• 5也可能是最后一天参议院司法委员会面前作证。

    This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


  • 一天100次向他重复“不”之后,他我自己的游戏中打败了我。

    One day after I repeated "No" to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game.


  • 大多时候一天一首歌听到900遍产生伟大的想法决定一张关于首歌的海报并用电子邮件发给那个音乐人。

    Most of the time I have a great idea while listening to a song for the 900th time in a day, decide to make a poster about it and then email it to the musician.


  • 我们打算日内瓦湖吉利海峡骑行,路线本身就很有吸引力:汝拉山,我们翻越最低山口穿过勃艮到达卢瓦尔河时,我们沿河岸轻松骑行一天

    Our route from Lake Geneva to the Channel more or less drew itself: over the Jura by the lowest pass we could find, through Burgundy and across to the Loire for an easy day on the riverbank.


  • 兹利坦已经进行激烈巷战米苏拉塔前来的反对派武装攻击卡扎菲儿子米斯指挥装备了坦克32

    It was a day of heavy street fighting in Zlitan, where rebels from Misrata came up against tanks and troops from the 32nd brigade commanded by Gaddafi's son Khamis.


  • 一天2002赛季决赛中取得职业生涯1000次击打所以,我那个象征着生命里程碑小球,放身边

    He passed away the day I got my 1, 000th career hit, in the final game of the 2002 season, so at his side I left the ball from my milestone.


  • 法国沃尔内:勃垦一位日本外交官小孩摘葡萄是RegisRossignoland Changarnier葡萄园采摘

    Volnay, France: a Japanese diplomat's child picks grapes in Burgundy on the first day of picking at the Regis Rossignol and Changarnier vineyard.


  • 工作时间112小时不等,而11个小时才雇佣的薪水那些烈日下辛苦劳作了一天一样的,后者对此表示反对

    The workday is the 12 hour variety and so the guys who have been toiling away in the sun all day object to the fact that the people who were hired at the eleventh hour are getting the same pay.


  • 是的灰狗汽车10号公路,大约小时。一天班车两点离开

    Yup. Greyhound bus stops in Indio. Right down Route 10, about a half-hour from here. One bus a day, it leaves at two.


  • 4能量装置上连接小型LED台灯一天24小时持续运作,持续四(4天-7天)。

    On day 4, connect a small LED desk lamp to the MagravsPower Unit and allow this to run continuously, 24 hours a day, for another 4days (day 4 - day 7.)


  • 受试者1妊娠检测阳性接种疫苗,那些接种疫苗怀孕,则停止进一步的疫苗接种,直到怀孕终止。

    Subjects testing positive for pregnancy at day 1 were not vaccinated; those who became pregnant after day 1 were discontinued from further vaccination until resolution of the pregnancy.


  • 西伯利亚俄罗斯2部分-我们何处一天什么?

    Siberia, Russia Part 2 - Where Are We and What Day Is It?


  • 服用了康宝3个月,有一天忽然一直流鼻涕而且还带有血丝

    After I consume Cellular Nutrition for 3 months, I found that nasal mucus came out from my nose non-stop.


  • 甚至是没有信寄哈利时候也会其它早上送信猫头鹰一起出来。她降落哈利旁边轻轻地耳朵开始一天的休息以前吃上一点土司(魔法石8章)。

    Even when she doesn't have a message for Harry, she drops by with the rest of the morning post owls to nibble his ear and have a bit of toast before going off to sleep for the day (SS8).


  • 期末报告14最后一天进行

    Final project presentations will be held on the last day of Week 14.


  • 1集你余生3赛季首演安迪返回确定是否停牌3个月工作恢复现役

    1: First Day of the Rest of Your Life: in the Season 3 premiere, Andy returns to work following her three-month suspension unsure if she will be reinstated to active duty.


  • 2集教育莉莉幼儿园男孩扭打起来了,结果一个紧张对峙米切尔卡梅伦小伙子们女同性恋父母

    2: Schooled: Lilys first day at kindergarten is marred by a scuffle with a little boy, which results in a tense confrontation for Mitchell and Cameron with the lads lesbian parents.


  • 2集教育莉莉幼儿园男孩扭打起来了,结果一个紧张对峙米切尔卡梅伦小伙子们女同性恋父母

    2: Schooled: Lilys first day at kindergarten is marred by a scuffle with a little boy, which results in a tense confrontation for Mitchell and Cameron with the lads lesbian parents.


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