• 魏源的《海国图志》而出名,蔡锷则袁世凯的战斗中发挥的作用而出名。

    Wei Yuan was famous for his HaiguoTuzhi and Cai E was best known for his role in fighting against Yuan Shikai.


  • 收到祝福电子邮件里我发现,几乎每个人都知道一个人生菜叶花生牛肉百吉饼或者一样,鸡肉,而窒息的故事。

    And, as I have learned from the many E-mail messages I received from well-wishers, everyone seems to know someone who choked on lettuce, peanuts, stringy beef stew, bagels or, like me, chicken.


  • 产品厂商一封电子邮件中声称已经不记得什么改名。

    The product's maker said in an E-mail that it had forgotten why.


  • 产品厂商一封电子邮件中声称已经不记得什么改名。

    The product’s maker said in an e-mail that it had forgotten why.


  • 网络迷通常链接形式通过电邮博客社交网站还有即时信息途径传播

    A meme often takes the form of a hyperlink, propagated via E-mail, blogs, social networking, instant messaging, etc.


  • 毕业钦奈工程学院那里获得了计算机科学工学学士

    I graduated from College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai with a B. e. in Computer Science.


  • 发送电子邮件时刻网络流量过大或者断电,很可能会导致回复延迟

    There might be a delay in getting the reply after you sent your e-mail due to heavy network traffic or outages at some point of time.


  • 年轻的一热衷赠券号称“券的一代”,他们沉迷于网上零售商-淘宝360买家

    Young people, nicknamed the "Coupon Generation" for their penchant to clip coupons, are obsessed with e-retailers such as Taobao and 360buy.


  • 这里仅仅列举其中的位:威利斯·兰姆、朱利安·施温格、尤·魏格纳、理查德·费曼、朝永振一郎、C.D.安德森E .塞雷格O .张伯伦以及其他一些人。

    To cite just a few examples: Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, s. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.


  • 还想着email收件箱每天收到几十邮件而被撑呢?

    Think your E-mail in-box is overflowing because you get dozens of e-mails a day?


  • Peek几乎不再需要说服人们无线电子邮件服务价值何在却是RIM为此付出多年但它始终需要将新的品牌理念广而告之

    But while Peek likely won't have to do as much proselytizing on the value of wireless E-mail access as RIM did for many years, it will need to get out its message like any new brand and idea.


  • 英国电子情报中心GCHQ(通信总部)估计英国每年网络诈骗损失10亿英镑上个月,该机构设立了专责部门应对日益增长的威胁

    In Britain last month the GCHQ, the government's electronic spy centre, which estimates that the UK loses GBP 1bn a year to e-fraud, set up operations to deal with the growing threats.


  • 6年前事业伴随着肠出血性大肠杆菌危机爆发迎来了转机许多食用了美国连锁餐厅熟的汉堡的受害家庭辩护。

    Six years later, my career took off when I represented many of the families injured by the infamous outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 linked to undercooked hamburgers at a chain of restaurants in the USA.


  • 避免喝含有咖啡咖啡,不吃巧克力绿茶一个好的替代品抗癌性。水(纯水营养茶对于身体是好的,他们在本质上是碱性的)。

    E. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.water.


  • 如此,如果社交网站正在成为新的电子邮件 2.0版的话,也许微软最近Facebook这麽股份所付的两亿四千万美金没有麽荒谬了.

    So, if social networking is becoming e-mail 2.0, then perhaps Microsoft's recent $240 million dollar payout for such a small stake in Facebook isn't that ridiculous.


  • 使用(或尝试使用)电子书电子书大众广泛提倡宣传。

    I use (will try to use) e-Books because they are widely promoted and recommended and used by public.


  • 最为常见摄入被污染食物导致小肠特定细菌霍乱大肠杆菌某些菌株感染

    The most common, by far, is infestation of the small intestine by certain bacteria, such as cholera or certain strains of E. coli, following ingestion of contaminated water or food.


  • 如下收到此次通讯:您是世界变态反应协会会员或者您曾向世界变态反应协会订阅过电子月刊,或者您以前世界变态反应协会进行过有关联系

    You have received this message because you are a member of a WAO Member Society, you have subscribed for the monthly e-letter or had previous contact with the World Allergy Organization.


  • 克莱嫉羡看作原初毁灭性证明某种程度上是“继承的”,是本质上的东西,会外在困难加重

    Klein sees envy as a manifestation of primary destructiveness, to some extent "inherited" i. e. constitutionally based, and worsened by external adversity.


  • 我们杨利伟而感到骄傲

    E. g. We take great pride in Yang Liwei.


  • 不会大众观点一致正确不会大众观点不同而错误。你正确的数据推理是正确的。——巴菲特引用

    You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd (agrees or) disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right - Warren E. Buffett quoting Benjamin Graham.


  • 技术巨头苹果公司几大图书出版社电子书价格问题美国司法部起诉。

    Technology giant Apple and major book publishers are being sued by the us Department of Justice over the pricing of e-books.


  • 另一个可能大小写引起麻烦地方电子邮件的地址

    Another place where this occasionally causes trouble is in E-mail addresses.


  • 达·约纳特,以色列科学家,1939年出生于耶路撒冷,2009年“核糖体结构功能研究获得诺贝尔化学奖。

    Ada e. Yonath, an Israeli scientist, was born in Jerusalem in 1939. In 2009, she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her studies on the structure and function of the ribosome.


  • 放弃产出投入物(劳力)用于一个项目从而不能用于别处所获得的产出。

    Forgone output; foregone output: the use of an input (e. g. labor) in a project which is thereby prevented from being used elsewhere.


  • 欧洲上百E大肠杆菌爆发而生病

    Hundreds of people across Europe have gotten sick because of the E. coli outbreak.


  • 2孩子恺2001年食用了感染了大肠杆菌牛肉去世

    In 2001, her 2 - year - old son, Kevin, died of e. Coli, Po I bly after eating tainted ground beef.


  • 2016年中国农产品网络销售量预计增长50%,越来越多的农民使用电商平台销售自己的产品

    Online retail 1 volume of China's farm produce is expected to grow by about 50 percent in 2016 as more farmers use e-commerce platforms to sell their produce.


  • 2016年中国农产品网络销售量预计增长50%,越来越多的农民使用电商平台销售自己的产品

    Online retail 1 volume of China's farm produce is expected to grow by about 50 percent in 2016 as more farmers use e-commerce platforms to sell their produce.


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