• 无论我们长多大,我们永远都需要一个叫做地方因为没有最爱难以自拔地陷入孤寂

    No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home. Because without the people you love most, you can't help but feel all alone in the world.


  • 谈谈爷爷因为很久没有听到关于任何消息了。

    Talk to me about your grandfather, for it has been long since I have heard anything about him.


  • 没有什么早上听到闹钟糟糕的了,因为身体嚷着要休息几个小时。

    Nothing feels worse than hearing your alarm clock ring in the morning when your body is screaming for a few extra hours of rest.


  • 没有什么比做感兴趣的事情糟糕的了,因为不仅摧毁才能会挫伤成功人生渴望

    Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only ruin your talents but also discourage your desire to succeed in life.


  • 经过那些饮料贩卖机时接受了营销,即使没有饮料,因为这个又大又花哨东西显眼了。

    When you walk past those soft drink machines, you're being marketed to even if you don't buy it because it's that big colorful thing that stands out.


  • 现在风暴结束了因为没有放弃

    Now, your storm is over because you didn't give up.


  • 记得托马斯·科斯坦出版他的第一部小说时已经57岁,而摩西奶奶第一次展示她的照片时也已经78岁。无论是如何开始的,记住没有比现在更好的开始时间了,因为永远不会比此刻更有活力。

    Remember that Thomas Costain was 57 when he published his first novel, and that Grandma Moses showed her first pictures when she was 78. However you start, remember there is no better time to start than right now, for you'll never be more alive than you are at this moment.


  • 重要无法集中精力做事因为同时处理多个事情是很没有效率事情,这样限制了创造力降低工作质量

    More importantly, it is distracting you. Because there is no such thing as an effective multi-tasker, this lack of focus will seep into the quality of your work and creativity.


  • 没有偏离典章因为教训

    I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me.


  • 当然晚餐分量午餐因为睡觉之前身体没有那么多时间消耗

    Of course, dinner should be smaller than lunch, because your body will have less time to process this meal before sleep.


  • 自己感到压抑因为一旦出柜,没有回头路了。

    Don't allow yourself to feel pressured, because once you do it, there's no going back.


  • 现在没有因为放弃年时间,就一直一起了。

    But not now, because you've given up those five years and you've been in my life ever since.


  • 现在没有因为放弃年时间,就一直一起了。

    But not now because you've given up those five years and you've been in my life ever since.


  • 确实我们需要最好礼物因为没有健康,真的没有别的

    It truly is the greatest gift we could have because without you, you really have nothing else.


  • 因为可是关系他们是否可以持续经营关键,而且知道,如果花光了没有钱了。

    The question is can they continue to do that. If you run out of money, you run out of money.


  • 但是如果的血压相当这个建议清楚了:的医生必须开药因为没有受到控制的高血压会使承担致命心脏病发作中风风险

    But if your Numbers are even moderately high, the advice is unequivocal: your doctor must prescribe drugs because uncontrolled high blood pressure puts you at risk for a deadly heart attack or stroke.


  • 夏日时光是个积累有益黄金时期,因为有了更多时间没有工作学校里那么容易分心。

    Summertime’s also a great time to take stock of your friendships, since you have more time and aren’t as distracted by work or school.


  • 如果遇到这个问题并且除了因为学”之外没有其他答案的话,失去信誉了。

    If you are ever asked that question and don't have an answer for it, other than, "because I said so," then you have lost credibility.


  • 以前有没有买过新的电子设备去尝试一项新的活动然后马上就放弃了,因为发现没有能力去掌握

    Have you ever bought a new electronic device, or tried a new activity, and then dropped it because you were sure you couldn't possibly master it?


  • 没有什么中止系统启动的信息更糟糕的了——主要因为现在没有解决主要问题工具

    There's nothing worse than an error that stops your system booting - mainly because you're now without your primary problem solving tool.


  • 没有偏离的典章,因为教训了

    I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me.


  • 问题所在因为忙了,没有时间好好吃饭,所以依靠快餐甜得饮料还有零食自己充满动力。

    THE PROBLEM: Because you're super busy, with little time for proper meals, you rely on fast food, sugary drinks and snacks to provide a boost.


  • 正确错误如果男人同交往了一但是还没有提出求婚,那么耐心最好的应对方法,因为施加压力必然吓跑他。

    True or false: If a man you've been dating for a year and a half hasn't gotten around to popping the question, patience is your best bet - pressure will surely scare him off.


  • 假如当天已经就可以不带一点自责沉浸这些活动中,因为知道的训练丝毫没有受损失

    If your running is already done for the day, you can indulge in these activities guilt-free, knowing that your training hasn't suffered.


  • 假如当天已经就可以不带一点自责沉浸这些活动中,因为知道的训练丝毫没有受损失

    If your running is already done for the day, you can indulge in these activities guilt-free, knowing that your training hasn't suffered.


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