• 固定房产的确带来了地区的稳定(尽管德国的社会稳定很强但是租房并不意味两者不能相提并论。)

    Home ownership may indeed instill neighborly stability (though Germany with its high levels of stability and renting suggests the two need not go together).


  • 大部分摄像机的上面都的螺丝孔用来把相机固定一个三角架或者其他稳定拍摄支架结构上。

    Most cameras have a small screw-hole somewhere on them that allows the camera to be mounted to a tripod or other steady filming stand or structure.


  • 稳定角度来看银行除了需要增加大量固定运营费用外,所有变化都是有益的。

    All the changes are good from a stability perspective but add billions to the fixed operating cost of a bank.


  • 通常,那种水平收入需要固定正式职业工资保险,即稳定的工作——中产阶级的另关键特点

    Usually, an income of that size requires regular, formal employment, with a salary and some benefits, that is, a steady job-another key middle-class characteristic.


  • 对于报告一直稳定数据或者要一直引用的数据来说,这种方法十分的方便因为每次您想要使用需要固定一个数据集了。

    This method can be more convenient for data that remains constant over the report, or data that you want to refer to often, because you don't have to nest a data set every time you want to use it.


  • 塔锡奥蒂博士指出,更为重要的是,技术提供足够的稳定而取消常常引起感染外部固定器械

    More important, Dr Tasciotti says, the technique would provide enough stability to do away with external fixation devices, which often cause infections.


  • 是个合理策略旨在使人民币固定世界货币美元,作为维持现有不太安定的世界的金融稳定一次努力

    It is a reasonable strategy to anchor the renminbi to the world's reserve currency, the dollar, in an effort to maintain financial stability in an all-too-unstable world.


  • 他们中的很多人选择了公司研究实验室工作——他们乐意于用发大财契机交换领取固定工资稳定生活。

    A lot of them took jobs in corporate research laboratories-they were willing to exchange the chance of getting rich for the certainty of a regular salary.


  • 担保债权凭证“一种将有稳定收入流固定资产组合住房抵押贷款打包而成的有价证券。”

    "Collateralized Debt Obligations" are securities based upon a portfolio of fixed income-producing assets, such as home mortgages.


  • 一般来看稳定团队每个迭代完成固定点数故事;这个点数就是团队速度

    On average, a given team will tend to complete the same number of points' worth of work each iteration; this number is the team's velocity.


  • 固定汇率体系引起扭曲本身可能就是中国金融稳定最大威胁

    The distortions caused by today's rigid exchange-rate regime may themselves be the biggest threat to Chinese financial stability.


  • 可能停止仅考虑得到一份稳定工作固定收入思考

    You'll probably need to stop thinking of your career in terms of having a stable job and earning a set income.


  • 凭借发挥稳定产品,Apple掌握着这个市场大部分份额,没有任何迹象表明其他公司可以突出重围改变固定状况。

    Apple commands such a large portion of the market with its current stable of products, there's no reason to suggest any company can break in and change the way things have been done for so long.


  • 自从1971年布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods)之下固定汇率制度崩溃以来,全球协同经济方面所做的尝试中,引人瞩目的一些举措涉及稳定主要货币汇率

    Since the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971, some of the most high-profile attempts at global co-ordination have involved trying to stabilise major currencies.


  • 如果机械本身形状预期安装不能提供足够稳定,则必须采用适当固定方法使用说明书中加以说明

    If the shape of the machinery itself or its intended installation does not offer sufficient stability, appropriate means of anchorage must be incorporated and indicated in the instructions.


  • 锁定技术使外科医生使用间接复位整复骨折同时提供稳定骨折固定

    The use of locked plate technology allows the orthopaedic surgeon to manage fractures with indirect reduction techniques while providing stable fracture fixation.


  • 仔细软组织处理,稳定坚强固定获得良好结果的关键

    Careful soft-tissue management as well as stable, rigid internal fixation are crucial to obtaining a good outcome.


  • 修正游戏进展数千固定的错误可能会变得稳定帽子惊人球员发现了一自然

    Fixed bug where games progressed thousands of days in could become unstable. And hats off to the amazing player that discovered this naturally!


  • 由于这种特殊骨折类型位置稳定固定方法造成了重大挑战特别是伴有不同程度骨质疏松症的老年患者

    This particular fracture type, owing to its configuration and instability, poses significant challenges to the fixation method, especially in elderly patients with varying degrees of osteoporosis.


  • 另外复杂胫骨平台骨折骨折粉碎可以延伸至后侧,不利于稳定螺钉固定

    Additionally, in complex proximal tibial fractures, comminution often extends posteriorly, further complicating stable lag screw fixation.


  • 想法自然稳定飞机正常的,固定飞机的飞行员独特垂直起降飞机。

    The idea of a naturally stable aircraft is normal for fixed wing pilots but is quite unique for VTOL aircraft.


  • 经过3个月稳定运行,3号反应器内固定小球性能好,表现出较好的持久性

    Through 3 months 'steady operation, the fixed small balls in NO. 3 reactor have a better performance and a better permanence.


  • 目的研究目的评估3C2固定技术(椎板内、狭部弓根)的即时节段间固定效果和长期螺钉稳定

    Objective. The aims of this project were to evaluate the acute segmental fixation and long-term screw stability afforded by 3 C2 fixation techniques: intralaminar, pars, and pedicle.


  • 固定可以提高脲酶稳定可以重复使用,可以好的克服游离脲酶的缺点。

    Immobilization of urease can solve the problem, it have a good stability, and furthermore it can use repeatedly.


  • 传统THA手术缺点可能固定强度肌肉破坏导致的稳定、肌肉附着点撕脱导致的骨质脱钙反应性骨丢失

    Shortcomings of classic THA techniques can be fixation strength, instability through muscle weakness, demineralization of bone through muscle detachment, and bone loss through resection.


  • 这些快速更新中,我们专注于提高游戏稳定。我们主要固定崩溃影响一些球员

    In these quick updates we are exclusively focusing ourselves in improving the stability of the game. We are mainly fixing the crashes which are affecting some of the players.


  • 通常意味着风险失去稳定工作还有失去固定工资。

    Thisusually means a risk of losing the security of a regular job and risking asteady paycheck.


  • 尽管钢板重建生物力学稳定已有研究,相对于前路重建,后路固定生物力学分布尚属未知

    Although the biomechanical stability of anterior reconstruction with plating has been studied, the biomechanical contribution of posterior instrumentation to anterior constructs remains unknown.


  • 尽管钢板重建生物力学稳定已有研究,相对于前路重建,后路固定生物力学分布尚属未知

    Although the biomechanical stability of anterior reconstruction with plating has been studied, the biomechanical contribution of posterior instrumentation to anterior constructs remains unknown.


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