• 下次超市收银台前的时候想想那些让你能把购物篮装满的农民,因为他们现在生活艰难

    The next time you stand at the supermarket checkout, spare a thought for the farmers who helped fill your shopping basket as life is hard for them right now.


  • 非常烦恼因为所有专家都在忙于讨论哪种选择最好时候那些改善生活的人却这些相互矛盾的信息得一头雾水。

    This upsets me to no end because while all the experts are busy debating about which option is best, the people who want to improve their lives are left confused by all of the conflicting information.


  • 时候,注意那些听起来很奇怪的单词,因为你对同一个单词的发音不一样。

    When listening to them, pay attention to words that sound strange, strange because you pronounce the same words differently.


  • 我们离开的时候,我甚至感到有点兴奋,因为我在想所有要去地方——那些我只从书和图片中了解到的陌生而神奇的地方。

    When we were leaving, I even felt a little excited because I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.


  • 很欣赏那些知道什么时候该让孩子挣扎一下的人,因为那就是现实生活,妈妈(或爸爸)不会总在那里给予帮助。

    I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little because that's real life and Mom (or Dad) won't always be there to give help.


  • 一规定今日不是重要因为这些危害众所周知在1960年代那些危害存在及其严重性首次证实时候却是重要的。

    This regulation is not very important today because everyone knows about these hazards, but it was important in the 1960s when the existence and gravity of the hazards were first confirmed.


  • 有些同事拒绝承接葬礼,因为他们觉得他们应该让他们信众那些没有牧师时候早作预备

    Some of his colleagues, he says, refuse to take funerals because they feel they should be preparing their flock for the time when there are no priests available.


  • 看见时候大吃一惊因为马上就认出我的教区信徒,只是一直知道那些短文是

    When I saw her I was shocked, since I immediately recognized her from church but had no idea that it was she who wrote the notes.


  • 因为跟男生约会时候听见他们那些肮脏的想法

    Because she could hear the nasty thoughts of the men she was dating with.


  • 不是停止宣传时候因为储备可能没有各个组织中显现,而只是那些可以观察多个项目的组织可见

    This is not the time to give up on evangelizing, because the savings may not be visible to individual organizations, only to organizations that can observe multiple projects.


  • 处理外部时候确实存在两个问题但是对于使用自己开发的代码开发者来说,这不是什么问题因为拥有那些代码。

    Both of these problems are real issues when having to deal with external libraries, but they are not such a problem for a developer working in his own code because he owns the code.


  • 就算那些有钱购买的人来说,化学杀虫剂不是有效因为种植户发现害虫将大规模出现时候就已经太晚了。

    And even for those who can afford them they are not that effective since, by the time a farmer spots an infestation, it is too late to spray.


  • 应该随时告诉那些,你爱他们尽可能多的,因为并不知道什么时候最后一

    You should tell people you love that you love them, as often as possible, because you never know when your last chance will be.


  • 所以某些可能试图挽回面子因为他们应该获得那些资源时候没有得到它们

    So some people may be trying to save face because they didn't nail down the resources they should have nailed down.


  • 这个时候他们不用担心他们自己的人和别的什么人,因为那些囚犯剩下一个可以逃跑的。

    By the time they no longer had to worry about their own people and could worry about the others, the prisoners, there was no one left to escape.


  • 所以,当学校的时候,千万不要讥笑(哪怕心里)身边那些又俗的同学因为他们很可能就是将来同学聚会上的主角,也是你mm进行再教育榜样

    Therefore, don’t laugh at those students who are vulgarian, because they may be the protagonist in your future reunion, and the example your MM set up for you to follow.


  • 不得不承认有些时候就是完全就是因为喜欢那些灰蒙蒙封皮

    I have to admit to sometimes buying old books just because I love the dust jacket.


  • 很多主义者被迫将(所有)书籍作为件物品——他们个人图书馆——因为时候那些肯定会使他们超过了100的限制。

    Many minimalists are forced to count books as one itemtheir personal librarybecause that would in some cases definitely take them over 100.


  • 博士了一传统的病毒感染曲线相平衡的曲线:一开始时候很高因为那些易感的人群都得病了,但是随着人们逐渐适应,也就变得越来越少。

    Dr Shaffer draws a parallel with a classic virus-infection curve: high at the beginning as those most susceptible fall ill, but gradually tailing off as people adapt.


  • 认为他们知道时候自己看到一些事物理解因为那些事物熟悉他们与生活相联系

    I think they sort of really understand that maybe sometimes they see things to them they don't quite understand what it is because it's not familiar to them, but it's sort connect to your own life.


  • 第五 :着车走在公路上,特别是郊外的公路上的时候不要因为那些陌生你挥手你就停下来。

    Lesson 5: When driving on the highway or, especially, on remote roads, do not stop for strangers who try to flag you down.


  • 大学校园里演讲的时候,我那些男生,他们因为“我可能被拒绝。”

    When I give talks on campuses and I ask the men about this, they say it's because "I could get rejected."


  • 首先,有时候我们拖延并不因为享乐其中事情而是那些唯一诱惑之处就是它们不是我们应当在做的事情的类工作

    In the first place, we often procrastinate not by doing fun tasks but by doing jobs whose only allure is that they aren't what we should be doing.


  • 知道自己在做什么因为地上时候的手背在身后转向一边,并没有看那些警察

    He knew what he was doing because he laid on the ground, put his hands behind his back and turned his head away from security.


  • 讽刺意味因为我们回顾那些时候他们相当柔和的,没有我们所想的那样强壮!

    Ironic because, when we look back at those men, they were quite a bit softer and less physically imposing than we think!


  • 这里有些小贴士:首先思考的内容,不要去想那些不想说的。因为你不想什么或者去做什么的时候这件反而有可能发生

    Here are a few tips: First, think about what you want to say, not what you don't want to say, because when you try not to think or do something, it is often more likely to occur.


  • 时候很多日记,那些日记后来有帮助因为到了里面许多东西作为材料

    I was writing a lot in a journal — which was very helpful to me later because I've used a lot of that material.


  • 我们也会重复的时候特别是赛季里,因为我们整个星期都会供应那些禽类

    We have repeats, especially during game season, but that's because we order those birds continually over the week.


  • 他们发现如果个人上午10走神了,那么10:15分时候那个可能在10点的时候不快,也许是因为那些游离念头

    They found that if someone's mind wandered at, say, 10 in the morning, then at 10:15 that person was likely to be less happy than at 10, perhaps because of those stray thoughts.


  • 他们发现如果个人上午10走神了,那么10:15分时候那个可能在10点的时候不快,也许是因为那些游离念头

    They found that if someone's mind wandered at, say, 10 in the morning, then at 10:15 that person was likely to be less happy than at 10, perhaps because of those stray thoughts.


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