• 因此因为艺术中的一部分种让人难以控制喜悦、一种大自然世界赏识庆贺

    So I think part of the art is an overwhelming sense of delight and appreciation and celebration of the natural world.


  • 倚靠,神喜悦现在可以救他。因为曾说儿子

    He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, 'I am the Son of God.


  • 倚靠,神喜悦他,现在可以因为曾说儿子

    He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.


  • 来的,同在;没有撇下独自在这里,因为喜悦的事。

    29the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.


  • 喜悦让人坚持不懈——继续干下去,因为可以做出影响其他人事情

    Happiness grew to 9 perseverance-to keep going because I could do something to 10 impact another.


  • 或许因为我第一个起床可以享受一段静谧独处时光,或许因为不用上班所带来的无限喜悦

    Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.


  • 尽管没有实现自己目标仍然记得喜悦之情充斥全身感觉不是因为时间而是因为我知道为了我的目标不遗余力的努力

    And although I didn’t conquer my goal, I still remember the feeling of joy that shot through my body - not because of the time, but because I knew without question that I gave it my all.


  • 但是喜悦的,因为所处于的旅程宇宙任何其他灵魂不相同。

    Yet, I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled.


  • 或许因为我第一起床可以享受一段静谧独处时光,或许因为不用上班所带来的无限喜悦

    Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude[2] that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work.


  • 大家这里齐聚一堂,感到由衷的喜悦一方面因为大学时期室友卡洛琳琳·韦伯,也在这里,现在你们老师

    Looking gat you all here fills me with great joy, in part because my college roommate, a member of your faculty, Caroline Weber, is here.


  • 同学们脸上洋溢兴奋喜悦各自在做加油助威的小旗紧张掩饰好,紧张因为害怕淘汰

    Students face filled with excitement, joy, each are doing to cheer for the flags, and my tension was a good cover, I am tense because I was afraid of being eliminated.


  • 泰兰德·风语者:“心中因为见到无比喜悦玛法里奥如果不是情势危急不会唤醒你的。”

    Tyrande Whisperwind: My heart rejoices to see you again, Furion. But I would not have awakened you unless the need was urgent.


  • 希望这个罗马角斗士能加入因为希望成为们共同庆祝前路的胜利喜悦!!!

    P. S I hope the Roman Gladiator joins us coz I want him to be a part of us and celebrate with us in joys that lie ahead! ! !


  • 寻找首先因为使人心醉神迷,这种陶醉是如此美妙,使愿意牺牲所有余生去换取小时爱喜悦

    I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy — ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy.


  • 来的同在,没有撇下独自一人因为始终喜悦

    And he who sent Me is with Me; he has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.


  • 有时想要理性看到每一事故仍然因为一点温柔感人喜悦

    Sometimes I want rational see every accident, it will still because of a little tender and touching joy.


  • 因为存在知道困境得到成功喜悦

    Because of his presence, I realize that in times of difficulty has been the joy of success.


  • 知道不仅国家人民全世界的人民都在分享这份喜悦——因为过去取得的成就,以及们能够共同创造未来

    And I know that sentiment was shared by people, not just across our country, but also around the world because of what we've achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.


  • 那么来时,眼睛真的落下露珠,晨光也真因为围绕身躯感到喜悦么? ?

    Is it then true that the dewdrops fall from the eyes of night when I am seen, and the morning light is glad when it wraps my body round?


  • 上帝会保佑有人不尊重你、困扰你、撒谎的时候、在有人各种邪恶事情的时候、因为跟随着12要对这些感到喜悦

    God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. 12 be happy about it!


  • 不会除非喜悦泪水因为告别童年迎来新的生活——神秘未知的生活。

    I will not cry, unless they be tears of joy for bidding good-bye to my childhood and welcoming in a new life - one that is mysterious and unknown.


  • 可能因为圣城观音菩萨道场的缘故,第一次圣城就是一回家感觉很平静、很自然、很轻松,一种淡淡的喜悦之情。

    During that visit, I felt peaceful and relaxed, and somewhat blissful, as if I had come back home. I think maybe it's because CTTB is the way place of GuanYin Bodhisattva.


  • 必定奇妙无比的甚至现在因为喜悦跳跃,甚至还丈夫了,今天一同漫步的时候。这个曾经一直避免某些遗漏

    That must be amazing... for even NOW I am jumping for joy and even said to my husband as we walked along today, that I was having to refrain from breaking into a skip!


  • 那样感到喜悦暖意——那是只有做了正确才会感受得到的,喜悦让人坚持不懈——继续干下去,因为可以做出影响其他人事情

    It gave me happiness and a glow that can only be felt when you do something right. Happiness grew to perseverance - to keep going because I could do something to impact another.


  • 只求各样上,讨上帝喜悦因为圣洁信心能讨上帝的欢心。

    Only let my great care be to please the LORD in all things. Oh, for faith and holiness; for these are a pleasure unto the Most High!


  • ⊙、因为自信拥有成功喜悦

    Because I have confidence, the joy of success;


  • ⊙、因为自信拥有成功喜悦

    Because I have confidence, the joy of success;


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