• 由于更快图像处理速度更加鲁棒图像分析客户产量得到极大的提高。

    Customers experience greater throughput and yield as a result of the faster image processing and more robust image analysis.


  • 由于采用FPGA实现底层图像处理算法加速图像处理速度提高了传感器性能

    The velocity of image processing is accelerated due to the introduction of FPGA, which can finish the low level algorithm, and the performance of sensor is improved.


  • 为了提高机器人视觉系统图像处理速度,利用光电混合实现方法,将光学小波变换应用于视觉系统。

    In order to enhance the speed of robotic vision system image processing, the optical wavelet transform is applied to vision system based on the method of photoelectric hybrid implementation.


  • 为了提高系统图像处理速度利用卡尔曼滤波器跟踪特征进行预测,并用窗口处理技术减小图像处理区域。

    In order to improve the speed of image processing, the Kalman filter is used to predict the next place of tracked point.


  • 更多数字摄像机图像数据传输带宽、更高图像处理速度以及先进图像处理算法将会推出将会得到更广泛的应用。

    More digital cameras, broader bandwidth of image and data transmission, higher speed of image processing, and more advanced algorithms of image processing will be introduced and applied more widely.


  • 随着高速图像处理技术应用领域不断扩大,对图像处理速度的要求也越来越高,当前基于软核处理器的图像处理系统成为研究热点

    With the development of high speed image processing, the soft-core processing technology of image processing system has become a hotspot of research.


  • 数码相机拍摄处理传输图像速度惊人

    The speed with which digital cameras can take, process, and transmit an image is phenomenal.


  • 苹果这种新型芯片下载数据速度达原来的倍,处理图像速度可达原来的视频游戏的体验更好

    The new chip can download data twice as fast and can handle graphics seven times faster, making it better for videogames, Apple said.


  • 应用渲染脚本,可以加速图像处理数据处理速度

    Using Renderscript, you can accelerate graphics operations and data processing.


  • SELECT查询查询过滤器指定图像处理函数现在这些查询运行速度得到了提高,因为它们使用索引判断每个(tuple)是否满足查询。

    SELECT queries that specify image processing functions in their query filters now run faster because they use the index to determine whether or not each tuple satisfies the query.


  • 通过将图像处理芯片计算机的主处理紧密结合在同一个硅片上,不仅提高了处理速度而且由于部件之间交换信息所需功耗降低从而延长电池寿命

    The power the parts need to talk to each other is also reduced, leading to longer battery life.


  • 表格单元格列一样明确设置图像小时,浏览器需要执行计算显示图像这会降低处理速度

    As with table cells, rows, and columns, when you don't explicitly set the image size, the browser needs to perform calculations to display the image, which slows down processing.


  • 针对CSS处理速度慢的浏览器框架加入了基于图像主题

    Image based themes are being added to the framework for browsers where CSS is slow.


  • 速度很快,我们每天全球图像处理中心处理上百万图像

    It's fast. We process millions and millions of images a day in our different imaging centers around the world.


  • 虽然Firefox整体性能不错,但认为脚本缓存处理基于图像页面速度无法Opera相比

    And while Firefox performs well overall, I don't think its script, cache handling, or image-based page speed can compare with those of Opera.


  • 实时视觉检测系统一个主要瓶颈图像处理速度

    A bottleneck of the real-time vision inspection system is the lower image processing velocity.


  • 通过实验获得相位声幅度图,通过数字图像处理获得了相应速度图与衰减图。

    After processing the amplitude image and phase image which was come from experiment we obtain the distribution of the velocity and attenuation.


  • 介绍了常用测量破片速度参数方法研究数字图像处理技术终点效应研究中的实现方法

    Two kinds of usual methods to measure the parameter of fragment velocity were introduced, and implementation of terminal effect research with digital image processing technology is studied.


  • 针对智能喷雾技术领域中动态树木图像分割处理速度提高方法进行研究。

    The improving segmentation processing speed of dynamic tree images for the intelligent toward-target spray technology was studied in this paper.


  • 实验结果表明,运用算法进行图像处理运算简洁处理速度边缘检测准确

    The experiment indicates that, by using this method to do image processing, the arithmetic is concise, process velocity is fast and edge checks accurately.


  • 方法图像进行二值化处理速度、精度适用于对速度要求较高图像处理场合

    As the image binarization can be done quickly and with high accuracy, this method is suitable for places where images are processed at a high speed.


  • 缩短图像数据处理时间提高测量速度提出一种标定方法包括离线标定在线标定。

    In order to shorten the time for image data processing, and increase the measuring speed, an original calibration method, including off-line and on-line calibration is proposed.


  • 数码相机拍摄处理传输图像速度相当惊人。

    The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.


  • 分解出的高频图像经过后继处理即可定位车牌,这种算法不仅提高了车牌定位的速度而且大大提高了定位的准确率

    The license plate region is positioned by disposing the high frequency image created by wavelets operationthis arithmetic enhances the position velocity and accuracy.


  • 方法能够基于不同形态特征控制目标图像形态学处理方向速度

    Base on the morphological feature of different patterns, the method can automatically process image morphology disposal with different direction and speed.


  • 方法图像平滑区域分割阈值分割等多种图像处理技术有机结合,对采集的图片成功的实现目标汽车提取,并且具有计算速度准确性的特点。

    It combined the technology of image smooth, region segmentation and threshold segmentation and picked up the object auto. It has high speed and high veracity in program.


  • 实现快速条形指纹图像拼接,在两步相关方法的基础上,改进处理块相关操作,进一步加快条形指纹图像拼接速度

    To implement a fast slice fingerprint image synthesis, an improved method of pre-operation and two-step correlation is adopted to further accelerate the synthesis speed.


  • 实现快速条形指纹图像拼接,在两步相关方法的基础上,改进处理块相关操作,进一步加快条形指纹图像拼接速度

    To implement a fast slice fingerprint image synthesis, an improved method of pre-operation and two-step correlation is adopted to further accelerate the synthesis speed.


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