,因为我已经把租给冈萨雷斯

    I don't think he'll be back with the Bluecoats looking for him. I have put an eviction notice on his area, 0266, and I plan on clearing out the place in a few days to rent it to Gonzalez.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定