• 最近调查中,调查问卷发给了全国五个中等城市一个大城市记者

    In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.


  • 最近调查中,调查问卷发给了全国五个中等城市一个大城市记者

    In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.


  • 支持率最近民意调查显示只有15 %。

    Her approval rating in one recent opinion poll was only 15%.


  • 最近一次美国999个寻求基因顾问进行的调查中,大部分都他们支持产前基因测试已消除特定的严重疾病

    In a recent U.S. survey of 999 people who sought genetic counseling, a majority said they supported prenatal genetic tests for the elimination of certain serious diseases.


  • 最近TDWI调查数据管理专业人员询问,“认为,以后三您的数据仓库哪种数据系统大量增加?”

    In a recent TDWI survey, data management professionals were asked "Which types of data and source systems will feed your data warehouse three years from now?"


  • 最近一次电话调查结果显示,有91%的美国人称他们使用公共卫生间后会洗手

    In a recent telephone survey, 91 percent of the subjects claimed they always washed their hands after using public restrooms.


  • 国会支持率最近民意调查至9%。

    The approval rating for Congress dropped to 9% in one recent poll.


  • 最近闹市区商户调查中,大多数人都支持禁止广场玩滑板

    In a recent survey of downtown merchants, the majority supported a prohibition on skateboarding in the plaza.


  • 2008年最近民意调查中,美国佩尤研究中心发现91%的调查自己中产阶级中低产阶级的行列。

    The last time the Pew Research Centre asked, in a poll in 2008, 91% of respondents put themselves in the upper-middle, middle or lower-middle class.


  • 最近调查中,30患有慢性失眠志愿者之内每晚都一个受监视的控制室内带薰衣草花香的枕头上。

    In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored.


  • 最近一次民意调查巴马认为并不前任乔治·布什做得多少

    In one recent poll Mr Obama was perceived as doing little better than his predecessor, George Bush.


  • 为了更好地了解实际上到底多少具有潜危险小行星,迈因同事们最近使用2009年升空WISE望远镜,进行了一次最新调查

    To get a better sense of how many potentially dangerous asteroids might actually be out there, Mainzer and her colleagues did a new survey with the WISE telescope, launched in 2009.


  • 最近关于操作系统可靠性调查27个国家用户发出问卷,调查表明IBMAIX停机时间方面领先所有服务器操作系统——每年只有大约30分钟停机时间。

    In a recent study on OS reliability, polling users from 27 countries, IBM's AIX led all server operating systems for downtime - approximately 30 minutes per server of downtime, per year.


  • 调查美联储最近一次降息之前10月23日完成的。

    The survey was completed on Oct. 23, before the Fed's last rate cut.


  • 最近进行的调查2001年5月,这次调查确定最新磁极位置并且确定磁极大致每年40公里的速度向西北方向移动。

    The most recent survey, completed in May, 2001, determined an updated position for the Pole and established that it is moving approximately northwest at 40 km per year.


  • 特恩斯名市场调查对5200户家庭进行调查最近一次调查中,梅尔·卡多纳的产品根据经济价值位列第一。

    Mercadona products were ranked number one, in terms of value for money, in a recent survey of 5,200 households by TNS, a market researcher.


  • 最近一次调查日本员工给予他们老板分数较低中国印度管理者获得赞誉

    Workers in Japan gave their bosses low marks while managers in China and India won kudos in a recent survey.


  • 202最近一次调查中,那些每周至少大豆调查对象胆固醇值比不吃大豆制品低很多

    In a recent study, subjects who ate soybeans at least five times per week had significantly lower cholesterol levels than subjects who ate no soy products.


  • 最近一次调查中。

    In one recent study.


  • 南苏丹卫生部最近一次调查2009年。

    The last survey was done in 2009 by the Ministry of Health.


  • 最近一次民意调查格拉斯哥赢得了英国进步城市美誉

    In a recent poll, Glasgow won acclaim as Britain's most progressive city.


  • 最近OECD东欧国家进行了一次PISA调查,考察各国学生的科学知识、数学能力阅读水平,结果只有爱沙尼亚斯洛文尼亚两个国家的学生三科成绩OECD平均线以上

    In the OECD's latest PISA survey of educational standards in science, reading and mathematics, only young Estonians and Slovenians performed above the OECD average in all three.


  • 不仅仅为了礼貌罗伯特·哈夫公司最近调查中,超过四分之三人力资源经理违反技术礼仪可以影响一个职业前景

    It 's not just for the sake of politeness -more than three-quarters of hr managers recently polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.


  • 最近会议愈合,德塞的调查不能一点点非局域性

    At a recent conference on healing, Dossey stated that you can't have a little bit of nonlocality.


  • 最近调查中,30患有慢性失眠志愿者之内每晚都一个受监视的控制室内带薰衣草花香的枕头上。

    In a recent study, 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored electronically.


  • 英国最近调查中,30%的受访者曾经经历过至少睡眠瘫痪症

    In a recent UK study, nearly 30 per cent of respondents said that they had experienced at least one episode of sleep paralysis in their lifetime.


  • 最近一次Gallop调查消费者瓶装的首要原因是因为他们认为瓶装水自来水安全纯净

    In a recent Gallop survey, most consumers indicated they drink bottled water based on their perception it is safer and purer than tap water.


  • 不仅仅为了礼貌罗伯特·哈夫公司最近调查中,超过四分之三人力资源经理违反技术礼仪可以影响一个职业前景

    It's not just for the sake of politeness - more than three-quarters of hr managers recently polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.


  • 不仅仅为了礼貌罗伯特·哈夫公司最近调查中,超过四分之三人力资源经理违反技术礼仪可以影响一个职业前景

    It's not just for the sake of politeness - more than three-quarters of hr managers recently polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person's career prospects.


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