• 这个产品界各地隆重推出

    The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.


  • 卡罗尔感到自己无依无靠。

    Carol felt all alone in the world.


  • 这种森林任何其他地方都没有。

    This kind of forest exists nowhere else in the world.


  • 专栏文章界各地的报刊发表。

    His column is syndicated throughout the world.


  • 英语许多地方成了用语

    English has become a lingua franca in many parts of the world.


  • 家人散居界各地

    Her family are scattered around the world.


  • 界各地漫游

    He bummed around the world for a year.


  • 次日照片出现各地报纸头版

    The following day the picture appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the world.


  • 我会顶尖网球选手之列。

    I would place her among the top five tennis players in the world.


  • 那个地方洁净宝贵的东西。

    Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world.


  • 界上最荒凉原始地区工作过。

    I have worked in the wildest and most uncivilized parts of the world.


  • 在世界范围内赢得超过25次的胜利

    He had notched up more than 25 victories worldwide.


  • 船事件发生繁忙船运航道上。

    The collision took place in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.


  • 阿加西比赛表现大大超出界上第12位排名

    Agassi was playing well above his world ranking of 12.


  • 随着投产,智利产量中所份额大幅度增长。

    As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.


  • 假如有什么事情使关系恶化的话,可能就是他们界观方面所存在的实质性差异

    If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views.


  • 界各地类似的努力正在继续

    Around the world, similar efforts are going on.


  • 德国这个国家界上有名

    Germany is a famous country in the world.


  • 滑板运动界各地受欢迎。

    Skateboarding is a popular sport around the world.


  • 这样各地走动危险吗?

    Is it dangerous to move around the world in this way?


  • 各地都在使用纸币

    Now paper notes are used throughout the world.


  • 这种技艺失传。

    The art was lost to the world.


  • 各地追寻飓风

    I have been all over the world hunting hurricanes.


  • 界杯期间捣乱球迷逮捕。

    Fans who make trouble during the World Cup will be arrested.


  • 在世时候就是一个传奇人物

    She was a legend in her own lifetime.


  • 的祖先纪之交时来到了洛杉矶。

    Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.


  • 他们在世纪之交逃往南美

    They fled to South America around the turn of the century.


  • 各地钻营谋取。

    He still wheels and deals around the globe.


  • 人生在世总是有甜。

    You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world.


  • 纪之交修建

    It was built at the turn of the century.


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