• 胁说断绝外交关系

    Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.


  • 国威尔士地区要求农民尝试牲口喂食“配方”饲料,从而减少它们打嗝释放大气中的甲烷

    Welsh farmers will be asked to try out new diets on their livestock to cut the amount of methane their burping releases into the atmosphere.


  • 执委会议程上的许多项目涉及到跨国际上得到最佳管理问题

    Many items on your agenda address transnational threats or deal with problems that are best managed at the international level.


  • 上个月来自于尔士中部马汉莱斯替代技术中心份报告中称:2030年英国可以通过整修电力供应系统消除所有排放

    Last month a report by the UK's Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, mid Wales, said Britain could eliminate all its carbon emissions by 2030 by overhauling its power supply.


  • 上个月王子乘坐海军直升机飞过爱德华王子岛上被雨水冲刷湖泊,开始享受它新婚旅行国外第一站。

    LAST month Britain's Prince William flew a navy Sea King helicopter across a small rainswept lake in Prince Edward Island during his first trip abroad with his newly wedded wife.


  • 大约之前这位来自尔特郡退休的老师音乐家诊断出患上结肠癌

    Nearly two years ago, the retired teacher and musician from Wiltshire, England, was diagnosed with colon cancer.


  • 这项研究由斯康辛研究人员完成

    The study was done by researchers in Wisconsin, USA.


  • 第四我们能够合作增进我们应对胁方面共同利益

    And fourth, we can cooperate to advance our mutual interests in confronting transnational threats.


  • 但是尔特郡只叫“弗林特可卡犬却表现有悖天性的事情,就是一只不幸从鸟窝掉下来麻雀成为好朋友。

    But Flint the cocker spaniel went against all his natural instincts to befriend a tiny sparrow which had tumbled out of its nest and crash-landed in the garden in Wiltshire, UK.


  • 有一些一直关注着在1851年世博会就开始了,德国有着勤奋积极高效生产者,还有胁着英国工业霸主地位

    There had been concerns, voiced as far back as the 1851 Great Exhibition, that the hungrier, more efficient producers in Germany and the US threatened Britain's industrial hegemony.


  • 那里一直大学年级,这年转入国威斯康星大学接着进入普渡大学研究生院。

    Hong lived there until his sophomore year of college, when he transferred to the University of Wisconsin, and went on to grad school at Purdue University.


  • 标志边缘献词则引用国威廉•华兹华斯的一首浪漫诗歌:“牛顿思想永远航行奇怪思维海洋中…独自地。”

    The inscription on the logo's border is a quote from William Wordsworth, a romantic English poet: "Newton... a mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought... alone.


  • 美国希望盟友能够抛却顾虑制定暂时防御计划保护感觉受到压力的国家,比如爱沙尼亚

    America wants the alliance to drop its taboo on making contingency plans to defend members that feel threatened by Russia, such as Estonia.


  • 来自美国威斯康辛麦迪逊大学人类学家遗传学家约翰·霍克斯指出人类已经建立起了一个自然选择违背生活型态

    John Hawks, an anthropologist and geneticist at the University of Wisconsin Madison, says we've created a lifestyle that is at odds with the one natural selection provided us with.


  • 伦敦市中心的购物中心附近王子凯特·米德尔顿照片放在上。

    A picture of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton is placed on a box of flowers near the Mall in central London.


  • 伦敦(CNN)—情景几乎无人亲眼得见—即将成皇室成员凯蒂·米德尔顿,衣着暴露,为王子端上床早餐

    London (CNN) — it's a scene few would witness — the sight of a scantily clad, soon-to-be-royal Kate Middleton serving Britain's Prince William breakfast in bed.


  • 1961年,•卡斯尔执导的电影《猎尸者》就谎称两个版本的结局

    In 1961, American film director William Castle’s horror film Mr Sardonicus allegedly had two endings.


  • 近日王子大雨陪同无家可归青少年登山当地媒体到了越来越明显的谢顶

    Prince William's growing bald patch was captured by British media when he recently battled torrential rain to trek up a mountain with a group of young homeless people.


  • 燃烧凯霍加画面震惊了整个美国,而且致使美斯康星州位参议员翌年举办第一个地球日呼吁关注无视环境的危险

    Images of the burning Cuyahoga shocked anation, and it led one Wisconsin Senator the following year to organizethe first Earth Day to call attention to the dangers of ignoring ourenvironment.


  • 中国长城学会官员国威里斯本的揭晓仪式上发表了讲话主办方长城投票人们所做出的努力表示了感谢

    Han Guowei, a society official, addressed the gathering in Lisbon and appreciated the efforts of the organizers and people who voted for the Great Wall.


  • 条例旨在帮助国际社会预防应对那些可能世界范围人民紧急公共卫生风险

    Their aim is to help the international community prevent and respond to acute public health risks that have the potential to cross borders and threaten people worldwide.


  • 斯康辛州官员最近认真考虑提高税收,几遍这笔本是打算用来对抗酗酒的。

    Politicians in the American state of Wisconsin are the latest to mull higher taxes, although the money is intended to pay for anti-alcoholism schemes there too.


  • 达成协议阻碍阿塞拜疆:该转投俄国阵营提高出售土耳其天然气价格

    A bigger obstacle to a deal may be Azerbaijan. It is threatening to turn towards Russia and to increase the price of the natural gas it sells to Turkey.


  • 据悉,这回威廉凯特首次订婚亮相在英国威尔士西北部一岛安格尔西岛举行的,这个地方据透露可能成为威廉凯特建立他们自己的的地址。

    Why, she even looked as if she was enjoying it. This was Kate’s first official public engagement alongside Prince William and their formal debut in Anglesey, where they will make their home.


  • 通过中间人,与他们间接接触——事情就是这样运作的”,斯巴登度过流放生涯的法拉先生表示

    "You are approached indirectly, by intermediaries - this is how it works," said Mr. Farani, who spent his exile in Wiesbaden, Germany.


  • 这场飓风发生1992年八月,是20世纪最强飓风。

    The most powerful hurricane to hit the us in the 20th century, Andrew touched down in August of 1992.


  • 上个月肯尼亚王子相恋女友凯特·米德尔顿求婚了。

    Britain's Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, his girlfriend of eight years, last month in Kenya, the couple announced Tuesday morning.


  • 上个月肯尼亚王子相恋女友凯特·米德尔顿求婚了。

    Britain's Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, his girlfriend of eight years, last month in Kenya, the couple announced Tuesday morning.


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