• 剩余体现农民土地发展权益

    Residual Method can show farmers' rights and interests most.


  • 第三提出土地发展配置具体方案

    Chapter three put forward concrete project of configuring land development right.


  • 研究目的:综述近年来国内土地发展研究

    The purpose of the paper is to review recent research of land development rights in China.


  • 土地发展变更土地用途,乃事关土地资源优化合理配置一种新的权利形态。

    The land development right (abbreviated to "LDR"), i. e. the right of land usage alteration, exists as a newly created right as to highly optimized and reasonable attribution of land resources.


  • 研究结果:从土地发展概念归属流转可行性必要性等方面进行归纳分析

    The concept, attribution, transfer, feasibility and necessity of land development rights were summarized and analyzed.


  • 研究结论现行区片价基本体现农用地的经济价值社会保障价值,但是没有体现土地发展价值。

    It is concluded that actual requisition standard can basically reflect the value of economy and social security, but it does not include the value of land development rights.


  • 修建这些水坝可提供廉价电力工人创造就业机会刺激了地区经济发展允许否则过于干燥土地进行耕种

    Building these dams provided cheap electricity, created jobs for workers, stimulated regional economic development, and allowed farming on lands that would otherwise be too dry.


  • 随着冰河期发展农民可能田地到了海拔较低地方,侵占其他农民土地,把人们在一起从而形成集群式的社会。

    As the Little Ice Age progressed, farmers probably moved their fields to lower elevations, infringing on the lands of other farmers and pushing people together, thus contributing to the aggregations.


  • 的确随着发展国家人们农村城市这种转移可能减少土地压力反过来可能有利于环境

    It's true that as people in developing nations move from the countryside to the city, the shift may reduce the pressure on land, which could, in turn, be good for the environment.


  • 研究表明发展国家拥有一定教育水平财富土地所有权保障农民有可能采用这类技术

    Studies have shown that farmers in developing countries who have achieved certain levels of education, wealth, and security of land tenure are more likely to adopt such technologies.


  • 丰厚补贴鼓励风力发电发展,但乡村社区不利,致使土地所有者其他居民发生冲突。

    The generous subsidies, which encourage the expansion of wind power, are not favourable to the village communities and set landowners in conflict with other residents.


  • 可能人口流动性方面具说服力的标志公元前3000年,在片广袤土地大部分牧民相关语言现代欧语系就从中发展而来。

    Perhaps the most striking sign of mobility is the fact that by the third millennium B.C., most pastoralists in this huge region spoke related languages ancestral to the modern Indo-European languages.


  • 中国家的贫困社区可能会发现很难引进外国水果或饲养肉牛,但几乎可以肯定的是,它可以利用其拥有的土地来种植大量的水稻。

    A poor community in the developing world may find it difficult to bring in foreign fruits or raise cattle for meat, but it can almost certainly use the land it has in order to grow plenty of rice.


  • 我国土地储备制度发展处于初期阶段

    Our country's land banking system is still in its fledgeless stage.


  • 导致公园土地被分割成许多复杂斑块就导致了不同种族的产生,这形形色色的人影响公园本身管理发展趋势

    The result is an intricate Mosaic of lands and an equally intricate Mosaic of humans, all of whom influence the governance and direction of the park itself.


  • 联邦国土管理局(BLM)突然宣布一个禁令,禁止提交在联邦土地布置太阳集热器申请进一步打压了对太阳能行业的蓬勃发展的信心。

    Further dampening hopes for a big solar-energy boom, the federal Bureau of land Management (BLM) has abruptly slapped a moratorium on new applications to put solar collectors on federal land.


  • 看到去年韩国经济增长了6.2%时,发展缓慢美国相比他们这片土地看作是一个机会

    And they see South Korea, where the economy grew by 6.2% last year, as a land of opportunity compared with sluggish America.


  • 尽管如此部分积极发展趋势表现为林地灌木丛对牧场和农田的侵占通常被认为土地改善

    However, some of the positive trends represent woodland and bush encroachment into rangeland and farmland - which is not generally regarded as land improvement.


  • 19世纪很长段时间内,除了大量空白肥沃土地即将欧洲移民霸占,还有着相同的发展潜力

    For much of the 19th century the two countries had similar potential, not least in an abundance of empty, fertile land to be taken over by European immigrants.


  • 工业飞速发展城市里土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通

    In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic.


  • 接着:“澳大利亚发展前景非常因为有着广阔土地中国澳大利亚农产品的巨大需求。”

    He went on to say, "the prospects are very good because Australia has such vast land and China has huge demand for Australian produce".


  • 研究目的确定农村土地使用权流转制度土地利用历史演进中的地位其产生的必然依据发展趋势进行研究

    Research goal: to definite the status of the land usage right circulation in rural area in the land utilization history evolution, and to study the development tendency.


  • 随着人口快速增长经济的迅猛发展温州土地资源已显匮乏

    As increasing population and rapid economic development, the land resource in Wenzhou is extremely deficient.


  • 介绍国内外土地复垦的基本情况新进展,提出国内外重点研究领域我国土地复垦研究的薄弱环节,展望土地复垦发展趋势。

    Some recent developments on land reclamation science in foreign countries and China are introduced. The research focuses in this field are presented and future developments are forecasted.


  • 因此修改现行土地管理法》,确立农地发展权已迫在眉睫

    Therefore, we must modify current Land Administrative Law and confirm right of agricultural development imminently.


  • 通过发展转让接受土地所有者获得额外开发权利发送土地所有者则获得了补偿

    Through the transfer of development rights, developers of the receiving area get additional development while land-owners of the sending area get compensation.


  • 出售包裹发展允许土地地主可以继续他们财产地役权契约限制定义用途

    After selling their parcel's development rights, landowners may continue permitted land USES on their property, as defined in the easement or deed restrictions.


  • 土地整理土地利用一种发展趋势目前成为社会关注焦点

    Land arrangement is a development tendency of land utilization. At present it has been a focus of social attention.


  • 土地整理土地利用一种发展趋势目前成为社会关注焦点

    Land arrangement is a development tendency of land utilization. At present it has been a focus of social attention.


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