• 蚕丝高强性是因为蛋白质

    Silk gets its strength from its proteins.


  • 超过这个比例蛋白质,则会引起相反的后果,因为蛋白质减缓了再水合(rehydration)原的补充

    Eating more protein than that, however, has a negative impact because it slows rehydration and glycogen replenishment.


  • 素食者可以蛋白质补充剂中获益因为他们肉类奶制品蛋类等动物蛋白

    Vegans can benefit from protein supplements since they do not eat animal-based protein sources like meat, dairy, or eggs.


  • 60左右,“肌肉真的开始分解,”一位研究衰老研究员凯瑟琳·斯塔尔,“因为如此老年人蛋白质需求实际上增加了。”

    At around age 60, "muscles really start to break down," say Kathryn Starr, an aging researcher, "and because of that, the protein needs of an older adult actually increase."


  • 纯素食者可以蛋白质补充剂中获益因为他们肉类奶制品鸡蛋等动物蛋白类食物。

    Vegans can benefit from protein supplements since they do not cat animal-based protein sources like meat, dairy or eggs.


  • 皮皮托内,这没有必要因为事实上我们大多数已经饮食获得了足够蛋白质

    No need to, says Pipitone because, in fact, most of us already get enough protein in our diet.


  • 人造蛋壳很好的建筑材料因为它们蛋白质矿物质构成

    Artificial bone and egg shells make good building materials due to their makeup of proteins and minerals.


  • 丰富蛋白质可以帮助实现努力试着保持一个健康身体目标因为可以使你的肌肉生长

    A great source of protein will help you meat your goal in trying to keep your body healthy because it will make your muscles grow.


  • 因为需要建立维护精瘦身体大量含精瘦的蛋白质食品健康关键的。

    Eating lean protein is crucial to good health because you need it to build and maintain lean body mass.


  • 之所以这样说是因为这些基因编码不是能够人类细胞表达并且调控某些生物过程蛋白质

    This is because they code for something other than the proteins that are expressed in human cells and that regulate biological processes.


  • 我们惊讶得到死亡受体不会任何激素产生反应因为以前那些同样状态蛋白质只存在时间。”桑顿说道

    "We were surprised to get a dead receptor that wouldn't respond to any hormones, because those same states had existed in the protein a relatively short time before," says Thornton.


  • 胆固醇因为不能单独血液移动所以必须特定蛋白质结合

    Because cholesterol can't travel alone through the bloodstream, it has to combine with certain proteins.


  • 因为含有均衡氨基酸来源(氨基酸构成蛋白质),鸡蛋看作衡量所有蛋白质食物黄金标准

    Because eggs contain a balanced source of amino acids (building blocks of proteins), they are considered the gold standard by which all protein foods are measured.


  • 蛋白质小吃必不可少选择因为每个细胞基础

    Protein is a great choice for a snack because it is the building block for every cell.


  • 实际上研究结果表明新兵选手对于蛋白质需求递增的,因为身体还未处于收发自如的状态。

    In fact research shows that newbie exercisers have an increased need for protein, because the body has yet to become adept at conserving and recycling it.


  • 或者加上大汤匙坚果也是好的选择,因为坚果可以补充蛋白质,有用的脂肪,这种选择都能够帮助稳定血糖指数,保持腹感。

    Adding a tablespoon of chopped nuts is an excellent strategy because nuts add protein and "good" fat, both of which help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you feeling full.


  • 水母一种可取的海鲜选择因为它们没有其他海洋蛋白质来源一样过度捕捞

    Jellies are a desirable seafood alternative because they haven't been overfished like so many other oceanic sources of protein.


  • 造成破坏要弱碱性物质,因为许多角膜蛋白质可结合起到化学缓冲的作用。

    Acids tend to cause less damage than alkalis as many corneal proteins bind acid and act as a chemical buffer.


  • 从头开始蛋白质困难因为形状功能关键所以确定是否劳神

    Making the proteins from scratch is more difficult, because their shape is crucial to their function, so it is not clear whether he will bother to do so.


  • 显而易见,绞细的火鸡肉一种很好的低替代品但是烹饪时肉质会变干,因为脂肪保持蛋白质水份主要成分

    Ground Turkey is an obvious lower-fat alternative, but it dries out when it is cooked since fat is the key ingredient to keep proteins moist.


  • 最后应该肉类因为它们蛋白质的一种重要来源

    The final food that you should be eating in your diets is meats because they are a great source of protein.


  • 如果确实不够重视,那么你需要。,因为有氧力量联系需要蛋白质修建肌肉

    If you don't, you are going to get very little out of your workout, as both cardio and strength workouts require protein for building muscles.


  • 坚持认为这样蛋白质数目可能很多因为皮质醇受体进化过程中,导致不可改变性突变之间复杂相互作用的形式比比皆是

    But he argues that the number is likely to be large because the type of complex interactions between mutations that caused irreversibility in the evolution of the cortisol receptor are common.


  • 不仅因为研究揭露微波辐射导致不孕因为微波炉加热会造成很多食物蛋白质分子异化,食物变得难以消化

    Not only has exposure to microwave radiation been linked to causing infertility in men, but it also denatures many of the essential proteins in foods, rendering them virtually indigestible.


  • 因为中的蛋白质减轻红酒中单宁酸作用,红酒对抗红肉消化可能产生有害物质——一种叫做丙醛MDA氧化脂肪

    Protein softens the wine's tannins, and red wine also helps counteract potentially harmful substances - oxidized fats called malonaldehydes, or MDA - released when meat is digested.


  • 睡前避免蛋白质食物这些食物保持清醒状态因为他们包含了一些高浓度氨酸。

    Avoid foods high in protein prior to bedtime. These can keep you awake because they contain elevated levels of tyrosine. [4].


  • 其原因之一可能因为通过选择性繁殖方式提高牛奶的蛋白质含量乳品生产者期望品质)的。

    One reason this may be so frequently found is because cows have been selectively bred this way to increase the protein content of the cow-milk (a quality desired by dairy producers). 9


  • BlueGene/L技术提供了一种强大的方法研究这些类型疾病因为能够更加经济高效地更快地建模蛋白质折叠和错误折叠效果

    The Blue Gene/L technology offers a powerful way to study these types of diseases, because it provides a more cost-effective (and faster) way to model the effects of protein folding and misfolding.


  • 睡前避免蛋白质食物,这些食物保持清醒状态因为他们包含了一些高浓度氨酸。

    Avoid foods high in protein prior to bedtime.These can keep you awake because they contain elevated levels of tyrosine. [4] Do not go to bed hungry - this will make it harder to fall asleep.


  • 睡前避免蛋白质食物,这些食物保持清醒状态因为他们包含了一些高浓度氨酸。

    Avoid foods high in protein prior to bedtime.These can keep you awake because they contain elevated levels of tyrosine. [4] Do not go to bed hungry - this will make it harder to fall asleep.


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