• 结论正常梗死心肌超声图像纹理特征不同

    Conclusion Ultrasonic image texture features were different between normal and infarct myocardium.


  • SAR图像纹理特征描述提取纹理分割关键

    The description and extraction of SAR image texture feature is important to texture segmentation.


  • 分值评定讨论目前提取图像纹理特征理论方法研究

    Predicting tenderness score. We discussed the theory and the study of method of obtaining the texture feature.


  • 能量调制过程中,系数修改幅度图像纹理特征能量调制模型控制

    During the modulation, a theorem deduced from the texture features and energy modulation model is employed to restrict the modified magnitude of coefficients.


  • 该文提出基于最小二乘区域分割多光谱图像纹理特征提取比较方法。

    A new method based on least squares and region segmentation is proposed to retrieve and compare the texture features of multi-spectral images in this paper.


  • 主要包括印鉴图像预处理,印鉴图像纹理特征提取选择特征参数的分析比较

    The major works includes the seal imprint preprocessing, computing, the texture features selection, and the features analysis and comparison.


  • 针对纹理图像分类问题,本文提出了应用ica滤波器技术提取图像纹理特征方法

    A group of filters (ICA filters) is extracted from the sample texture images using ICA method.


  • 提出使用多尺度复杂性方法多尺度方法提取医学图像纹理特征并将之用于图像检索。

    To extract texture features from medical images, the approaches for multi-scale complexity and multi-scale fractal dimension were proposed in this paper.


  • 图像纹理特征有效提取下面用到支持向量分类器来进行学习训练非常重要作用

    Efficient extraction of image texture features are used on the following support vector machine classifier learning and training have a very important role.


  • 图像纹理特征进行统计分析基础上,本文提出一种基于纹理分析图像变换清晰度评价方法。

    An image definition criterion using wavelet transform based on the texture analysis was proposed in this paper through the statistical analysis to the image texture characteristic.


  • 总结分析共生矩阵算法基础上,提出了快速获取目标图像纹理特征进而实现图像检索的方法

    Base on generalization and analysis of co-occurrence matrix algorithms, a method is proposed that could make fast acquisition of target image texture features and thus implement image retrieval.


  • 该系统先粮虫图像进行边缘提取,根据灰度共生矩阵局部统计方法提取小波分割后图像纹理特征

    Edge detction based on wavelet multi-scale identity is made. The statistics features based on regional gray and the co-occurrence matrix of gray level are taken as performing image segmentation.


  • 文中算法根据函数这种性质将单步长变差函数作为图像纹理特征进行分割实验结果表明纹理图像分割识别十分有效的。

    The variogram value and the variable distance calculated by the variogram function are used for the segmentation of texture image. This method is proved to be feasible and effective by experiments.


  • 介绍一种利用局部沃尔什变换(LWT)提取图像纹理特征方法给出lwt的定义,并分析了LWT系数统计特性及其各阶矩的纹理鉴别性能。

    A new texture feature extraction method using Local Walsh Transform (LWT) is presented. The definition of LWT is given. The statistical properties of LWT coefficients are analyzed.


  • 针对医学内窥镜图像,提出两种基于模糊C-均值聚类(FCM)特征融合算法:融合颜色相关图图像纹理特征算法以及融合颜色直方图和颜色相关图算法。

    This paper presents two feature fusion algorithms of medical image retrieval about endoscopic image based on FCM as follow:first, using color correlogram combining with color texture;


  • 分析了有限脊小变换可以实现图像旋转变性和平移不变性,提出结合两种小波变换提取图像纹理特征方法,实现了小波域中进行图像的不变纹理分类

    A method using two wavelet transform to get the texture feature for remote sensing is put forward, in order to turn out the invariant texture classification for remote sensing in the wavelet domain.


  • 针对不完全树形结构分解提取纹理特征清晰度图像效果佳,运算速度问题提出基于形态学预处理的不完全小波树形分解快速提取图像纹理特征算法

    Low operation speed and being only fit for high quality images are the disadvantages of incomplete tree-structured wavelet. To deal with this problem, a new algorithm was proposed.


  • 图像分数特征描述纹理复杂度粗糙度

    The image fractal dimension feature describes the complexity and the roughness of texture.


  • 内容涉及图像预处理纹理形状特征提取以及分类器的设计等。

    The contents in the paper include acoustic image preprocessing, feature extraction of texture and shape, and classifier design.


  • 纹理特征作为基本视觉特征之一基于内容遥感图像检索中得到了广泛的应用

    As one of the fundamental visualized characters, texture feature is used widely in the Content-based Remote Sensing Images Retrieval.


  • 获得这些纹理图像特征旨在度量纹理图像相似性图像中抽取纹理区域

    The aim of acquiring the features of texture images is to measure the comparability of texture images or to extract texture region from images.


  • 本文现有理论文献基础上,研究基于图像纹理统计特征分析面部皮肤状态检测系统

    In this paper, depending on available theory and literature, it studied a kind of measuring system of facial skin condition based on statistical feature analysis of image texture.


  • 提取纹理特征时,为了减少计算首先对原图像进行压缩灰度化。

    In extracting texture characteristic, to cut down the amount of calculation, we compress the image and convert it to gray image.


  • 提出了一种基于纹理特征提取图像处理技术神经网络结合进行钢丝绳检测的方法

    A new method of picking up the texture characteristics and using neural network to inspect the condition of steel wire rope is provided.


  • 结果表明这种特征提取方法有效地提取灰度图像目标纹理特征并且噪音形状变化具有强鲁棒性

    The results indicate this method can effectively extract texture feature of gray image target, and has robust to noise and change of target shape.


  • 方向多尺度变换以更稀疏方式表示图像边缘纹理几何特征有利于图像压缩

    The proposed transform could represent the geometrical features such as edges and texture more sparsely, which is of great benefit to image compression.


  • 详细说明:图像纹理分析好的源代码可以计算纹理特征能量局部稳定性惯性相关性

    Image texture analysis of good source code can calculate the second-order texture characteristics: energy, entropy, local stability, inertial distance, and relevance.


  • 首先利用色度矩提取葡萄病害叶片纹理图像特征向量然后将支持向量机分类方法应用于病害的识别。

    At first, extracting features of chromaticity moments of texture image of grape disease is done, then classification method of SVM for recognition of grape disease is discussed.


  • 纹理图像个性特征所在。

    It is just the individual feature of texture images.


  • 首先利用色度矩提取玉米病害叶片纹理图像特征向量然后将支持向量机分类方法应用于病害的识别

    At first, the extracting features of chromaticity moments of texture image of maize disease is done, then classification method of SVM for recognition of maize disease is discussed.


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