• 无从证明,因为我还想着因为我还忘不了你,因为我心依然

    I have no way to prove that, because I still think of you, because I still can not forget you, because my heart is still in pain.


  • 一部分因为背负着破碎的心疲惫不堪。

    Another part of me is so weary from carrying the burden of a broken heart.


  • 对鱼因为喜欢问答了解

    Water says: Because I like that you understand my heart during the interlocution.


  • 因为不是你的心或者想法情感你的身体这个变现的想法走出忧郁症

    Because this very realisation - that you are not your mind or thoughts, your emotions, and your body - is what got me out of my depression.


  • 那些参与活动的人们感到他们认识因为真实自我,我的感恩全都投入这件事情

    People who participate feel like they know me, because my heart, my authentic self, my gratitude, is all up in this thing.


  • 曾经看到上帝无条件的一种因为或者我曾经做什么影响的爱,能够上帝,我爱

    But once I saw His unconditional love for me, a love unaffected by who I was and all I had done, my heart was able to say, "Father, I love you."


  • 不能一个满意答复因为早已身曹营在汉了。

    But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer, because my heart had gone to Dew.


  • 说是也是有关联因为恋爱这个复杂概念自底向上的又是自向下的,即是从,又是从心到脑的。

    I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa.


  • 大多数人来得都频繁因为我的虚荣心更重一点,”

    'I come more often than most because I'm a little more vain,' she says.


  • 乔伊纳:“大学里长曲棍球,因为保持身材帮助我在做事保持专注进取心。

    TYLASHIA JOYNER: "I will want to play in college because it will keep me in shape and it will help me stay focused and want to do something.


  • 因为那些组诗里,可以找出荒野》走向心灵公开最初印记。

    For in these was to be found the first news of my coming out of the Heart Wilderness into the open world.


  • 研究自然现象因为大家一样有好奇心

    I study nature because I am curious, like all of us.


  • 因为他们厌弃典章,郴顺从我的律例干犯我的安息日,他们随从自己偶像

    Because they despised my judgments, and walked not in my statutes, but polluted my sabbaths: for their heart went after their idols.


  • 前面的前面呢?也许长大了,可以独自探索……我去过很多很多地方,都只是为了扩大我的好奇心因为越来越意识到我对世界的无知

    Maybe someday I can travel to experience it on my own when I get olderMany are the places I’ve since traveled, only to enlarge my curiosity further, as my awareness of the unknown has grown.


  • 并没有因为这点而感到抱歉因为大哭一场之后,我总是感到洁净了就像头脑热水澡时相互搓了

    But I'm not going to apologize for that, because after a good cry, I always feel cleansed, like my heart and mind just rubbed each other's backs in a warm bath.


  • 留下来因为每次往我头上砖头难闻我的心。

    I stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts.


  • 研究自然现象因为大家一样有好奇心但是如果我们能够了解一些其他人可以使用原理那么有趣。

    I study nature because I am curious like all of us. But if we can learn some general principle that someone else might put to use that is fantastic.


  • 研究自然现象因为大家一样有好奇心但是如果我们能够了解一些其他人可以使用原理那么有趣。

    I study nature because I am curious, like all of us. But if we can learn some general principle that someone else might put to use, that is fantastic.


  • 他们认识,知道我耶和华。他们子民,我要作他们因为他们要一心归向我。

    And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.


  • 但是因为那种无恶意可不愿敏感的心,因此,我尽可能容忍

    Nevertheless as he was a harmless sort of fellow I did not like the idea of hurting his susceptibilities and so tolerated him as best I could.


  • 尽管这样,我觉得进取心这个最为恰当因为承认取得非同寻常的成功需要辛勤工作献身精神。因此,进取心是值得我们夸奖的。

    The word enterprise, however, is appropriate because it acknowledges the hard work and commitment required to achieve extraordinary success, and is therefore worthy of our praise.


  • 要仍安乐因为耶和华厚恩待

    Return unto thy rest, o my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.


  • 运转固定心态的那部分,会因为没法平静心绪保持秒钟沮丧一旦静下心了又狂喜。

    The part of me that's frustrated by my inability to still my mind for more than a few seconds and then soars when I'm able to one day, is operating with a fixed mindset.


  • 寻求首先因为使我心之着迷,这种难以名状美妙迷醉使愿意所有余生去换取哪怕几个小时这样幸福

    I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasyecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy.


  • 有时她们甚至守约因为她们自尊心不能接受她们的不诚实表现打破它的现实

    Sometimes they'd even keep the date because their egos couldn't handle the fact that I had busted them on their disingenuous behavior.


  • 因为当时一心就要参加会议其实,我看起来有些严厉

    And it is because I was so focused on getting meetings Actually, I'm a little bit stiff.


  • 从来没有什么二心因为我们相处得非常融洽,我们同舟共济走过了许多风风雨雨的日子,我们一起努力过上了美满幸福的生活。

    I have never had second thoughts, because we have always been good together, through worse and bad and good and great.


  • 尊敬由心而发,仿佛源自天生的血脉亲情,对他这样的性格坚强之人,一向如此;也正是因为如此,对我的厌恶令我倍感痛苦

    I have a natural inborn love and reverence for him, as for all strong characters, and it makes his antipathy for me doubly painful.


  • 知道有些小因为Twitterfacebookemail滴滴响着提醒有消息需要注意但是发现通过简单双耳不闻窗外一心埋头写作大大的增加写作的速度

    I know this is hard with Twitter, Facebook and E-mail beeping for our attention, but I've found that I can significantly increase the speed of my writing by simply doing nothing other than writing.


  • 知道有些小因为Twitterfacebookemail滴滴响着提醒有消息需要注意但是发现通过简单双耳不闻窗外一心埋头写作大大的增加写作的速度

    I know this is hard with Twitter, Facebook and E-mail beeping for our attention, but I've found that I can significantly increase the speed of my writing by simply doing nothing other than writing.


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