• 这天一个晴朗夏天午后我站一旁他们庆祝圣地亚哥节(名圣詹姆士节)。

    Today, on a fine summer afternoon, I watch from the sidelines as they celebrate the fiesta of Santiago, or St. James.


  • 这本书发行之际,一个年轻格拉斯哥作为当时苏格兰甲级联赛冠军米伦教练也在享受同样的初次成功

    Around the time of the book's release a young Glaswegian was enjoying similar early success, as manager of the then Scottish First Division champions, st Mirren.


  • 我们呈现加西亚放逐之旅,沿着通往圣地亚哥大教堂的圣途,滂沱大雨中的乡村嘉年华地处偏远的嬉皮公社,真是让人心驰神往!

    He gives us a fascinating journal of his Galician wanderings, from village carnivals in the pouring rain to a hippy commune in the back of beyond via the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.


  • 上面这个雕塑处于格拉斯哥教堂,圣曼戈是为作为这个城市守护神命名

    This sculpture is in Glasgow's Church of saint Mungo, named for the city's patron saint.


  • 特立尼达和多巴哥首都西班牙港郊区詹姆斯街头生活喜欢自称永不休眠城市”,通常都要喧闹凌晨

    STREET life in St James, a suburb of Port of Spain, Trinidad’s capital, that likes to call itself thecity that never sleeps”, normally blasts on until the early hours.


  • 一天圣巴巴拉搜索银幕影院,搜索结果告诉最好选择圣地亚哥的一家影院。

    The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego.


  • 可以66号公路开始,这是一古老公路,从吴哥崩密列到达圣剑庞大寺院区域。

    Get your kicks on Route 66, an ancient Angkorian highway that runs due east from Angkor via Beng Mealea to the vast temple complex of Preah Khan.


  • 智利8.8级大地震发生波及了该国南部包括迭亚哥在内大部分城市

    When a massive 8.8 earthquake struck Chile, it shook much of the southern regions of the country including cities like Santiago.


  • 洛杉矶可以专注工业圣地亚哥可以变成医疗保健中心弗朗西斯科可以成为教育中心。

    Los Angeles could focus on industry, while San Diego became a healthcare center, and San Francisco an education center.


  • 大城市排行榜上,圣地亚哥第14位上升第8位,安东尼奥从第15位升到第10位,而克利夫兰华盛顿特区却被挤出10位

    Among large cities, San Diego moved from 14th to 8th and San Antonio from 15th to 10th - with Cleveland and Washington.DC, dropping out of the top 10.


  • 哈里斯父母英国人圣地亚哥长大。 2008年,两人赫夫纳举办的年度 万圣节派对上结识。

    Raised in San Diego by British parents, Harris met Hefner at his annual party in 2008.


  • 哈里斯父母英国人,圣地亚哥长大。2008年,两人在赫夫纳举办的年度万圣节派对上结识

    Raised in San Diego by British parents, Harris met Hefner at his annual Halloweenparty in 2008.


  • 这座教堂哥特式格拉斯哥大教堂顺路而昵称大教堂,是因为这个地方,6世纪的主教建造了第一座教堂。

    The church is just down the road from the Gothic Glasgow Cathedral, nicknamed Saint Mungo's Cathedral because it's on the spot where the sixth-century bishop built his first church.


  • 蒙哥教堂格拉斯哥

    Church of Saint Mungo, Glasgow.


  • 在美国圣地亚哥的卡尔斯巴德·圣马科斯都会人口300万。

    The San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos metropolitan area has a population of around 3-million.


  • 7:9车与牛没有交给子孙因为他们所的事,肩头上抬圣物。

    But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.


  • 加州迪亚哥的VoluneerMatch.org这样非营利组织开始让志愿者匹配变得更容易

    Nonprofits like VolunteerMatch.org in San Diego, Calif., are making volunteering easier.


  • 位于加利福尼亚南部迭哥提供了全世界最好生活工作学习环境

    The city of San Diego, located in Southern California, provides one of the best living, working and studying environments in the world.


  • 圣迭哥人口数量高于一百万。既是个生机勃勃的城市,又是您放松身心场所。

    With a population of a little over one million people, it is both dynamic and relaxed.


  • 向东门廊敞开尺寸的透视画,西景色延伸圣拉斐尔山谷哥尼亚山脉远处

    To the east the Zaguan opens up like a full scale diorama and to the west the story book view stretches to the distant landscape across San Rafael Valley and the Patagonia Mountains.


  • 渔夫圣荣亚哥人物塑造,反映作者本人所崇拜品德尊奉的价值勇气尊严忍耐力

    The portrayal of the old fisherman Santiago reflected the qualities and values that the author admired most: courage, dignity and the power to endure.


  • !只是祢的便生物以福祉,因此,祢千万奎师那哥文达那样名字

    O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krsna and Govinda.


  • 来自洛杉矶电波、来自圣迭哥的颠簸、甚至有不知哪里来的短波到处都是。

    There are radio waves from Los Angeles, radio waves from San Diego, even short wave radio waves from who-knows-where, all over the place.


  • 来自建筑师描述:埃斯特万位于智利瓦尔帕莱索大区的安第斯山脉一个乡村小镇距离圣地亚哥一个半小时的路程。

    From the architect. San Esteban is a little rural town located in the Andes pre-mountains of the V region of Chile, just one and a half hours north from Santiago.


  • 我们格拉斯哥踢了一场不错比赛,因此我们必须在圣西罗也如此出色,并且进球

    We played a good game in Glasgow and we must give the same performance at the San Siro and add some goals.


  • 我们格拉斯哥踢了一场不错比赛,因此我们必须在圣西罗也如此出色,并且进球

    We played a good game in Glasgow and we must give the same performance at the San Siro and add some goals.


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