• 不想回忆过去因为恐惧

    I do not recall my past, because I fear.


  • 不是这个打击只是为了你摆脱失败恐惧……因为已经知道可能发生,所以没有压力避开它。

    I don't say that to discourage you, but to release you from the fear of failure... because if you already know it will happen, then there's no pressure to avoid it.


  • 怎么也没办法让明白因为你不懂得恐惧含义

    Oh, I can never make you understand, because you don't know the meaning of fear.


  • 唯一可取之处听到恐惧而发出喉音因为话筒很远

    My only saving grace was so that no one heard the guttural sounds of fear groaning out of my mouth, because I was shaking so far from the microphone.


  • 这个阶段你们可以看到胜过了海森堡,因为没有那种恐惧的心理

    At this stage, you see, I had an advantage over Heisenberg because I did not have his fears.


  • 认为将来有一没有恐惧之中因为现在幸存者家属医生护士研究人员倡导者工作努力试图结束这种疾病

    And I think that we will one day live without fear because right now, survivors, families, doctors, nurses, researchers, and advocates are all hard at work trying to end this disease.


  • 这样处理对乔安娜来说显然有点困难因为除了自己感到懊悔外,总是感到恐惧担忧希望不要开车撞上发生别的什么事

    This of course made things even harder for JoAnn, because in addition to her own woes she would feel frightened and concerned for me - hoping I wouldn't drive the car into a tree or whatever.


  • 不仅因为哈佛给了比寻常的荣誉而且为了这几个礼拜以来,由于想到这次毕业典礼演说而产生恐惧恶心减肥成功。

    Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I've experienced at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight.


  • 恐怕人们恐惧的原因,因为孩子们历来都是照看而不是被倾听的对象。

    And that, I'm afraid, is frightening because people know that children should be seen and not heard.


  • 但是发现不是件易事主要因为对这一行恐惧而且有时不知为何觉得自己无法自己好的作家相比较。

    But I have found that it is hard to do. Mostly because of fear of the craft and how I sometimes don't think that I can "stack up" to other, better writers.


  • 深爱着世界因为陪伴着每一恐惧双倍奇迹

    I love this world, where every horror is matched by something doubly wondrous.


  • 人与人之所以会产生隔阂因为无知仇恨恐惧这座‘隔阂’上敲出一条裂缝

    Walls that separate people are often built on ignorance, hatred, and fear. I try to put cracks in those walls.


  • 以前动物园里看过巨蟒(常常直奔爬行动物馆),蟒蛇们并不能带来这样恐惧因为他们很少

    I was used to looking at giant snakes in zoos (I always made a beeline for the reptile house), but pythons did not seem so scary to me because they rarely moved.


  • 脸色肯定了,因为发现其他同事眼神里带着恐惧

    I must have looked really ill, because I noticed other colleagues giving me looks of horror.


  • 结果攻读了数学学士学位,计算机科学专业因为只有学这个专业才能逃避写作恐惧

    I ended up pursuing a Bachelor in Math, and specialized in Computer Science, because, that was the only thing I could do that avoided my fear of writing.


  • 原因简单因为现在的网络感到有点担心甚至可以说恐惧

    The reason is less than simple. It is because I feel concerned even horrified about our internet.


  • 因为母亲缘故,使让成为母亲想法感到恐惧

    Because of her, the idea of becoming a mother horrified me.


  • 但是并不十分恐惧愤恨只是种单纯的害羞因为不止一个知道了丢人现眼的事情。

    But my dominant feeling was not fear or even resentment: it was simply shame because one more person, and that a woman, had been told of my disgusting offence.


  • 还是孩子时候,听过很多这个故事而且每次大人们的结论都彼得一个失败者因为风浪恐惧战胜了他自己。

    As a kid I heard the story many times and always with the same lesson: Peter was a failure because he grew afraid of the wind and waves.


  • 恐惧不是因为黑暗不是因为幽暗蒙蔽

    Because I was not cut off before the darkness, neither hath he covered the darkness from my face.


  • 恐惧不是因为黑暗不是因为幽暗蒙蔽

    Because I was not cut off before the darkness, [neither] hath he covered the darkness from my face.


  • 因为恐惧尝试因为总在讨厌鹰嘴豆”,可闲庭信步去寻一本异域食谱,然后将其专研透彻,你可尝试多种不同风格的餐厅外出吃饭时。

    Get a cookbook full of exotic recipes and work your way through it. Make a point of going to different types of restaurants when you go out for dinner.


  • 但是依旧瑟瑟发抖因为我孤立无援,充满恐惧

    Still, I shook with a mixture of aloneness and terror.


  • 因此,另外,还因为盲人最大的恐惧没有不会结婚生子拥有一个完整人生

    Because of that, and because I was blind on top of it, my greatest fear was that no one was ever going to love me, that I would never get married and have kids and a full life.


  • 比如昆虫蜘蛛或者其他有点抓狂,但是因为这种恐惧不要紧,打算克服

    For example, I'm just a tiny bit freaked out by insects, spiders and the like, but I have no motivation to get rid of that fear because it's not relevant for me.


  • 若是现在知道这件事,大概不会有恐惧因为知道什么正在发生,对不对

    So if I know this now, there would be no fear because I would know what was happening, right?


  • 若是现在知道这件事,大概不会有恐惧因为知道什么正在发生,对不对

    So if I know this now, there would be no fear because I would know what was happening, right?


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