• 十个地区至少指派一位国家顾问

    There shall be at least one National Advisor appointed for every eight to ten districts.


  • 6月1日来自德克萨斯牧师鲍勃·斯蒂成为SBC首位性别问题国家战略顾问

    On June 1st, Bob Stith, a former pastor from Texas, became the SBC's first national strategist for Gender Issues.


  • 美国国家航空航天局已经开始采取行动聘请管理顾问ProOrbis 制定一项计划削减官僚机构。

    NASA has already begun to take action, hiring management consultants ProOrbis to develop a plan to cut through the bureaucracy.


  • 作为首席科学顾问角色中穿梭全世界告诉其他国家有关承诺,就一个赌注桌上一样。

    In my former role as chief scientific adviser, I travelled the world to tell other countries about this commitment, throwing it on the table like a bargaining chip.


  • 国家通过提供资助顾问建议已经杰森其他人向前推动了一步。

    The state has nudged Mr Jensen and others forward by providing them with the advice of subsidised consultants.


  • 来自一个欧洲小国的顾问说:“这里的生活继续必须。” 他的国家以酒肉和尚闻名

    “You need booze here just to keep going,” says a consultant from a small European country known for its beer-making monks.


  • 来自一个欧洲小国的顾问说:“这里的生活继续必须。” 他的国家以酒肉和尚闻名

    “You need booze here just to keep going, ” says a consultant from a small European country known for its beer-making monks.


  • 阿拉伯联盟气候变化顾问,*法蒂玛•爱马拉,说道除非援助国家受到影响没有将沙漠化问题作文优先考虑

    Fatima el-Malah, a climate change adviser for the Arab League, said despite its impact donor countries have not dealt with desertification as a priority.


  • 比如我们诸如泰国马来西亚国家进行尝试:尝试成立顾问委员会——非完整基金会

    For instance, we are experimenting in countries like Thailand and Malaysia with forming local advisory boards without establishing full-fledged foundations.


  • 许多雇员顾问对于国家电网总裁刘政亚推进超高压电路传输系统的内部讨论会上的沉默十分的忧虑。

    Dozens of former employees and consultants are particularly upset at how State Grid boss, Liu Zhenya, has silenced internal debate to push through an ultra-high voltage transmission network.


  • 白宫顾问美国国家能源政策委员会政策总监保罗·布莱·德索表示:“德波尔辞职确实令人沮丧。”

    "This resignation is simply dispiriting," said Paul Bledsoe, policy director at the us National Commission on Energy policy and a former White House adviser.


  • 德克萨斯州前任议员,也是麦凯恩竞选前竞选顾问菲尔·格莱姆告诉华盛顿时报》:“我们已然成为一个悲情国家。”

    Phil Gramm, a former senator from Texas and adviser to Mr McCain's campaign, told the Washington Times that: "We have.".. become a nation of whiners.


  • 其余一些未同盟半岛国家虽然直接伦敦控制但在最高法院都有英国顾问

    The other Peninsular states were known as the Unfederated Malay States and, while not directly under rule from London, had British advisors in the Sultans" courts.


  • 贾拉特南被判有罪之后里特的资深媒体顾问艾伦·戴维斯代表媒体表示:“普里特热爱他的工作,不论是现在还是将来,他都没有竞选国家公职的打算。”

    "Preet loves his job and has no desire to run for public office now or ever," his senior press adviser, Ellen Davis, said on his behalf after the Rajaratnam verdict.


  • 接到一个电话卢浮宫多少平方米,”德累斯顿国家博物馆馆长马丁·罗斯主任回忆说,他担任博物馆非正式顾问长达10年。

    "I got a call asking how many square meters is the Louvre," recalled Martin Roth, director of Dresden's state museums and an informal consultant to the museum for a decade.


  • 20年前Corpora市民一半达到那时国家健身顾问委员会所定义充分健康标准

    Twenty years ago, one half of all citizens in Corpora met the standards for adequate physical fitness as then defined by the national advisory board on physical fitness.


  • 保证我们广告策略成功我们应该雇佣Bellegea现任国家旅游局主任来担任广告的顾问

    To ensure that our advertising campaign is successful, we should hire the current director of Bellegea's National Tourism Office as a consultant for the campaign.


  • 白宫宣布国家经济顾问萨默斯辞职,返回哈弗任教。

    The White House announced that Larry Summers is to step down as director of the National Economic Council and return to Harvard.


  • 怀疑到其他国家也是一样如果不是更多病例,”新滹大学一个传染病控制专家世界卫生组织顾问HiroshiSuzuki

    "I suspect other countries have just as many, if not more, cases," said Hiroshi Suzuki, an expert on infectious disease control at Niigata University and a former World Health Organization adviser.


  • 国务卿基辛格顾问公司创始人亨利·基辛格坚持认为美国势力虽然减弱,仍然建立新世界秩序必不可少国家

    America will be less powerful, but still the essential nation in creating a new world order, argues Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state and founder of Kissinger associates.


  • 6月1日BobStith,这位来自德克萨斯的前牧师成为了SBC首位性别问题国家战略顾问

    On June 1st Bob Stith, aformer pastor from Texas,became the SBC's first National Strategist for Gender Issues.


  • 项目实施期间,项目受益人将两次第二第四年)对国家艾滋病事务协调局和该局所聘技术顾问绩效进行评估

    Performance of NACA assessed by their beneficiaries and of the technical advisors within NACA twice during the project (year 2 and 4).


  • 作为妻子母亲,一位关心着别人亲戚——现在作为一名国家航空总署顾问——懂得在此工作是逐一改善这些孩子生活状况哪怕一个。

    As a wife and mother, a concerned relative - and now as a NASA consultant - I knew that I was put here to do this work: to improve the lives of these children, one kid at a time.


  • 全球160多个国家具有超过60,000咨询顾问专业人员IBM商业咨询服务成为世界上最大的咨询服务机构

    With more than 60,000 consultant and professional staff in more than 160 countries globally, IBM Business consulting services is the world's largest consulting services organization.


  • 国家注意到了凄惨童年生活对个人生命历程上成功机会损害,所以越来越关注婴儿学步儿童题。

    Mindful that a poor start can blight a person's chances of success later in life, the state has intervened ever more closely in how babies and toddlers are looked after.


  • 对于白宫经济顾问劳伦斯·萨默斯希望G20国家集中精力拉动全球需求呼吁,各国部长纷纷给予尖刻回应

    The ministers responded sharply to a call by Lawrence Summers, the White House economic adviser, for everyone in the G20 to focus on boosting global demand.


  • 人力资源顾问•海云一些亚洲国家的文化提倡埋头苦干就得到回报不必追求大家认可

    Human resources consultant Jane Hyun says that some Asian cultures encourage an ethic that rewards hard work without seeking public recognition.


  • 人力资源顾问•海云一些亚洲国家的文化提倡埋头苦干就得到回报不必追求大家认可

    Human resources consultant Jane Hyun says that some Asian cultures encourage an ethic that rewards hard work without seeking public recognition.


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