• 这个方案一个重要因素就是它决定反应堆如何停止的,因为你们必须停止反应堆。

    One of the key factors in this scenario is determining how the reactor will be shut down because you must shutdown the reactor.


  • 服务器平台——这个基本因素考虑因为网站会因此完全不一样

    Server Platform - One of the most basic thing to look for because it can greatly make a big difference to your website.


  • 纺纱这个词里的一个重要因素因为最初“spinsters”(纺纱者)那些主要从事纺织工作,将亚麻羊绒纺成丝线年轻姑娘

    Spin is the important element here, since at first spinsters were young women whose main labor was to work at spinning flax or sheep's-wool into tread or yarn.


  • 这个想法出现是因为“我”的朋友群“她”的朋友,而这种形式使得我们之间很多区分因素

    The idea that there is a group of people that are "my" friends and another group that is "her" friends can be a big dividing factor between us.


  • 成本一定美国航空做出这个决定主要因素因为这个问题已经主导了整个航空业,惠普这一方面任何其它卖方拥有更多筹码

    Cost had to be a major factor in the decision, because that issue dominates the airline industry, and H-P had more at stake than any other vendor.


  • 因为公司宣传品牌时,许多自我推荐机会所以这个过程中会有许多“干扰因素”。

    Because of so many opportunities for self promotion with corporate brand promotion, there can be “distractions”.


  • 解释了为什么这个话题直到最近才显得十分重要因为人民开始严重担心通货紧缩因素,从而“诱使财政部修改利率计算方法

    And it can explain why the issue became significant only recently, as people have started to seriously worry about deflation, inducing Treasury to change its calculations.


  • 这个产业成功明显因为其他因素并非税收。

    The industry's success clearly depends on other things than tax.


  • 其实我们更加平等方式在完成这个任务,虽然你们一些人依旧在意时间因素但是你们到时候可以更容易的放松因为我们科技能力能够处理依赖于我们需求

    We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you, but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us.


  • EricGrosse这个问题好,因为市场规模绝对驱动因素之一

    Eric Grosse: That's a good question, because scale is definitely a driving factor here.


  • 投资者消息表示欢迎因为这个消息消除了一不确定因素

    Investors welcomed the news, because it resolves a major uncertainty.


  • 这个领域现象之所以在精度预测范围之外因为起作用的因素的庞杂,而不是自然界没有什么秩序可言。

    Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.


  • 而且这个估计只是用于项目启动之用因为整个过程的时间安排花费诸多环境因素动态决定的。

    The estimate is only for starting purposes, however, since the overall timetable and cost are determined dynamically in response to the environmental factors.


  • 时医生这个广为流传的建议并不靠谱,因为并未考虑季节因素。 䜐。

    Shi i said this widely circulated advice is not valid, because it does not take into account the seasons.


  • 因为这个原因想象当时影响想象因素关联很大

    For this reason, the images are strongly related with the causes which affect imagination at that moment.


  • 也许方面因素总之喜欢这个观点我们加入一种热潮因为我们有好处。

    Neil: Hmm. Maybe there is an element of that. Anyway, I like the idea that we join a craze because it's beneficial – or good – for us.


  • 因为这个原因各个元素水平传送是一个重要考虑因素

    For this reason, the transmission of horizontal forces between the elements became an important consideration.


  • 我们这个时代,艺术表达常常源自个人自传因素,而作品因为致力于挑战艺术的“工艺”而与众不同。

    MD- In an age that art expression is highly motivated by personal or auto biographical elements, your work stands out by challenging the very craft of art.


  • 这个初期设计阶段很多因素非常灵活的,比如压,牛的因为可能技术或者声音方面可能有些地方是有意外的。

    At this stage, we have to be flexible with most parts (voltages, transformer ratios etc.), as there will be surprises, whether from the technical side or from the sound side.


  • 这个国家之所以名列前茅,因为健康幸福因素

    It also comes out on top as regards health and happiness.


  • 其他因素造成许多问题时,这个相位棘手,因为那时为了完成必须要做的事情,就必须保持清醒与客观。

    This is most troublesome when other factors bring about difficulties, for then it is necessary to see clearly in order to do what must be done.


  • 这个特性,印刷时,十分重要因为控制油墨牵引力牵引力彩色重要因素

    Tack is of great importance at the moment of printing because it controls trapping which is the key factor for colour balance.


  • 斯皮尔伯格知道我们希望这个故事基于真实人物,从真实情况出发因为陆战队员还要对抗疟疾各种因素

    Spielberg: we wanted this to really be based on, you know, real people and real situations, because the marines were also fighting 8 malaria and all kinds of the element.


  • 我们认为也许因为喜好的互动因此少这个因素就显得寂寞很多

    We think this is because she loves being around people and had started to feel quite lonely.


  • 因为这个外部性,人力资本价值分析也带来了很多不确定因素

    Also because of it, analyzing the value of human capital becomes very difficult and uncertain.


  • 为了实现这个梦想必须充分利用闲暇时间获取必要知识以至于这个行业中脱颖而出。与此同时,我要锻炼我的口才,因为这是不可或缺的因素对于这个行业。

    To realize my dream, I have to make full use of the leisure time to acquire the essential knowledge to become one of the best in this field.


  • 回顾一下以前的情况,我们是不是这个原因一直无法治疗这些疾病方面取得大的进展呢?是不是因为我们在某个时间段只能把注意力集中一个因素上呢?

    When we look back, is this the reason we haven't been able to make more progress on these diseases, by targeting only one element at a time?


  • 回顾一下以前的情况,我们是不是这个原因一直无法治疗这些疾病方面取得大的进展呢?是不是因为我们在某个时间段只能把注意力集中一个因素上呢?

    When we look back, is this the reason we haven't been able to make more progress on these diseases, by targeting only one element at a time?


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