• 这种情况下我们特别知道存在于地壳下层地幔是否因为撞击暴露出来。

    In this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantle, the layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact.


  • 如果胫骨隧道位于交界处前方移植肌腱可能因为撞击损伤

    If a tibial tunnel is placed anterior to this junction, graft injury may result from impingement.


  • 起来时候,我惊骇不已,东西有四块大石头那么,我它放下的时候因为撞击叮当作响。

    I was appalled when I picked it upit weighed four stone and it clanked when I dropped it.


  • 要知道软件升级可以预测撞击确切经纬度绝非易事,因为斯利每次地球自传方向旋转轴因素考虑在内

    Upgrading it to give the exact latitude and longitude of the collision wasn’t simple work, since Chesley had to factor in the spin, orientation and rotational wobble of the Earth at each moment.


  • 很明显原子有效因为有点有一个重一点原子,的撞击

    Clearly the heavier the atom the less affective it is because it's sort of like a billiard ball collision with a heavier atom.


  • 当初要么小行星撞击大部分表面爆裂进入太空,要么是因为年轻太阳简单地汽化了其外层

    Either it was then hit by an asteroid which blasted much of its surface into space, or else the hot, young sun simply vaporised its outer layers.


  • 因为台球另一个发生撞击的时候。

    Because when one billiard ball hits another.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》11月7日报道众所周知大型陨石撞击地球可不是什么好消息,因为引发地震海啸以及大火

    It's well known that a large meteorite hitting the earth would not be good news, as it would cause earthquakes, tsunamis and firestorms.


  • 对于那些熬夜不睡早早就起来观测10月9撞击天文爱好者来说,着实是乘兴而来败兴而归因为他们未能观测到预想的崩溅碎片状尘雾。

    For space enthusiasts who stayed up, or woke up early, to watch the impact on Oct. 9, the event was anticlimactic, even disappointing, as they failed to see the anticipated debris plume.


  • 两方面证据:第一,现存的灾难性撞击的残骸与Baptistina和她的后代有相同的成分,必要条件,并非充分条件因为含碳的球粒状陨石其它小行星有;

    That is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, as the type of rock involved, called carbonaceous chondrite, is found in other asteroids, too.


  • 因为中微子几乎不其它物质相互作用,它们穿透土地流动,之中很小一部分撞击探测器上,成为可以观测到的粒子簇。

    As the particles hardly interact at all with other matter, they stream right through the ground, with only a very few striking the material in the detector and making a noticeable shower of particles.


  • 与此同时撞击木星时间如此接近一诡异巧合天文学家破脑袋不得其解,因为,长久以来撞击木星事件都认为相对罕见的。

    Meanwhile, the odd coincidence of two Jovian smashes so close together has astronomers scratching their heads, since impacts on Jupiter have long been thought to be relatively rare.


  • 因为配色对造假者而言也许并不困难要想复制这些小孔撞击十分困难了!

    It's not that hard to match color pigments, but duplicating the tiny holes and bumps would be really difficult.


  • 仅仅因为我们知道有一彗星1994年撞击木星代表2009年撞击木星是同样武器

    Just because we know a comet slammed into the planet in 1994, it doesn't necessarily mean the 2009 event used the same weapon.


  • 看见只有毛蜘蛛不能生存下来因为撞击

    I also encountered a very large furry spider, which didn't survive it's head being bashed.


  • 中心可能由于不同寻常的下层地质结构导致的,有可能因为幸运二次撞击而形成的。

    The central crater could be formed by unusual layers below the surface, or from a lucky second impact.


  • 可能因为月球形成过程中,撞击产生热能使挥发性元素——水重要组成成分——大量流失。

    That could be because the collision that made the moon in the first place was so hot that volatile elements like hydrogen, a key component of H2O, largely burned away.


  • 通常他们保护星球表面不受任何有害撞击这次他们没有阻止,因为想借此人类觉醒

    Usually they protect the planetary surface from any harmful impact, but this one they let through and the reasoning was the awakening of the human masses.


  • 此刻,斯特里克林很清楚如果企图早些保全自己,只有死路一条(因为飞机还没到有利位置——译者注);可如果稍迟那么一瞬间,也是无疑因为飞机已撞击地面——译者注)。

    At that moment, Stricklin also knew that if he bailed too soon, he might die. And if he waited too long, he definitely would die.


  • 此刻,斯特里克林很清楚如果企图早些保全自己,只有死路一条(因为飞机还没到有利位置——译者注);可如果稍迟那么一瞬间,也是无疑因为飞机已撞击地面——译者注)。

    At that moment, Stricklin also knew that if he bailed too soon, he might die. And if he waited too long, he definitely would die.


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