• 美国国家海洋大气管理局称,汉森第一次发表温室效应言论时正是全世界空前最热此后14逐年升温。

    The year of Hansen's original testimony was the world's hottest year on record. Since then, 14 years have been hotter, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


  • 今天(2011.6.24),美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA宣布美国公共花园协会APGA)达成新的伙伴关系,两者将致力于上述目标

    Today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced a new partnership aimed at that goal with the American Public Gardens Association (APGA).


  • 通过电子邮件耳机首席气象学家杰克·帕里什协商他们命令国家海洋大气管理局的技术人员将探空仪放入拍摄中。

    By e-mail and earphone, he confers with Jack Parrish, chief meteorologist, and they order the NOAA technician to slip a dropsonde into the shoot.


  • 根据美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA消息,有些火山灰最远甚至带到加拿大东部

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), some of the ash may make it to the far eastern edge of Canada.


  • 总部设在美国国家海洋大气管理局每月公布全球气温数据显示印度今年全年气温高于正常温度

    In the monthly global temperature data released by US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, India is shown as having higher than normal temperatures all through this year.


  • 然而根据国家海洋大气管理局海洋废弃物方案海啸产生的碎片放射性物质污染非常不可能的。

    However, it's highly unlikely the tsunami-generated debris would be contaminated with radioactive material, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine debris program.


  • 韦尔斯英国石油公司得到了美国国家海洋大气管理局人员的帮助

    Wells said BP also is getting assistance from a team with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.


  • 所罗门美国国家海洋大气管理局科学家

    Solomon is a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


  • 根据美国国家海洋大气管理局,美国有超过半数居民生活沿海县里数字有望继续攀升

    More than half of all U.S. residents live in coastal counties-and that figure is expected to continue climbing, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


  • 同时气候学家不祥地预言状况还会陆续美国国家海洋大气管理局预计2010年的秋天有史以来最热的。

    Meanwhile, climate scientists ominously predicted more to come: The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projected this fall that 2010 could be the hottest on record.


  • 通过网站这些数据会送达国家海洋大气管理局用于民用用途

    It will also be passed along to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for public use via a Web site.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局以及部分渔民透露,狮子鱼鱼片没有,而且味道相当鲜美

    After all, lionfish fillets are not poisonous and rather delicious, according to both the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and fisherfolk who have tasted it.


  • 根据美国国家海洋大气管理局的消息,49个的气温——只有特拉华州幸名于难——过去周内创了历史新高

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 49 states - all except Delaware - have had record highs in the past three weeks.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局预测形势进一步恶化然后才会好转

    And according to forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, things will get worse before they get better.


  • 根据美国国家海洋大气管理局安德鲁杀害了23

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Andrew killed 23 people in the United States.


  • 卢布琴科运行着美国国家海洋大气管理局备受尊重海洋生物学家,他这些烟缕确实存在

    Jane Lubchenco, the respected Marine biologist who runs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has said that plumes undoubtedly exist.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局估计剩下结构可能未来50年中崩拆离。

    The mast bell has been removed. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates that the remaining structure is likely to collapse within the next 50 years.


  • 另一个·卢布琴科博士,她主管我们国家海洋大气管理局

    Another - Dr. Jane Lubchenco - runs our National Oceanic and Air Administration.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA)监管自然资源受损评估进程量化破坏程度并且计算出了维护的花费。 换句话说就是英国石油公司算好了帐。

    The Natural Resource Damage Assessment process, overseen by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), quantifies the damage and what it might cost to fix it.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)认为2010全年出现8到14次飓风几率70%,其中37个大规模的。

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reckons that for 2010 there is a 70% chance of between eight and 14 hurricanes, three to seven of which could be big ones.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)哈拉尔·斯塔克(Harald Stark)烟雾一些令人讨厌分子构成的,某些化学物质能够破坏这些分子的结构,而灯光干扰了它们的作用。

    It interferes, says Harald Stark of American's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with the chemicals that mop up nasty molecules that are the raw materials of smog.


  • 图片美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA)中的Cessna CitationJet3300英里高空拍摄

    The image was taken by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), from their Cessna Citation Jet, from an altitude of 3, 300 feet.


  • 四个白天和晚上,美国国家海洋大气管理局的一架飞机沿十字飞过这个大都市的上空。

    On four days and nights a NOAA plane crisscrossed the metropolis.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局NOAA最新预测显示至少周三以前海湾可能继续漂流在环流以北的地区。

    The latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast shows that the Gulf oil slick will likely remain north of the Loop Currentat least until Wednesday.


  • 国家海洋大气管理局国家气象数据中心主管汤姆卡尔,“一个根据过去气候情况所建完整运输基础设施。”

    There is a whole transportation infrastructure that is developed on the climate of the past, ” said Tom Karl, head of NOAA’s National Climactic Data Center.


  • 美国国家海洋大气管理局说,夏威夷一个海港出现了5.7英尺海浪加州中部部分地区出现了高达6.2英尺的海浪。

    Waves as tall as 5.7 feet were reported at a harbor in Hawaii, while some parts of central California saw waves as high as 6.2 feet, according the USGS.


  • 这个巨头的合作就象一个怪兽结果可想而知。因为国防部美国国家海洋大气管理局不同的需求没有能够真的作主

    This three-headed collaboration has turned out to be the monster it sounds, because the DOD and NOAA have different requirements, and nobody is really in charge.


  • 这个巨头的合作就象一个怪兽结果可想而知。因为国防部美国国家海洋大气管理局不同的需求没有能够真的作主

    This three-headed collaboration has turned out to be the monster it sounds, because the DOD and NOAA have different requirements, and nobody is really in charge.


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