• 活动由师兄交流座谈团队游戏部分组成。

    The activity included two parts: communication discussion and group games.


  • 如果获得成功,团队游戏团队合作精神非常重要的。

    If you want to be successful in the team game, the team spirit is very important.


  • 第二朋友户外团队游戏体育锻炼一种有效方法摆脱愤怒

    Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger.


  • 如果我们比较登山其他体育熟悉,我们可能认为不同,登山不是团队游戏

    If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a 'team game'.


  • 足球一个好的团队游戏身体良好锻炼,它需要技巧敏捷头脑,它受欢迎方便

    Football is a good team game, it is good exercise for the body, it needs skill and a quick brain, it is popular and it is cheap.


  • 他们来说,正确游戏可能他们推销辞令变成其他团队成员竞争,并附上一个数字排行榜,以显示一直赢家

    For them, the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members, complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times.


  • 他们已经开始团队合作融入游戏了。

    They had begun integrate teamwork into their game.


  • 一天,这个团队被要求在大厅里参加游戏

    One day, the team was called for a game in a hall.


  • 一项测试中,彭的团队收集了志愿者在玩游戏或者冥想时的脑电波。

    In one test, Peng's team collected brainwaves from volunteers who had either been playing a game or meditating.


  • 研究人员一直类似的游戏研究人们如何合作流言对于团队影响

    Researchers have long used similar games to study how people cooperate and the impact of gossip in groups.


  • 激战2设计团队相信一个游戏可以它们合二为一

    The Guild Wars 2 design team believes that a game should have both.


  • 由于制作人最终团队用来制作游戏工具负责的,作者在书中包括开发过程一些关键工具进行介绍

    Since a producer is ultimately responsible for the tools that his or her team USES to make a game, the author includes an overview of some key applications used by a typical development house.


  • 团队正在探索新的方法使游戏更具有娱乐性和实际意义。

    He and his team are exploring new ways to make the game-play both more fun, and more practical.


  • 惹人烦事情之一就是新手一个“需要帮助” 的请求要求一个巨大的团队加入游戏制作,解释这个游戏到底有多

    One of the most annoying things ever is when a newbie posts a "help wanted" request, asking for a huge team to join his game, explaining how cool the game is.


  • 不过工作测试员一般很少机会游戏制作团队交流然而开朗、外向的性格还是让你有机会结识你想认识的人物

    Testers, however rarely get to speak to or interact in any business setting with the production team, however an outgoing personality can meet and network with the appropriate people.


  • 支队伍这些地图对战,不过除了杀死敌人以外,还要完成一些团队目标才能赢得游戏

    Two teams are battling it out on these maps, but instead of just killing the enemy, there are also objectives which the team will have to complete in order to win the game.


  • 借鉴在线游戏社区的做法;排行榜团队以及单挑、用户论坛等等

    It also borrows from other online gaming communities; there are leaderboards, team and individual challenges, user forums, and so on.


  • 许多游戏包含了丰富阅读材料孩子会在游戏高度集中精力阅读角色扮演游戏教孩子们打造属于自己的团队或者规划建设城市

    Many games include intense reading material that children will be highly motivated to read. Role-playing games can put teens to work creating teams or planning and building cities.


  • 不过可以4团队创建一个2V 2的自定义游戏室,使得你可以好友们简单的进行分队游戏

    You can however create a 2v2 Custom game room with a 4 person party, allowing you to easily play team games with your friends.


  • 为了制作游戏使用动画,《荣誉勋章》的计算机图形团队研究YouTubeLiveLeak网站阿富汗录制的视频

    To create some of the animation used in the game, Medal of Honor's computer-graphics team examined videos from Afghanistan that are posted on sites like YouTube and LiveLeak.


  • 团队甚至诸如bur noutParadiseMaddenNFL09那样的游戏里安插广告以便年轻的用户形成联系。

    His team even allocated ads in games like Burnout Paradise and Madden NFL 09 to connect with a younger audience.


  • MySOL是一家在线数据库公司,每年它都回举办虚拟圣诞派对全球各地团队在线游戏交换虚拟礼物

    MySQL, an online database firm, holds virtual Christmas parties, at which teams around the world play games and exchange virtual gifts.


  • 或许诺基亚收购Dopplr为了壮大Plazes团队并且Ovi软件商店里打造更多基于地理位置游戏点评

    Perhaps the latest Dopplr acquisition is just Nokia's effort to beef up the Plazes team and create the Ovi App Store version of an already growing trend towards location-based games and reviews.


  • Voxli通过提高一个静态地址解决了这个问题:游戏玩家可以团队成员之间发送这个地址,这样非常方便

    Voxli gets around these issues by offering users a static URL that they can then send around to their team members, which is far more convenient.


  • Rovio公司的开发团队花了八个月时间研究如何简化游戏同时完善触摸屏操作体验设置了十几道关,游戏越玩越有有难度。

    For eight months the Rovio team worked to simplify the game, while perfecting the touchscreen experience and creating dozens of levels to give the game depth.


  • Sobel博士团队因此制造设备视频游戏版本

    Dr Sobel’s team has therefore built a version of the device for video gaming.


  • Sobel博士团队因此制造设备视频游戏版本

    Dr Sobel’s team has therefore built a version of the device for video gaming.


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