• 23因为威胁儿童虚拟农场游戏封号

    I'm 23 years old and got banned from a virtual farming game for threatening children.


  • 需要进行自我保护因为威胁无处不在并且它们会给带来危害

    Protect yourselfthe threats are out there, and they want to do you harm.


  • 因为威胁只濒危脊椎动物生命马库斯有罪被判一家兽医医院兼职半年

    Marcus was guilty of threatening the lives of several endangered vertebrate animals. His sentence: six months, part-time work in a veterinary hospital.


  • 9月12日席卷美国能量国家意志国内渐渐退潮,因为威胁开始渐渐觉得远离

    But the energy and national purpose that washed over the US on September 12 has ebbed at home as the threat begins to feel remote there, too.


  • 然而Hawley先生坚持认为,安全措施应该唯一地依靠仪器,不管它如何精密因为威胁千变万化。

    But Mr Hawley insists that security measures should not rely solely on machines, however sophisticated, because threats change.


  • 中国拥有更为平衡强大的海军后地区局势变得更加稳定因为威胁地区和平各种力量不敢轻率行动

    When China has a more balanced and powerful navy, the regional situation will be more stable as various forces that threaten regional peace will no longer dare to act rashly.


  • 当地警察沙滩游客无须担心受到鲨鱼威胁因为它们不会主动攻击人类

    Local police officer said beachgoers should not feel threatened by sharks because the fish never attack human beings on their own initiative.


  • 海龟产卵狭长海滩一边受到开发挤压一边受到海平面上升威胁因为海洋变暖

    The narrow strips of beach on which the turtles lay their eggs are being squeezed on one side by development and on the other by the threat of rising sea levels as the oceans warm.


  • 记得不要唠叨责骂威胁或者说教因为这些根本不管用!

    Do not nag, scold, threaten or preach, because these do not work!


  • 投票可能释放出来因为亚的斯亚贝巴其它城市埃革阵构成真正威胁

    She is unlikely to be let out before the poll as she could pose a real threat to the Eger in Addis Ababa and other cities.


  • 因为体型棕熊北极熊而且面临更大来自危险动物威胁所以它们可能幼仔采取额外的预防措施

    Because sloth bears are smaller than brown and polar bears and are under greater threat from dangerous animals, they may have adopted the extra precaution of carrying their cubs.


  • 玩耍可以让一只动物探索环境相对安全的环境中练习技能因为周围成年动物通常期望应对威胁捕食者

    Play allows a young animal to explore its environment and practice skill in comparative safety since the surrounding adults generally do not expect the young to deal with threats or predators.


  • 显然一天已经到来因为由于这些感染潜在威胁膝关节置换看似常规手术现在危险

    Apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.


  • ,“孟山都应该仅仅因为他们拥有数十亿美元法律费用,就试图大规模武力威胁恐吓农民遵守他们协议。”

    He said: "Monsanto should not be able, just because they've got billions of dollars to spend on legal fees, to try to terrify farmers into obeying their agreements by massive force and threats."


  • 因为现今联邦法律已经禁止使用联邦基金克隆胚胎用于研究或者有意威胁胚胎生命NBAC胚胎研究上将保持沉默

    Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo 's life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.


  • 苏格兰座16世纪城堡即将坍塌,因为洪水冲走大块大块的泥土地基造成了威胁

    A 16th-century castle in Scotland is close to collapsing after lumps of soil were washed away by floods, threatening its foundations.


  • 冬季即将来临,这些山丘周围村庄具有毁灭性威胁因为大雨不仅冲走土壤而且还会引起严重的水灾

    Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.


  • 女人甚至更多威胁因为他们不能忘记一个女人

    Women are even more threatened because they cannot forget she is a woman.


  • 但是鹦鹉却被视作更大威胁因为它们繁殖更快建的更高。

    But parrots are seen as bigger threat because they breed faster and nest in high-up spots.


  • 犹太人阿拉伯人”造成安全威胁因为他们可能会向停附近班固利恩机场飞机发射迫击炮。

    Jews say that "the Arabs" pose a security threat because they could fire mortars at planes landing at Ben Gurion airport nearby.


  • 现在它们必须这些工作基础控制耐药结核菌株构成危险威胁因为常用药物不能治疗这种菌株。

    Now they have to build on those efforts to control the more dangerous threat of drug-resistant TB – strains that cannot be cured by the most commonly used drugs.


  • 2009年报告中,该机构指出,因为警察威胁受害者如果受害者提出反对意见再次逮捕他们或者逮捕他们的亲戚,因此大部分罪犯免罪

    In 2009 it said that impunity "continued for most perpetrators, exacerbated by police threatening victims with rearrest or the arrest of relatives if they lodged complaints".


  • 自主经营的书店面临严峻威胁因为他们不可能价格竞争对手抗衡。

    Independent bookshops face a particularly grave threat, because they are unable to match bigger rivals' prices.


  • 无法告诉这些威胁什么因为它们总是在变化

    I can't tell you what the big ones are, because they're always changing.


  • 甚至有人提出,利用火山地热能源也是威胁因为可能破坏日本人钟爱温泉

    It has even portrayed geothermal energy in this volcanic land as a threat, since it might pollute the country's beloved onsen, or hot springs.


  • 如果定价低的话电影公司因为威胁到了DVD而退出

    Set the price for online films too low, and the studios will revolt against a threat to DVDs.


  • 艾伦我们1920岁因为威胁2:社会》取得了成功,这么成名把双刃剑

    Allen: early success, especially as early as we hit it, at 19 or 20, with Menace II Society, is a gift and a curse. The gift is obvious.


  • 已经伦敦各建立群居点的和尚鹦鹉因为认为威胁作物电网本土物种将受到清除。

    Monk parakeets, which have established colonies in the home counties, are to be culled because they are alleged to pose a danger to crops, the electricity grid and native species.


  • 已经伦敦各建立群居点的和尚鹦鹉因为认为威胁作物电网本土物种将受到清除。

    Monk parakeets, which have established colonies in the home counties, are to be culled because they are alleged to pose a danger to crops, the electricity grid and native species.


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