• 国家司法力量在其背后支持

    He had the state's judicial power behind him.


  • 建立完善国家司法救助制度加大受害人保护力度。

    Establish a national judicial assistance system, and strengthen the protection of victims.


  • 洗钱主要客体包括金融管理秩序国家司法活动

    The main object of crime of laundering includes financial management order and the nation's judicial activity.


  • 最密切联系原则源于英美国家司法判例国际私法制度

    Closest contact doctrine is a new system in international private law, which is rooted from the judicatory prejudication in Britain and the USA.


  • 法院强制拍卖行为国家司法行为具有力救济性质

    The court compulsory auction is a kind of national judicial act, which has the property of "public remedy".


  • 直接的危险波斯尼亚塞尔维亚地区将就是否承认联邦国家司法机关进行公投

    The immediate danger is a threat by the leader of Bosnia's Serbian part to hold a referendum on whether to accept the judicial authority of the federal state.


  • 但是应该如何衡量比较国家稀有蟾蜍数量另一个国家司法独立性

    But how should one weight the number of rare toads in one country against the independence of the judiciary in another?


  • 态度变化反映了儒家孝义思想传统中国国家司法主义之间矛盾的日益凸显。

    The change of attitudes of the rulers reveals the tension of the conflict between the Confucian thought of filiality and righteousness and the traditional Chinese doctrine of state jurisdiction.


  • 逮捕国家司法机构依照正当法律程序犯罪嫌疑人被告人采取严厉的刑事强制措施。

    The arrest is the severest criminal precautionary measure adopted to the criminal suspects and defendants by the national judicial organization according to the due legal process.


  • 国家司法研究所疾病控制中心指出四分之一美国妇女一生都会遭受某种形式家庭暴力

    The National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control say one in four American women will suffer some form of domestic violence in her lifetime.


  • 那个美国司法部的备忘录提到皮肤没有通过国家司法研究所(NIJ) 2005防弹暂行标准

    The DOJ memo mentioned that Dragon Skin did not pass NIJ 2005 Interim Standard.


  • 司法31日发布公告,2010年国家司法考试开考时间提前9月第2周末,即9月11日、12

    The 2-day National Judicial Exam for 2010 will be held in the 2nd weekend of September, earlier than usual, the Ministry of Justice said Monday.


  • 定罪量刑一种国家司法行为,是司法机关代表国家对于违反刑事法律犯罪行为进行评价处理的行为。

    Conviction and sentencing is a judicial act of the state, the Judiciary behalf of the state for violations of criminal law and criminal ACTS of evaluation and treatment of behavior.


  • 国家司法研究所(NIJ)06标准已经取代2005中期暂行标准。NIJ 06标准05暂行标准严格

    NIJ has since replaced the 2005 Interim Standard with NIJ 06 Standards that are much, much more stringent than the 05 Interim Standard.


  • 我们国家刑事司法系统兴趣。

    I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country.


  • 他们需要打击腐败加强边境控制改善司法行政国家工业支持规则

    They need to fight corruption, strengthen border controls, and improve justice, administration, and state industrial support rules.


  • 美国所有机构驻扎在这里各种国家博物馆各类纪念碑再到众多的司法权力机构大厦一应具全。

    All of the United States' great institutions flourish there, from national museums and monuments to the halls of justice and power.


  • 我们在一起一定要提倡维护我们国家机构廉洁公正,包括司法执法机关在内。

    Together we must promote and defend the integrity of our state institutions including the judiciary and law enforcement agencies," he said.


  • 伊拉克最高司法机构裁决国家议会必须在中断四个月工作重新复会。

    Iraq's top judicial body ruled the country's parliament must resume work, following a four-month hiatus.


  • 那些长期有此情况国家开始接受这种毒理学实验结果这样不必司法解释中重复出现。

    At long last countries have begun to accept the results of toxicology tests conducted elsewhere, so these need not be repeated in multiple jurisdictions.


  • 而当禁令解除谈判的障碍又成了立陶宛要求稳定能源供应,要求司法合作,要求格鲁吉亚之类国家一样得到俄罗斯特殊照顾

    When that was lifted, the obstacle became Lithuanian demands for firmer terms concerning energy, judicial co-operation and Russia's treatment of countries such as Georgia.


  • 中方对此表示强烈不满。我们要求有关国家尊重中国司法主权,不要再做干涉中国内政的事。

    China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and demands that the country in question respect China's judicial sovereignty and do not do things that will interfere in China's internal affairs.


  • 也是裁决具有约束力西非国家经济共同体社区司法法庭第一受理奴役案子

    It is the first time that the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), whose rulings are binding, has heard a case of slavery.


  • 我们坚决反对任何国家任何人利用诺和干涉中国内政侵犯中国司法主权

    A: We are firmly against the attempt by any country or individual to use the Nobel Peace Prize to interfere in China's internal affairs and infringe upon China's judicial sovereignty.


  • 我们坚决反对任何国家任何人利用诺和干涉中国内政侵犯中国司法主权

    A: We are firmly against the attempt by any country or individual to use the Nobel Peace Prize to interfere in China's internal affairs and infringe upon China's judicial sovereignty.


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