• 表在《美国国家科学院院刊》的一项研究发现:与不存在全球变暖的世界相比,大多数贫穷国家的经济产量有超过九的可能性会温度升高而下降。

    A study coming out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that in most poor countries, higher temperatures are more than 90% likely to have resulted in a fall in economic output, compared to a world without global warming.


  • 后来人群逐渐汇聚几百人时,有些家长警察发生冲突流血,几人激动颤抖

    Later, as the crowd surged into the hundreds, some parents clashed with the police, leaving several bleeding and trembling with emotion.


  • 假如盗窃上百个锥标,或者把锥标藏匿公寓大楼里的话,也许我们是重大盗窃案。

    Had I been caught with the hundred or so already stashed in my apartment building, perhaps we would have been talking grand larceny.


  • 耶路撒冷众女子嘱咐你们遇见良人,要告诉,我

    I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.


  • 并且将近受访者表示高速网络(79%)免费停车(77%)他们商务酒店住宿是否舒适的最重要素。

    Further, almost four out of five respondents felt that high-speed Internet (79 percent) and free parking (77 percent) were important amenities to them when staying at a hotel for business.


  • 然而拉尼娜现象只是一自然周期现象,并不是最近反常天气唯一

    But la Nina, which is natural and cyclical, is not the only driver behind weird weather reports lately.


  • 甘地担心,穆苏里,那里群山最美一个,会石灰石开采糟蹋光秃秃的,所以才让环境采取行动的。

    It was Indira Gandhi's concern that Mussorie, the queen of the hills, was being stripped naked by limestone mining that led the Environment Ministry to take action.


  • 毁灭,不再国,向耶和华夸大

    And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, because he hath magnified himself against the LORD.


  • 本田去年冬天节余1.2亿美元预算而赢得喝彩——这一本将使本田重振士气——部分原源于罗斯·布朗的管理层收购

    Honda won plaudits last winter when it essentially left $120million in the coffers – the cost of winding the company up – as part of Ross Brawn’s management buyout.


  • 欺诈投资者数亿美元而遭美国监管机构起诉加州金融家彭日(Danny Pang)上周六早间美国加州新港海滩市(Newport Beach)某医院死亡

    Danny Pang, a California financier accused by U.S. regulators of defrauding investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars, died early Saturday at a Newport Beach hospital.


  • 受访投行内部律师中,有的人预言投资者招股说明书中的错误陈述而向发股其它相关方索赔的案件变得更加普遍

    Almost 9 in 10 of the in-house lawyers predicted that claims by investors against issuers and other parties for mis-statements in the prospectus would become more common.


  • 这座高达2582(9357英尺火山(百科看 这里——译注)顶部层30平方公里的冰川(10平方英里)所覆盖,大部分冰雪积聚在山顶南部东部岩浆喷发所形盆地

    The 2,582-meter (9,357-foot) stratovolcano is mantled by a 30-square-kilometer (10-square-mile) glacier field, most of it amassed south and east of the summit in a basin made by a caldera depression.


  • 最近亲戚,即虎视眈眈的蜘蛛流浪蜘蛛(学名为Tegenaria agrestis),不是那么友好类型――或许长期以来失恋而恼羞并且喜欢出没在沾满了灰尘的车库车棚

    His closest relative, the aggressive house spider or Tegenaria agrestis, is a less than friendly sortperhaps embittered by failed affairs and preferring the grimier haunts of garages and sheds;


  • 既然件事物唯一每件事本源基础,故普遍法则种错误

    When the source and ground of everything is the only cause of everything, to speak of causality as a universal law is wrong.


  • 作为实例来讲那里似乎许多例外

    There seems to be as many exceptions as examples for this generation .


  • 共通金子不能金子是能够说本身什么。

    The common factor is the gold. But you cannot say gold is the cause. It cannot be called a cause, for it causes nothing by itself.


  • 地洼学说突击贡献提出多矿论及多矿床

    The another outstanding contribution of diwa theory to metallogeny is the concept of polygenetic metallogeny and polygenetic compound ore deposits.


  • 耶路撒冷众女子嘱咐你们遇见良人告诉,我

    I charge you, o daughters of Jerusalem, if you meet my beloved's, and to tell him, I am sick of love.


  • 幼犬通常接触感染野生动物呼吸道分泌物而感染。

    Puppies and dogs usually become infected through airborne exposure to the virus contained in respiratory secretions of an infected dog or wild animal.


  • 支护衬砌增加开挖量甲方代表按实计量折算隧道延米计价。

    Due to support or increased excavation volume caused by lining, Party a shall measure again and converted it to total length of the tunnel.


  • 它们的。

    Therefore, they are of polygenetic compound.


  • 本文同一、同一时期不同级别、不同倾向、不同走向断裂集合体称为个断裂体系,一个断裂体系可以包括几个断裂系统

    The paper calls an assemblage of faults that have same cause of formation, same age, different scales, trends and strikes as a rift system, one rift system can include several fault systems.


  • 同一类型不同位置海滩风暴效应不同。

    Beach of different location has different storm effect in same shore type.


  • 同一类型不同位置海滩风暴效应不同。

    Beach of different location has different storm effect in same shore type.


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