• 智慧人生命上升使远离在下阴间

    The path of life leads upward for the wise to keep him from going down to the grave.


  • 我们希望在下周初某个时候

    We'll hope to see you some time early next week.


  • 这些问题在下节中充分讨论

    These issues will be discussed more fully in the next section.


  • 不得不在下星期婚礼条裙子加宽一点

    I'll have to let this dress out a bit before the wedding next week.


  • 他们在下星期决赛中正面交锋

    They are set to meet head-to-head in next week's final.


  • 离婚案审理。

    Her divorce case comes up next month.


  • 3个党派会晤解决剩下分歧

    The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.


  • 绿党希望大选中推出更多候选人

    The Green Party hopes to put up more candidates in the next election.


  • 大胆猜测他们选举中将不俗的表现。

    I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election.


  • 他们竞选过半胜机。

    They have a more than even chance of winning the next election.


  • 在下星期偿还他们

    I'll repay the money I owe them next week.


  • 锦标赛上争取蝉联冠军

    She will be defending her title at next month's championships.


  • 他们已经提出一项动议党的会议上进行辩论。

    They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference.


  • 法国艺术家让·科克托的8画作拍卖

    Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week.


  • 书架发现了相册

    On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.


  • 公众普遍认为,学校水平在下

    There is a general public perception that standards in schools are falling.


  • 而且过去一周几乎每天

    And it has snowed almost every day for the past week.


  • 回家路上顺便看望一下父母

    I think I'll look in on my parents on the way home from work.


  • 有关经济演说

    She is due to make a speech on the economy next week.


  • 西边太阳一个发光火球沉。

    The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west.


  • 即使到现在我们不能确定这些激进分子不会找到某个新的借口在下一年冬天号召罢工

    Even now we could not be sure that the militants would not find some new excuse to call a strike the following winter.


  • 活动中的出席多余的。

    My presence at the afternoon's proceedings was superfluous.


  • 这部电影描绘在下曼哈顿地区生活青年人文化

    The film portrays a culture of young people who live in lower Manhattan.


  • 尽管能源绝对售价,但仍然昂贵

    Although prices are falling in absolute terms , energy is still expensive.


  • 视力不能看书了。

    My sight is failing, and I can't see to read any more.


  • 由于特曼半场的英勇表现,球队以2:0获胜

    Thanks to Bateman's heroics in the second half, the team won 2–0.


  • 塑料在下午5:02从银行打卡下班。

    She had clocked out of her bank at 5:02pm using her plastic card.


  • 粒进球正是他们决定半场连续进攻回报

    The goal was just reward for their decision to attack constantly in the second half.


  • 宝宝每天都病得很并且体重时候陷入绝望深处

    I was in the depths of despair when the baby was terribly sick every day, and was losing weight.


  • 我方在下半场大部分时间里经受很大压力。

    Our side was under the cosh for most of the second half.


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