• 依据功能划分项目分为国际区加工区、荒料集散商贸物流区。

    By functional division, the project contains International Area, Processing Area, Block Distributing Area and Trading and Logistic Area.


  • 英国国际区统计局已经放缓GDP在2009年第三季度由0.4%至00.2%初步概算

    In Britain, the ONS has already moderated its initial estimate of a fall in GDP of 0.4% in the third quarter of 2009, to 0.2%.


  • 地方建造成为个“国际商务区并不意味着真的变成国际商务区。

    Just building a place as an "international business district" doesn't mean it will become one.


  • 政府建造机场直达国际商务区桥梁建造新机场同时完善地面基础设施

    The government built the bridge directly from the airport to the Songdo International Business District, and the surface infrastructure was built at the same time as the new airport.


  • 地方建造成为个“国际商务区并不意味着真的变成这个朴宪洙1986年就构想过这个城市未来

    Just building a place as an "international business district" doesn't mean it will become one. Park Yeon Soo conceived this city of the future back in 1986.


  • 海床下储存一样,埋入潜没这种处理方式也违背国际条约

    The international treaty violation would come into play here, justas in sub-seabed disposal.


  • 如果德国退出欧元区,那么国际流动资金会聚集国家实力更大强的瑞士德国货币会因此增值,随即德国的企业得遭殃

    If Germany were to leave, its Neue Deutschmark would soar as international funk money piled into a bigger, better Switzerland, and German manufacturing firms would suffer.


  • 现在,在国际原子能资助,对区域地下水取样监测工作又重新开始了。

    Now sampling and monitoring have resumed, under the aegis of the International Atomic Energy Agency (which has a sideline in environmental monitoring).


  • 渣打银行中国区研究主管王志浩表示通货互换能够有效促进人民币成为国际贸易货币。

    Stephen Green, head of China Research of Standard Chartered Bank, said the swap deals would help encourage the use of the yuan as the currency of choice for international trade.


  • 我们拥有精英、最国际化最有抱负Linkedin欧洲区主管Kevin Eyres说道

    "We have the most elite, international and aspiring people," says Kevin Eyres, head of LinkedIn in Europe.


  • 因此葡萄牙似乎最终不得不希腊爱尔兰那样欧元区伙伴和国际货币基金组织那里寻求救助

    It therefore seems likely that Portugal will eventually have to seek rescue funds from its euro-zone partners and the IMF, as Greece and Ireland have had to.


  • 德国和国际货币基金组织指示下,作为得到救济代价,欧元区各国要求希腊必须急剧缩减其开支。

    Eurozone states, at the behest of Germany and the IMF, demanded steep spending cuts from Greece as the price of its bailout.


  • 尽管西班牙试图恢复增长并且重新取得竞争优势,但是国际货币基金组织大量的推荐措施表明了欧元区国家要取得增长多么困难

    But the long list of IMF recommendations for Spain shows just how tough a climb it might be for the euro area, as it tries to renew growth and regain its competitive footing.


  • 著休息始终保持警惕,“国际中心生态区大灰狼下过雪的地上。

    Reclining but alert, a gray Wolf lies in new-fallen snow in the International Wolf Center's live enclosure.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示,欧元区需要采取行动稳定他们金融体系并且减少主权债务

    The IMF says eurozone countries need to take action to stabilize their financial systems and reduce their sovereign debt.


  • 葡萄牙继希腊爱尔兰之后第三欧盟和国际货币基金组织寻求联合救助欧元区国家

    Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.


  • 比如中国区经理改变某种肠胃类畅销药品国际营销计划适应当地情况那么布莱南先生会立马同意

    When his country manager in China wanted to alter the global marketing plan for a blockbuster gastro-intestinal drug to suit local conditions, for example, Mr Brennan agreed immediately.


  • 目前来看,希腊欧元区伙伴要求紧急援助,IMF(国际货币基金组织)寻求帮助的说法只是谣传。

    For now, the idea of Greece having to seek a bail-out from its euro-area partners or appealing to the IMF for help is just talk.


  • 一种想法仿效国际货币基金组织,欧元区成员国建立专门救助基金

    One idea is a dedicated bail-out fund for euro-zone members, along the lines of the IMF.


  • 希腊不得不欧元区其他国家以及国际货币基金组织寻求援救时,世人震惊

    WHEN Greece had to seek a rescue from the rest of the euro area and the IMF it was a shock.


  • 这便可以解释为何欧元区要求国际货币基金专家提供帮助,以确保希腊计行事

    That is why the euro zone has said it will call on the experts at the IMF to help ensure that Greece stays on course.


  • 国际货币基金组织估计美国英国的潜在增长率日本和欧元区。

    The IMF estimates that Americaand Britain have fastertrend growth rates than Japanor the euro area.


  • 不过很快就会变成个“国际港口”,一个报关通过相连铁路高速公路,加快货物运往美国的速度。

    Soon it should be the "Interpuerto", a customs-clearing zone to speed goods on their way to the United States via two rail lines and the motorways to which it will be connected.


  • 不过很快就会变成个“国际港口”,一个报关通过相连铁路高速公路,加快货物运往美国的速度。

    Soon it should be the "Interpuerto", a customs-clearing zone to speed goods on their way to the United States via two rail lines and the motorways to which it will be connected.


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