• 看起来很矛盾意味着对于森林来说,湿过干的极端土壤条件适合热带草原。

    This may seem contradictory, but it only means that extreme soil conditions, either too wet or too dry for forests, are satisfactory for savannas.


  • 雨水浸泡土壤,低氧条件植物根部效率很低。

    The roots of melon plants perform less efficiently under the low-oxygen conditions present in rainsoaked soil.


  • 想想看:叶子在腐烂时会产生热量,使土壤升温;反之,温暖土壤影响微生物生存条件

    Think about this, decomposing leaves create heat that warms the soil; the warm soil in turn affects the growth, the conditions of organisms there.


  • 重要的是,种植者可以自由选择水培生产场所不需要考虑室外环境条件诸如土壤降水温度等。

    Most important, hydroponics allows the grower to select where to locate the business, without concern for outdoor environmental conditions such as soil, precipitation or temperature profiles.


  • 一品东方杂交品种所以生长条件要求有点排水良好、肥沃的土壤里才得好

    This is an Oriental hybrid and so is slightly more demanding to grow, needing well-drained, but rich, soil to grow well.


  • 常规耕作条件下,春季作物土壤水份含量响应耕地得多。

    Under conventional till, crop response to spring soil water content was considerably greater than under zero till.


  • 开始挖掘达科他火坑之前,你应该考察下的营地,看土壤条件是否有利于你的挖掘。

    Before you start to dig your Dakota fire hole you should scout out an area where soil conditions are conducive to its proper construction. You will want to avoid areas.


  • 当地条件茁壮生长的土生植物气候带土壤兼容合适;明智的做法是咨询当地的植物学家

    Native plants known to thrive under local conditions (climate zones, pest resistance, and soil compatibility, for instance) are preferable; consulting with local botanists is advisable.


  • 畜牧业已经符合金融条件了,但是我们还没有可开垦农业土壤方面做出这样努力

    The livestock sector is already eligible for carbon finance, but we have made no such progress for arable agriculture and soils.


  • 它们目的寻找分析火星石头土壤,以寻找这个星球过去是否含水的线索当然产生生命基本条件最少我们理解的。

    The goal of the rovers was to search for and analyze rocks and soils that yield clues to the planet's watery past. Water, of course, is essential for life -at least as we understand it.


  • 洛克抓住了“风土核心概念,它综合土壤底土、透水性以及生产优质葡萄酒提供条件的微气候

    Locke had seized on the essential concept of terroir, the combination of soil, subsoil, drainage and microclimate which provide the conditions for the production of fine wine.


  • 这两大团体以咄咄逼人态势进行扩张他们耕种模式完全不符合查科脆弱土壤条件,最终导致荒漠化水土流失

    Both groups are expanding aggressively. Their style of farming is totally unsuited to the fragile soils of the Chaco and will lead only to desertification and erosion.


  • 印度竭力成为成为巴西那样的农业(尽管)水资源土壤条件方面并不占据什么优势

    India will struggle to become an agricultural powerhouse like brazil-its landholdings are too fragmented and its water sources too stressed for that.


  • 流苏皮恩一种真正森林栖息地专家,要有非常高的土壤化学光照条件才能茁壮成长,只有佛罗里达和佐治亚州的37个地区符合它的要求

    A true habitat specialist of the forest understory, the fringed campion requires very specific soil, chemical, and light conditions to thrive, and occurs in only 37 locations in Florida and Georgia.


  • 当然夏威夷群岛自然环境—适宜气候充沛降雨肥沃土壤都为迁移的动植物的生长繁衍创造了良好条件,从而引发了上面的问题

    Much of the problem has to do with the nature of the islands themselves. Their moderate climate, plentiful rainfall, and fertile soil cause most immigrants to live long and prosper.


  • 一个国家主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物天气土壤条件下生长得最好

    The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely onwhat grows best in its climate and soil.


  • 合资的酒庄坐落山东东部海滨蓬莱半岛,占地25公顷,因得天独厚的气候土壤条件而得到了拉菲酿酒师青睐。

    The Shandong-province vineyard, 25 hectares in the Penglai peninsula on the east coast, was chosen by Rothschild winemakers for its optimum climate and soil.


  • 由于不同海拔高度聚居区土家族生存模式气候土壤等生境条件差异不尽相同。

    Because of difference in climate and soil conditions, the living models of the Tujia people in different elevations slightly vary.


  • 土壤条件不好应该加以改良

    The condition of your soil is not good, you should improve it.


  • 总之耕地条件春季作物土壤含氮量的反应大约常规耕作的2

    In summary, under zero till crop response to nitrogen levels in the spring was approximately twice as large compared to conventional till.


  • 日本也报导类似土壤条件类似的果酱般的振动

    Similar soil conditions and similar jelly like oscillations have been reported in Japan.


  • 法国人称为terroir”——特定地区土壤一种说法,其中包括种植加工葡萄者文化知识——的风土条件关键

    What the French call terroir -- a term that refers to the soil of a given region but also includes the cultural knowledge of the people who grow and process grapes -- is crucial.


  • 一个国家的是什么大体取决于什么作物天气土壤条件生长最好

    The eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.


  • 设计建设过程中的景物建筑承建商一起工作有关斜坡问题渠务地盘土壤条件进行沟通

    Have your building contractor and landscaper work together during the design and building process, communicating about slope issues, drainage, site and soil conditions.


  • 演替驱动力主要有:郁闭度、胶林抚育管理措施气候土壤条件以及胶林植被本身生物学特性

    The main drives of succession include canopy density of rubber forest, management, climate, soil condition and the biological properties of vegetation.


  • 了解这些特性土壤剖面土壤类型、土壤生产力土壤管理进行研究一个必要的先决条件

    An understanding of the nature of these characteristics is an essential prerequisite to the study of soil profiles, soil types, soil productivity, and soil management.


  • 地形规划气候土壤条件以及预算也都是需要考虑内容。

    Other considerations are the layout of the terrain, climate and soil conditions, and costs.


  • 也许需要太多物质的条件也许需要条件多么优秀只要你可以他们梦想提供一个温暖土壤

    Maybe you don't need too muchmaterial, it may not be your condition is how excellent, as long as you can provide a warm soil for their dreams.


  • 专家白天温暖夜间凉爽的天气环境加上适中土壤温度种植口感良好的胡萝卜最佳条件

    Experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.


  • 专家白天温暖夜间凉爽的天气环境加上适中土壤温度种植口感良好的胡萝卜最佳条件

    Experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.


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