• 团体运动保持健康生活有效方法之一。

    Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to sustain a healthy lifestyle.


  • 多么健康团体

    What a healthy community.


  • 这份报告受到精神健康团体欢迎。

    The report has been welcomed by mental health groups.


  • 团体指出没有证据证明这样条禁令能够促进公共健康

    Both groups argued that there was no evidence to show such a ban would help improve public health.


  • 另外该法还保有条例外,即符合要求的团体健康计划第一增加超过2%的成本后续每年增加1%的总成本。

    In addition, the law maintains an exemption for group health plans whose compliance would increase total costs by more than 2% during the first year or by more than 1% each subsequent year.


  • 毕竟该法许可涵盖其他身体疾病根本没有涵盖精神病治疗团体健康计划

    The law would, after all, permit group health plans to offer no coverage at all for the treatment of mental illness, while fully covering non-mental-health medical conditions.


  • 昨天晚上医生病人团体被包含全国健康诊疗卓越机构(下文都已NICE代称)制定的指南中的意见予以攻击

    Doctors and patients groups last night attacked the recommendation, contained in guidance by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).


  • 中心同时成立同伴支持团体帮助人们应对他们的疾病生活方式健康

    The center also has created peer support groups to help people manage their disease and make healthier lifestyle changes.


  • 该国访问第二沃尔福威茨银行集团办公室会见妇女团体参观了最大母亲早产儿健康护理中心——米尔医院

    During his second day in the country, Wolfowitz met with women's groups at the Bank group office and visited Saint Camille Hospital, the largest health center for maternal and early childhood health.


  • SelinaL.Glater注册音乐治疗师——自助协调人圣巴巴拉精神健康服务支持者,并且积极消费者保护团体成员

    SELINA L GLATER is a registered music therapist, Coordinator of Self Help and Advocacy for Santa Barbara County Mental Health Services, and an active consumer advocate.


  • 当然除非健康不是真正病根,并且吸烟成为一只可接受所有社会团体道德冲动以及我们自己否定死亡特权的替罪

    Unless, of course, health is not really what is at issue at all, and smokers have become an acceptable scapegoat for the moralistic impulses of all societies and the death-denial peculiar to our own.


  • 英国叫做宠物治疗慈善团体1983年就已经动物带到护理房间,救济院,医院还有儿科病房以此帮助病人恢复健康减轻压力水平

    In Britain a charity called Pets and Therapy has been taking animals into care homes, hospices, hospitals and children's wards to help patients recover and reduce stress levels since 1983.


  • 团体多数成员是普通大众他们倾向于在特定环境下健康激励机制应用

    The majority of the group (who are all members of the public) supported their use under specific circumstances, a perspective that was not warmly reported in newspapers such as the Telegraph.


  • 已经修订继续有效该法管辖50以上团体健康计划

    This law, which has been renewed and remains in effect, governs group health plans of employers of over 50 people.


  • 比如希望看到私人机构管理全国健康诊所并且允许企业性质的团体涉足公共财政负担开支的社会保障制度,扮演替代者的角色。

    He wants to see the private sector run national health clinics, for example, and to allow companies to offer alternatives to publicly financed social security.


  • 用户加入不同群组参与其它用户每日功绩(DailyFeats)、24小时健身(24 Hour Fitness)、健康联盟(Alliancefor a Healthier Generation)等健康组织发起的个人团体竞赛中。

    Users can join teams, participate in individual or group challenges created by other users or health organizations like DailyFeats, 24 Hour Fitness or Alliance for a Healthier Generation.


  • 去年一个两岁印尼儿童连续不断吸烟的YouTube视频激起西方健康游说团体的愤怒。

    Last year, a YouTube video of a chain-smoking Indonesian two-year-old prompted outrage among health-lobby groups in the West.


  • 来自美国心脏协会Cass Wheeler对于公共健康团体协议作出的不同反应作出总结:“这协议很完美?”

    The American Heart Association's Cass Wheeler summed up the public health community's mixed reaction to the settlement: "Perfect?"


  • 马乔里·华莱士(Marjorie Wallace),名为“健全心智”(SANE)精神健康慈善团体行政总长:“这个问卷调查令人震惊,并且大面积覆盖涉及到了极大数量各级各类的心理健康困扰问题。”

    Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity SANE, said: "This survey is shocking and covers a myriad of distress."


  • 探索研究团体心理辅导活动中的分享技术高校心理健康教育有实用价值的课题

    Probing and studying participating skills in group psychological counselling activities is a very valuable topic in college psychological health education.


  • 结论团体心理训练一定程度上改善军医大学护理新生心理健康水平,提高军校适应能力

    Conclusion Team mental training can improve mental health of nursing freshmen in military medical university, which is helpful to the freshmen's adaptability in military medical university.


  • 团体心理辅导大学生进行心理健康教育的一种有效形式。

    Group psychological guidance is on effective means for college students to direct psychological health instruction.


  • 校园心理剧作团体心理治疗方法种,学校心理健康教育一种新颖的形式。

    As one of group mental healing methods, campus psychodrama is a new approach to school mental health education.


  • 周二结论是机构关心健康危害消费者团体个人告上法庭发布的。

    Tuesday's action comes about a year after the agency agreed to issue a final rule after being sued by consumer groups and individuals concerned about the health effects of mercury exposure.


  • 周二结论是机构关心健康危害消费者团体个人告上法庭发布的。

    Tuesday's action comes about a year after the agency agreed to issue a final rule after being sued by consumer groups and individuals concerned about the health effects of mercury exposure.


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