• 我们每一件琐事不论是准备一日三餐还是他遮风挡雨,其实都因为我们在乎孩子下一代

    Every little thing we do, either preparing everyday meals or trying to save the endangered species, we actually do because we care about our kids and our new generations.


  • 有时我们之所以相信某些事情因为能让我们在自己在乎面前显得很好

    Sometimes we believe things because they make us look good to the people we care about.


  • 我们字母写得向后倒是因为我们其他人看法并不关心,我们不会在乎女服务员些什么

    We draw the letter backwards because we don't care about the viewpoint of others. We don't give a shit what the maid thinks.


  • 我们傻傻的相信终有一注意到认识到我们在那一直你的,一直在乎你,因为我们始终如一。

    We hold onto the dim-witted belief that you'll one day notice us and realize we've been the one who's always been there for you and have always truly cared about you, because well, we always have.


  • 我们绝对在乎摩托罗拉的)这个决定因为我们需要无线数据收集维护改进我们的无线定位服务

    We absolutely do care about this (decision by Motorola) because we need wifi [sic] data collection in order to maintain and improve our wifi location service.


  • 室外的温度是零度,并不室内冷很多。但是我们都不在乎因为我们心理上已经这场游戏

    Outside wasn’t much cooler at zero but none of us seemed to care much because now we had won a psychological game with our minds.


  • 我们窒息缺氧,我们碾碎成为毫无思想的螺丝钉因为我们经受了反复痛苦折磨后学会对于我们技艺漠不关心,因为如果你在乎你的技艺的话那么你便失败。

    We were suffocating, being ground down into unfeeling cogs taught by repeated pain that we must not care about our art because to care was to lose.


  • 虽然认识之前一个男朋友,他很多女人但是我们彼此没有在乎过,因为,我爱现在不是过去的他!

    While recognizing that he was before I had a boyfriend, he has a lot of women, but we did not care about each other before, because I love him, I love him now, rather than in the past, he!


  • 这个移动行业场景中,我们使用Unordered方法交付事件因为我们要求事件交付具有高性能而不在乎事件交付序列。

    In our scenario of the mobile industry, we used the "Unordered" method to deliver events because we demand high performance of events delivery, not events delivery sequence.


  • 我们所有这个院子里的,过去现在,都曾经目睹过使我们心碎的人间惨剧而无所作为——不是因为我们在乎而是因为我们不知道做什么

    All of us here in this Yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing - not because we didn't care, but because we didn't know what to do.


  • 我们感觉我们内心有一个巨大的渴望认识你们因为我们你们知道就是我们多么在乎你们。

    We feel within our hearts a great yearning to make your acquaintance, as we want you to know just how much we care for you.


  • 同学们走出教室操场上,不管天气多么多么就算雪大到我们热乎乎脸上在乎因为我们实在是高兴、太开心呀!

    My classmates and I went out of the classroom, run to the playground, no matter how cold the weather, how big of snow, even if the snow to our hot face don't care, because we are so happy, so happy!


  • 我们恰恰因为在乎太多所以总是无法释怀

    Precisely because we care about too much, so I always can't let go.


  • 我们不敢在乎因为害怕别人压根儿在乎

    We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.


  • 我们不能在乎竞争对手们的比赛因为我们没有能力改变他们的结果。

    We know other teams have games to play. There isn't anything we can do about their results.


  • 可能很少有多特别,我可能很少联系因为我们很忙尽管如此,你知道就是那个总在思念在乎人。

    I may seldom tell u how special u are, I may not b able to reach u coz we're both busy, but in spite of all, u know u are someone I really miss & care about.


  • 不过现在在乎因为我们必输

    Well, like, now I do 'cause, like, we've lost every game.


  • 如果有一天放弃了不是因为不再在乎你,只是因为忘记我们过去

    If I abandoned you someday, instead of I have not cared about you, just for I want to forget the old stories about us.


  • 距离并不能分开颗互相在乎的心因为我们记忆跨越整个时间空间!

    Distance never separate two hearts that really care, for our memories will span the miles and seconds we are there.


  • 我们恰恰因为在乎太多所以总是无法释怀

    Precisely because we care about too much, so there is always can't let go.


  • 我们库存只为量身订做——因为我们比您更在乎焊接品质

    We Don't Do Inventory, Tailored For You-because We More Than You Care About Welding Quality!


  • 我们库存只为量身订做——因为我们比您更在乎焊接品质

    We Don't Do Inventory, Tailored For You-because We More Than You Care About Welding Quality!


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