• 所以担心中国动画因为我没有看到任何原创的动画作品。

    So I was worried about Chinese animation because I didn't see any original animation being done.


  • 可能更好因为最有可能真气因为没有看到任何良好合理化故事

    But it's probably for the better as it would most likely be infuriating because I don't see any good rationalization or story coming out of this.


  • 婚姻无趣可能因为没有看到生活一些细节价值而不是因为太太不再相爱了。

    I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of life, not because we didn't love each other any more.


  • 轻轻松松就看到这些细节——任何傻瓜都看得见——还没吃过早餐因为牙齿嘴角都很干净没有一点儿面包屑。

    I can easily see - any fool would see it - that you've not breakfasted, as your teeth and mouth are absolutely clean, not a crumb about.


  • 这个阶段你们可以看到胜过了海森堡,因为我没有那种恐惧的心理

    At this stage, you see, I had an advantage over Heisenberg because I did not have his fears.


  • 已经看到至少两个孩子因为这种情况而被疏忽了,床上死去感到必须现在进行诊断否则没有机会了。

    But I have seen at least two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases, and feeling that I must get a diagnosis now or never I went at it again.


  • 因为没有死命地墙壁看,看呀看,看到了一年前因为准备上的颗钉子,现在还孤零零地呆在那里

    Instead of reading, I stare at the walls and notice that there are still two empty nails on which I meant - a year ago - to hang pictures.


  • 说实话没有想到自己这样的成绩,因为有点,”赛后博尔特,“说‘试试吧因为人们希望看到这样的结果’。”

    "I can definitely say I didn't expect that because I was a little bit tired," Bolt said after the race. "I said 'Let's try because people are really looking out for this'."


  • 志愿者因为不能看到任何动物受到伤害,就没有一个关心一样。从事相关的志愿活动,感到活得有生气

    I volunteer because I can't handle seeing any animal suffering as if no one cares and because it makes me feel alive.


  • 姑娘没有看到什么东西因为健忘民族”打听些事情

    I asked the young girl if she could see anything, for I had quite a number of things to ask the Forgetful People.


  • 看到营养严重不足的孩子们,看到位又一位母亲因为没有母乳喂养而埋葬自己的孩子,这都无比心碎。

    It's heartbreaking to see severely malnourished children and to meet mother after mother who has buried children when such a simple life-saving solution is not applied.


  • 抬头看,却没有看到以为因为飞得太高

    I looked up because I couldn't see it and thought to myself that it was high up.


  • 因为看到附近没有在场立刻就跑

    Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately.


  • 所以共同探讨解决方法很高兴看到昨天那样开放性讨论,因为没有任何人知道所有答案应共同努力去寻找新的解决方法,来应对全球的共同威胁

    You know, nobody has all the answers. We have to work together in ways that can discover new answers that will be effective in dealing with this global threat.


  • 只能门徒因为的眼睛闭着的。当你打开它们一天你将会看到其实这里或者任何人那里,你没有什么东西可以

    "You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you will see there is nothing you can learn from me or anyone".


  • 你们马上看到一些代码中,违反了这个原则,会因此嘲笑,which,Professor,Guttag,is,going,to,因为我没有通过访问器来做,但是确实的,一个优秀的,健康的。

    What you're going to see in a second I violated in some of my code, Guttag yell at me shortly because I should have done it through accessors, but, he's exactly right.


  • 因为卧室看到踢脚线预算没有木地板的。

    Because I see a baseboard in the bedroom column of the budget but there is no solid wood floor.


  • 已经额头没有真的看到因为穿刘海

    I have lines across my forehead, which nobody really sees because I wear bangs.


  • 教授没有出来,但是1可以看到为什么是,因为等于1/2的2,4减去,所以1/2的2,键等于1

    PROFESSOR: And I didn't write up there but it is one, 1 and we can see that it's 1, 2 because it's 1/2 of 2, 4 minus 2, so 1/2 of 2, the bonding order is going to be equal to one.


  • 最后因为车上没有过多玻璃可以清楚地看到学校风景感到很舒服

    Last, as there is not too much glasses on the school bus, I can see the scenery of my school clearly, which makes me feel comfortable.


  • 告诉没有一事实在现实意义不大因为只需往下一眼棋盘,就看到的车正灵巧而且生龙活虎地冲杀呢。

    The fact that you tell me I have no rooks means little in actuality, as I need only glance downward at the board to see them darting about with cunning and vigor.


  • 关于食物这件事什么都知道没有看到是否有东西出去—可能问一下其他人因为知道。

    I don't know about food throwing. I did not see if something was thrown - you'll have to ask someone else, because I don't know.


  • 高兴这里看到你们因为没有你们底特律中华商会就不成为有效交流渠道

    I am glad you are here, because without you, DCBA would be an effective communication channel.


  • 没有看到话剧开头部分因为迟到了。

    I missed the beginning of the play, for I was late.


  • 即使真的找到,也不见得认得出来因为可能没有看到黑色火山岩玻璃可能的情况是,安迪块玻璃放进口袋带走了。

    And if I did find the right one, I might never know it because I might overlook that black piece of volcanic glass, or, much more likely, Andy put it into his pocket and took it with him.


  • 昨天偷了妈妈因为看到一个很漂亮玩具要买的妈妈放在桌子上,是否看到钱,没有

    Yesterday, I steal my mother's money, because I see a beautiful toy, I want to buy it, my mother puts the money on the desk, she asks me if I see the money, I tell her not.


  • 太阳升起来说是理所当然即使北方很少看到太阳(现在也不是因为没有日落

    The sun rises every day. That is something I take for granted even if it can be hard to discover up here in the north. (Not right now as it does not set for the moment).


  • 必须习惯这个时间开球,因为以前没有但是认为并不影响到球场内看到大家认真的观赏着比赛

    We had to get used to the idea of playing at this time because we're not accustomed to it, but I believe it didn't show on the pitch and I saw people were really into it.


  • 开心对于来说很大惊喜很想念他们因为已经很长段时间没有看到他们

    I am so happy, it is such a big surprise for me, I miss them so much, because I haven't seen them for a long time.


  • 确实看到了一右侧布莱德利步战车被误击,之所以不是敌军因为它是没有遭到曳光弹扫射的情况下被打中的。

    I did see a bradley off to our right get fratted, and could tell it wasn't enemy because it lit up with no incoming tracer.


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