• 事实上希望每天遭到拒绝,因为如果你没有的话,说明还不够努力

    In fact, you want to get rejected every single day, because if you're not, it means you're not trying.


  • 其实他们辩解就是变相无法可能去责怪他们任何事情因为如果没有说的,或者的,那么事情绝对不会发生。

    In fact, their argument runs along the lines that you can't possibly blame them for anything, because if you hadn't said what you said, or done what you did it would never have happened.


  • 没有再次把放进烤箱,也不会被保存很长时间,因为硬度会消失。

    If I hadn't put you back in that oven for the second time, you wouldn't be kept for very long because the hardness would not have held.


  • 代码复查可能会检测到错误如果没有可以头脑保持一些平静因为的代码已经通过第一个质量障碍

    Code review may detect errors; if not, you can have some peace of mind that your code has passed the first quality hurdle.


  • 如果他们办法认定违例因为没有具体失效,是违反了技术规格

    If they can't cite you for a violation because there's no specific failure that fell outside of the technical specifications.


  • 如果答案请回答我,因为没有答案。

    If you have an answer for me, give me it, because I don't have one.


  • 如果因为某些原因不得不做别的事,至少尽量没有完成放好整理一下自己。

    If, for some reason, you have no choice but to move on to something else, try to at least put away the unfinished task and clean up after yourself.


  • 因为如果永恒维度看到只是暂时,那么没有什么美德可以永恒。

    For if you saw your transient, earthly life set in dimensions of eternity, there wouldn’t be any virtue in endurance.


  • 点击率要价的方式总体要价更低因为广告每次点击付钱——如果没有点击率,Facebook可以停止投放的广告。

    The cost-per-click approach could cost less overall, since you're paying only for each time someone clicks on the ADbut Facebook could discontinue your AD if it gets no clicks.


  • 因为这个问题没有得到彻底解决,所以如果构建.NET 1.0或者.NET 1.1应用还是需要选择各自的开发工具,VS2002或者VS2003。

    Since this is not a complete fix, you still have to use VS 2002/2003 to build .NET 1.0 and 1.1 applications respectively.


  • sigma原因因为如果,上面是没有面的

    The reason that it's sigma is if you look at the bonding axis here, is that there is no nodal plane along the bonding axis.


  • 坠入爱河时,始终一起们不在一起时,就会想着在一起的情景,因为需要那个如果没有对方生活就是不完整的。

    When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete.


  • 告知如果首都街头因为心脏病发作而跌倒没有帮助因为他们认为很可能喝醉了

    I was told that if you collapsed on the street in the capital from a heart attack, no one would help you because they would probably think you were drunk.


  • 需要自己放在第一位因为没有关心自己的生活因为如果自己关心,别人更不会管。

    You need to put yourself first because no one else has as much interest in your life as you do; and because if you don’t, no one else will.


  • 如果马拉松轻松,没有挑战了,因为每个人可以完成。

    If running a marathon were simple, there would be no challenge as everyone would be able to do it.


  • 如果错过一些NPC花岗岩石门收掉钥匙 因为你没有使用房间许可还是没有得到情景动画.

    The Granite Door will take your key even if you miss the NPCs and allow you access to the room, but you will not get a cutscene.


  • 如果遇到这个问题并且除了因为学”之外没有其他答案的话,失去信誉了。

    If you are ever asked that question and don't have an answer for it, other than, "because I said so," then you have lost credibility.


  • 这个不是自夸而是因为如果我会告诉非常害羞没有安全感,但我靠纯粹意志力量克服了

    I don't say this to brag, but because if you asked me I would tell you that I am very shy and insecure and overcome it by pure force of will.


  • 如果敏捷没有实施好,就是因为你没有遵循流程

    If Agile fails for you, then it is because you are not following the process!


  • 如果配偶或者恋人没有工作必须一起商量商量。因为一份工作的确大忙。

    If your spouse or partner isn't working, you might decide together that income from an additional job could help significantly.


  • 如果比如早餐因为没有时间尝试食物比如谷物花生酱吐司或者水果

    If you skip meals, such as breakfast, because you don't have time, try eating something quick like cereal, peanut butter on toast, or cottage cheese and fruit.


  • 如果忘记了一个目标因为这个目标没有那么重要并且重要的代替

    If you forget a goal, it is because it wasn't all that important and something more important has taken its place.


  • 如果孩子没有手推车吗,因为多么可预测阿,坚决不要手推车?

    And you, if you had a baby, there'd be no stroller, right, because it would be oh so predictable? Absolutely no stroller?


  • 因为我们中的大多数认为如果新创建公司没有硅谷可能是因为自信所以怎么比较两个地方的?

    Because most of us get the feeling that if you do startup and you don't move to the Silicon Valley, maybe you are not confident so how would you compare the two places?


  • 如果这些没有还是我们客户因为国税局最大的客户。

    And if you happen to dodge all of those, we've still got you, because the IRS is the biggest customer.


  • 如果因为不起学费没有上大学,突出的天赋才能,就像写作沟通那种没有经过很多训练和培养的技能

    If you simply can't afford it, try to highlight skills that come naturally to you, without having had much training or education, like writing or communication.


  • 如果因为不起学费没有上大学,突出的天赋才能,就像写作沟通那种没有经过很多训练和培养的技能

    If you simply can't afford it, try to highlight skills that come naturally to you, without having had much training or education, like writing or communication.


- 来自原声例句

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