• 从工业驱动力分析中可以看出拉丁美洲国内技术努力方面滞后。

    The analysis of the individual drivers revealed that Latin American lags behind in terms of domestic technological effort.


  • 采用高压固结灌浆工艺立足国内技术的基础上,实现速度施工

    The use of high pressure consolidation grouting in this project has made the high construction speed possible.


  • 本文阐述西方主要分配理论国内技术管理要素参与收益分配的研究情况

    The western distribution theory, the situation of technical and management factors participating the profits distribution in our country were introduced.


  • 因此研究高性能成本的电动轮椅驱动器,替代进口填补国内技术空白具有重要意义

    Accordingly, it is very significant to develop high performance, low cost and all-digital EPWs controller, while it also fills up the technique blanks of domestic EPWs research technology.


  • 2004年建成了北京城建大厦平面仓储式项目目前国内技术难度最大的项目。

    The "horizontal storage" project for Beijing Urban Construction Building, which was completed in 2004, has been the most technically challenging project in China up to now.


  • 来我往,国内技术先进,正在兴建默默今天制作著名建筑师赖特多年

    Call me and I will let you in on the most technologically advanced home, silently being built today that was produced by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright many years ago.


  • 由于立足国内技术,搞好工艺优化强化废弃物循环利用,达到了节能降耗清洁生产的目的。

    Based on domestic technology, process was optimized and reutilization of rejected waste was strengthened for energy efficiency and consumption decrease, and cleaning production.


  • 这种延迟影响可以看出虽然生产量用于生产颗粒国内技术是从动物饲料生产过渡的;

    The effect of this delay can be seen though the low current production ; the national technology used in the production of pellets, which are adapted from animal feed production;


  • 根据国内技术新闻门户驱动之家的报告指出,即使登记后,用户也可以改变主意,撤回他们的登记。

    According to domestic tech news portal mydrivers. com "s report, even after the registration, users can change their mind and withdraw their registration."


  • 完全依靠国内技术创新研制并成功开发多种产品替代进口,且设备性能先进、产品质量优越

    Xi'an Heavy Machinery Research Institute developed a few kinds of production lines for new plate products, which can substitute the imported ones and of excellent quality.


  • 文章比较了国内的微质量检测手段,并根据国内技术现状和实际情况选择了以微石英天平传感器技术

    There are various means in little quality testing, according to the domestic technological condition, we chosed the QCM sensor technology.


  • 项目弥补国内技术空白,成熟COD阈值改善方法可被广泛应用其他波段半导体激光器,具备技术推广性

    The domestic technology-vacancies have been filled up by the project. An optimizing method of improving COD power will be generalized to other semiconductor LDs with different wavelength.


  • “家庭主妇”听起来容易让人想到20世纪50年代蜂腰美女的形象,对外国内技术最新进步激动,对内却吃着镇静药缓解雄心受挫痛苦

    "Housewife" recalls too strongly the wasp-waisted 1950s figure outwardly thrilling to the latest advances in domestic technology while necking tranquillisers to dull the pain of frustrated ambition.


  • 深圳电子有限公司成立二00二年二月,现已成为国内技术领先质量最佳产量最大、服务最优的极体传声器专业生产厂家之一。

    Shenzhen Xusheng Electronic co. , limited established in Feb. of 2002, now it is one of leading electret microphone producer with high technology, best quality, biggest production in the China.


  • 于虚拟现实技术,人们可以不用亲自拜访就能参观国内外的名胜古迹。

    Because of VR technology, people can visit places of interest both at home and abroad instead of going there in person.


  • 应当任何人了解通用电气一直提供铁路机车防污染设备等各种技术进入中国国内市场

    He should know better than anybody: GE has been handing over technology in everything from rail locomotives to antipollution equipment to gain access to the domestic Chinese market.


  • 第二联想希望使海外业务竞争力——特别是通过采用国内十分有效低成本制造技术

    Second, Lenovo wants to make its businesses outside China more competitive-not least by adopting the same efficient, low-cost manufacturing techniques.


  • 但是国内所有生物工艺学实验室已经使用克隆技术种种变体了。

    Yet variations on cloning technology are already used in biotechnology labs all across the country.


  • 依靠先进技术已经成为国内智能手机市场领头羊三星电子使LTE智能手机的消费者享受真正智能生活

    Using the advanced technologies it has as the leader of the domestic smartphone market, Samsung Electronics will enable consumers to enjoy a truly smart life with the LTE smartphone.


  • 国内销售强劲鼓舞下,中国汽车制造商去年一直在寻求收购陷入困境外国汽车资产提高自身仍然落后设计技术能力

    Chinese automakers, emboldened by the strength of domestic sales, spent last year shopping for distressed foreign auto assets to improve their still lagging design and technology capabilities.


  • 国内市场野村计划筹资所得用于升级信息技术基础设施扩大分支机构网点

    In its domestic market, Nomura will use the money to upgrade its information-technology infrastructure and foster its branch network.


  • 适当扩大进口,增加先进技术关键设备国内短缺资源进口。

    Imports will be expanded by a suitable amount, particularly imports of advanced technology, key equipment and resources that China lacks.


  • 印度一直努力控制国内中国技术工作者人数

    India has been trying to limit the Numbers of skilled Chinese workers.


  • S8国内首款具有硬敞篷技术自主轿跑车驾驶员只要轻轻按下开关折叠硬顶可以自动开启关闭,整个过程需要25

    The new product is the first hardtop coupe developed by a domestic company. Drivers of the S8 only need to press a button to quietly fold or stow away the hardtop, which only takes 25 seconds.


  • 尽管拥有优势技术Instalaza公司声誉稳步提高Aloctan- 100仍面临国际市场已经淹没国内市场规模有限的局面。

    Despite its technical merits and the steadily improving reputation of Instalaza, the Aloctan-100 faces an already inundated international market and a domestic market limited in size.


  • 近来,埃再次率先向国内引进先进FibreMat技术

    Recently Amertech has again introduced the most advanced FibreMat technology into China for the first time.


  • SRA国际公司美国联邦航空局达成价值2000万美元合同国内小型机场提供空中交通管制技术

    SRA International Inc. has won a $20 million contract to provide the Federal Aviation Administration with technology designed to aid air traffic control at some of the nation’s smaller airports.


  • SRA国际公司美国联邦航空局达成价值2000万美元合同国内小型机场提供空中交通管制技术

    SRA International Inc. has won a $20 million contract to provide the Federal Aviation Administration with technology designed to aid air traffic control at some of the nation’s smaller airports.


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