• 因为没有胜利不能生存

    For without victory there is no survival.


  • 不惜一切代价胜利不畏一切恐惧胜利因为没有胜利没有生存

    It is victory. Victory at all costs - victory in spite of all terrors - for without victory there is no survival.


  • 不惜一切代价胜利胜利所有恐怖的胜利然而漫长艰难道路可能的,因为没有胜利不能生存

    Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.


  • 不惜一切代价,去赢得胜利无论多么可怕赢得胜利,无论道路多么遥远艰难,也要赢得胜利因为没有胜利,就不能生存

    Victory at all costs; victory in spite of all terrors; victory, however long and hand the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.


  • 不惜一切代价,去夺取胜利——一切恐怖,去夺取胜利——不论路如何漫长、如何艰苦,去夺取胜利因为没有胜利不能生存

    Victory at all costs -victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.


  • 持希望是取得胜利的最好武器,所以永远不要告诉你“什么都没有”,因为只要你努力寻找,你总能找到一个“梨”把你从困境中拉出来。

    To keep hope is the best weapon for victory, so never tell yourself "nothing" because only if you try to search, you can always find a "pear" to pull you out of trouble.


  • 虽然黑格反应机敏,但布莱尔表现肯定毫不逊色,因为当时是以压倒性胜利遥遥领先,所以没有必要这个

    Despite Mr Hague's quick wit, Mr Blair might have come off well; but since he was heading for a landslide victory anyway, he saw no reason to take the risk.


  • 看起来没有许多英国人一样因为胜利念头畏缩不前。

    He seems to be less daunted by the idea of winning than many Englishmen.


  • 昨天没有名球员突出因为他们全都如此出色多么美妙的胜利,期待周四的来临!

    Not one player stood out for us yesterday because they were all equally fantastic. What a win and roll on Thursday!


  • 美国这里建立军部,但他们却知道在攻占巴格达以后些什么因为他们没有胜利局面制定一个严格计划

    The American Military founded, not knowing what to do after taking Baghdad because it didn't have a serious plan for the day after declaring victory.


  • 我们取得胜利因为我们没有议程安排。

    We're going to win because we don't have an agenda.


  • 即使喜欢丑陋胜利,而非漂亮的失败道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军对战争描述,也适用体育运动因为没有什么能代替胜利

    But even he prefers an ugly victory to a beautiful defeat. What Douglas MacArthur said of war is as true of sport - there is no substitute for victory.


  • 按照这种可笑理论,每次只要球队输球了,而且有几个球员表现不好的时候,那么就因为教练没有最有可能带来胜利球员派上场的缘故。

    By this ridiculous logic, any time a team loses a game and some of the players play poorly, it's because the coach didn't put players that give you the best chance to win.


  • 一刻同样流泪了,那时没有嘲笑因为胜利眼泪

    At that moment, I also shed tears, but at that time, and no one dare to laugh at me, because it is the tears of victory.


  • 但是巨大差别在于作为配角球员大家这样做获得系列赛胜利,只是因为没有办法

    But there's a big difference between doing that as a complementary player and doing it to win a series, because there is no other way.


  • 因为本着分享精神平静地讲出了这一切我们没有生气,我们知道无论取得最后的胜利,他只想得到最好建议。

    We would not get angry because he was sharing in a calm spirit and we could tell he just wanted the best for all regardless who got the credit.


  • 历史表明那些显赫一时领导者,通常都是遇到过无数艰难险阻,而他们之所以胜利因为他们失败后并没有气馁

    History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.


  • 就象以往那样,亚瑟带来胜利同时悲哀因为没有哪一场胜利真正属于自己的

    It will bring Arthur triumph, but also sorrow, as it has always done, for his victories will never be his own.


  • 因为老公没有因为爱情而舍弃了这个家,方面痛苦的,不幸的,幸福的,是胜利的。

    Because, my husband do not abandon this because of his love, say from this aspect, he was pain and sufferings of, is unfortunate of, but I is happiness of, is victory of.


  • 不是一个胜利因为没有水坑

    I said it wasn't a Triumph since there were no puddles underneath.


  • 环保不容儿戏没有胜利可言因为它本身是过程永远只是个过程。

    Environmental protection should be taken seriously, it doesn't have to be possible to say successfully, because it is a process, and forever is only a process.


  • 加时赛中巴萨非常疲劳或许他们有些沮丧因为他们没有像以往那样取得胜利

    In extra time they (Barcelona) were very tired and perhaps became frustrated because they were not having the success that they are accustomed to.


  • 他们处在一个不错位置因为没有谈论他们但是他们能够取得胜利

    They are in a good position because no-one talks about them but they play and they win.


  • 成功要义在于你永远没有足够成功供你游戏”中周转,因为在此游戏中,胜利必定一个人的失败抵消

    The essence of success is that there is never enough of it to go around in a zero sum game where one person's winning must be offset by another's losing.


  • 成功要义在于你永远没有足够成功供你游戏”中周转,因为在此游戏中,胜利必定一个人的失败抵消

    The essence of success is that there is never enough of it to go around in a zero sum game where one person's winning must be offset by another's losing.


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