• 选民似乎同意马利基这么去做。因为去年省级议会选举中,选民莫大的支持

    Voters seemed to approve, giving him strong support in last year’s provincial elections that were seen as a dry run for this year’s general one.


  • 显然我们了解我们即将要迎来对手,因为在去年冠小组赛上两队就曾经相遇。

    We know about them because we played them last year in the Champions League.


  • 尤文球迷不太可能会热烈欢迎回归因为去年夏天抛弃降级的球队。

    Juve fans are unlikely to welcome Zambrotta back with open arms after the way he abandoned the club following their relegation last summer.


  • 例如演员查理·希恩因为去年圣诞节妻子一次争吵拘留,关于此案法庭听证会推迟到周一

    For example, actor Charlie Sheen was arrested in connection with an argument he had with his wife last Christmas day; a court hearing on the case was delayed Monday.


  • 可是,食糖供给减少,因为在去年季风恶劣天气毁坏了印度墨西哥糖类作物最大的食糖出口国巴西如今把产出一半用于生产酒精

    And supply is tightening. Monsoons and bad weather last year damaged sugar crops in India and Mexico; and the largest sugar exporter, Brazil, now USES half the sugar it produces to make ethanol.


  • 根据巨头阿里巴巴2018年的调查二手市场去年蓬勃发展,因为越来越多中国人倾向网上交易交换他们二手

    According to a survey by giant Alibaba in 2018, the market for the second hand book was booming last year as more Chinese tend to trade or exchange their used books online.


  • 去年接受《观察家采访时,乔里倡议说,因为排放水平饲养家畜关联人们应该吃肉,从而引发了争议

    Pachauri caused controversy last year by advocating, in an interview with the Observer, that people should eat less meat because of the levels of carbon emissions associated with rearing livestock.


  • 去年会议认识发封电子邮件吧,这很棒因为不会知道他们是不是正好有个极佳的机会来帮助摆脱现状。

    A quick email to the people you met at conferences last year can be a very good thing, as you never know if they might have a great opportunity available that could really help you out.


  • 中国巴西这样经济体去年年底受到冲击,不仅仅也不主要因为美国需求下滑

    Economies such as China or Brazil were walloped late last year not only, or even mainly, because American demand plunged.


  • 肯尼亚遭受干旱影响地区每月因为严重营养不良而接受治疗的人数去年高出了百分之78。

    In drought-affected areas of Kenya, monthly admissions for treatment of severe malnutrition are 78 percent higher than last year.


  • 去年因为名妇女指控未善尽父亲义务官司而弄得灰头土脸,声称他担任神父的独身誓词期间成为孩子的生父。

    He was deeply embarrassed last year when three women filed paternity suits against him, alleging that he had fathered children during his vow of celibacy.


  • 去年十一月曾经的超女选手王贝因为整形手术并发症了手术台上,时年她还是24岁

    In November last year, former TV talent show contestant Wang Bei died as a result of complications on the surgery table.


  • 根据国际鲨鱼档案》,去年只有6因为鲨鱼袭击死亡人类对此一点儿也领情

    According to the International shark Attack File, just six people worldwide were killed by sharks last year. But human beings haven't returned the favor.


  • 去年大约5千名会员因为在圣诞假期间体重增加剔除资格。

    Last year, about 5, 000 members were removed from the site after they had appeared to put on weight during the Christmas period.


  • 同时,大约608,000个美国人去年出74%,没有寻找工作因为他们认为根本就没有工作机会。

    In the meantime some 608, 000 Americans, 74% more than last year, are not seeking work because they think no jobs are available.


  • 监管官员之所以去年股市涨势中迟迟没有推出卖空交易,也是因为担心一交易可能会导致股市崩溃。

    Officials may have delayed the introduction of short selling during last year's market rally on concern it could raise the likelihood of a crash.


  • 但是去年逾越星期三开始的,男朋友生活纽约甚至参加家里逾越节晚餐,因为马里兰州举行的。

    But last year, when Passover began midweek, she and her boyfriend, who live in New York, couldn't even go to his family's Seder because it was held in Maryland.


  • 拜仁慕尼黑主教练范加尔去年夏天舍弃了卢西奥因为卢西奥防守之外乐意带球进攻有所担心。

    Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal offloaded him last summer, jittery about Lucio's willingness to race out of defense with the ball.


  • 现实表明,人们去年普遍受到失业重创很大程度上因为他们所主宰行业裁员幅度最广

    It turns out that men have been hardest-hit by job losses in the last year, largely because they dominate the sectors where layoffs have been most widespread.


  • 然后这些用户继续出现其他用户页面上或者是“重新联络”特色信箱里将会恐吓到那些朋友用户,因为他们去年十月份才告知他已经离开人世

    Those people continue to appear on other memberspages as friend suggestions, or in features like thereconnectbox, which has been spooking the living since it was introduced last October.


  • 新的一年中阻挠商品期货繁荣因素之一投资者因为他们去年暴跌中损失惨重未必回到市场

    One factor that stands in the way of another commodities boom in the new year is that investors, having been so badly burned by the plunge last year, are unlikely to flood back into the market.


  • 去年不能家人一起庆祝这个节日因为大学读书

    Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university.


  • 其中去年五月因为敲诈勒索判了另一个议会三十年生涯因为诈骗而服刑年。

    One was sentenced to ten years last May for racketeering; another is serving six years for fraud after a 30-year career in the state Assembly.


  • 面前的首要问题,这仅仅因为是我们当初Life Hacks提出的各项希望唯一一个去年没有实现的。

    The one that stands out for me right now, just because it's the only one mentioned in the original Life Hacks talk wishlist that hasn't appeared in the last year, is an RSS feed generator.


  • 操作系统去年5月发布,但是英特尔受到了MeeGo主要合作伙伴---诺基亚沉重打击,因为诺基亚选择微软WindowsPhoneOS上部署智能手机未来战略

    The OS launched last May, but Intel was dealt a blow when Nokia, its major partner on MeeGo, chose to establish its future smartphone strategy around Microsoft's Windows Phone OS.


  • 操作系统去年5月发布,但是英特尔受到了MeeGo主要合作伙伴---诺基亚沉重打击,因为诺基亚选择微软WindowsPhoneOS上部署智能手机未来战略

    The OS launched last May, but Intel was dealt a blow when Nokia, its major partner on MeeGo, chose to establish its future smartphone strategy around Microsoft's Windows Phone OS.


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