• 在争夺处于领先并且舒适维持着领先位置。

    China had a head start, and is maintaining its lead comfortably.


  • 争夺伦贝格战斗奥地利人战败了。

    In the fight for Lemburg, the Austrians were defeated.


  • 生存而进行斗争不是发生战斗而是争夺有限觅食占用没有肉食动物区域竞争

    The struggle for existence occurs not in fights, but in the competition for limited feeding areas and for the occupancy of areas free from meat-eating animals.


  • 涂料制造商杜邦公司周二发布的一份报告显示银色黑色汽车颜色的争夺势均力敌。

    A report from paint manufacturer DuPont released Tuesday indicates that silver and black are locked in a tight battle for car-color supremacy.


  • 闷热潮湿的天气里运动能力下降一个原因运动的肌肉必须皮肤争夺血液

    One reason performance declines on sultry, humid days is that working muscles have to compete with the skin for blood.


  • 北京奥运会跆拳道铜牌争夺奥运冠军古巴选手马托斯踢打裁判面临终身禁赛

    Former Olympic champion Angel Matos of Cuba faces a life ban after kicking a referee in the face during his taekwondo bronze medal match in Beijing.


  • 将耗油量大的汽车换成小型车的争夺剩余价值大幅缩水使得通用汽车金融部门汽车租赁退货蒙受巨大损失

    In the scramble to swap gas-guzzlers for smaller vehicles, residual values collapsed, leaving GM's finance arm with huge losses on cars returned after lease.


  • 对于这个问题没有明确答案争夺势力影响力股力量,没有一支力量明显具备消除所有它力量实力。

    There is no clear answer to that question; none of the various contenders for power and influence has an obvious ability to annihilate all the others.


  • 创世纪1,早期的人类素食主义者,描绘幅人类动物不用争夺食物,不用互相残杀的景象。

    Previously humans were to be vegetarian: Genesis 1, the portrait was one in which humans and animals did not compete for food, or consume one another.


  • 争夺势力影响力股力量没有一支力量明显具备消除所有它力量的实力。

    None of the various contenders for power and influence has an obvious ability to annihilate all the others.


  • 利用照片表示内容往往图像冲击力显得较为突出,所以设计过程注意其他的设计元素支撑不是争夺用户注意力

    Photographic content tends to come to the fore due to its strong graphical impact, so other elements should be designed to support that effect and not to compete with it for the viewer's attention.


  • 所以人们就想了,争夺身体控制权战斗兴奋剂能得抑制剂屁滚尿流

    The thinking here is that, in the war for control over your bodily functions, stimulants kick all sorts of depressant ass.


  • 他们最后一场常规赛争夺全国冠军,这种大学橄榄球赛已经举办整整一百

    They were playing for the national championship in the last regular-season game of the one hundredth year of college football.


  • 110比赛罗伯斯因为拉拽对手刘翔,使其失去争夺金牌而被取消成绩。

    Robles was disqualified for pulling rival Liu Xiang out of the hunt for gold in the 110-meter hurdles.


  • 冠军争夺击败了来自新西伯利亚一个小伙子左眼边上打开并且多次击倒。

    To take the title, he beat a boy from Novosibirsk, opening a gash over his left eye and flooring him repeatedly with straight rights.


  • 最近,美军伊拉克入侵阿拉伯世界内所引发的震荡还余波未平,如今他们发现自己被卷入地区控制权的争夺中

    More recently the Arabs have been buffeted by the invasion of Iraq. Now they find themselves caught in the middle as America and Iran jostle for regional dominance.


  • 弗兰本届世界杯共奉献进球,其都是世界波,包括德国争夺第三名的比赛脚凌空抽射

    Left South Africa with five goals, four of which were superb strikes from distance, including a cracking volley in the third-place play-off against Germany.


  • 发现表明阿迪科的男性黑猩猩,狒狒大猩猩不同,他们争夺女性配偶的过程不再齿相向,而且已经形成了一个更具协作精神的社会团体

    The finding suggests that unlike chimpanzees, baboons and gorillas, the male did not bare its teeth in battles over females and was already part of a more cooperative social group.


  • 孩子争夺父母只是没有意识到他们给孩子带来的伤害

    Parents simply do not realise the damage they do to their children by the battles they wage over them.


  • 火狐浏览器浏览器争夺55%的使用率高居此类软件榜首位置。

    Firefox has clearly won the browser war in this group with 55% of users.


  • 纽约证交所积极游说,以保证伦敦证交所争夺硅谷市场,取得更多的上市公司交易。

    The New York Stock Exchange is lobbying hard, watching as the LSE's Alternative Investment Market makes the rounds in Silicon Valley, trawling for share listings.


  • 宝马奔驰奥迪三家的市场争夺,宝马通过增加各系车型的相同处提高盈利能力

    BMW aims to raise profitability by increasing parts sharing among vehicles as Mercedes-Benz and Audi step up efforts to take market share.


  • 李泊认为,由于北约(NATO)支持反对派,因此利比亚重建业务争夺欧洲公司相对俄罗斯公司而言已经占得先机

    European countries should have the inside track over Chinese and Russian firms on winning business since NATO supported the rebels, adds Lipow.


  • 法布雷加斯已经要求队友力排众议、强势起来,试图冠军争夺挽回主动

    Cesc Fabregas has urged his team-mates to shut out the critics and be strong as they try to wrestle back the initiative in the title race.


  • 德国勒沃库森的一场比赛澳大利亚主力萨曼塔·克尔挪威后卫Guro Knutsen奋力争夺一个足球

    Austalia's striker Samantha Kerr (center) and Norway's defender Guro Knutsen Mienna vie for the ball during their match in Leverkusen, Germany. (Patrik Stollarz/AFP/Getty Images)


  • 克里提出城市之间商业争夺纽约真正竞争优势于它是时尚艺术

    Currid suggests that, in the fight among cities for business, being the center of fashion and art constitutes New York's true "competitive advantage."


  • 然而一周,可口可乐在争夺乌克兰果汁公司Sandora的收购战败给了对手百事可乐。

    Last week, however, Coca-Cola lost to its rival, PepsiCo, in a battle to acquire Sandora, a Ukrainian juice company.


  • 然而一周,可口可乐在争夺乌克兰果汁公司Sandora的收购战败给了对手百事可乐。

    Last week, however, Coca-Cola lost to its rival, PepsiCo, in a battle to acquire Sandora, a Ukrainian juice company.


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