• 科学描述出没道路因为人生旅程朝圣一个转弯,可供研究的事物场合都会伏击拦阻我们。

    It is described as infesting the roads, because at every turn in the journey or pilgrimage of human life, matter and occasion for study assails and encounters us.


  • 志愿者非洲需求量很大因为很多贫困中

    There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty.


  • 后来知道因为象征给予我们的第二个人生目的参与永恒家中,享受团契交谊

    Then I realized it is because it symbolizes God's second purpose for your life: participating in the fellowship of God's eternal family.


  • 帮助做出人生中的重要选择因为所有荣誉骄傲难堪恐惧死亡面前都会消失

    It helped me through making the most important choices in my life. Because all the glory and pride, embarrassment and fear will all vanish when confronting death.


  • 之所以要离开不是因为身体原因2003年的时候我曾经跟腱撕裂没有影响速度;我要走因为我觉得人生到了该改变季节

    I left not for physical reasons - I'd had a torn hamstring tendon in 2003, but it hadn't affected my speed - but because it was my season for change.


  • 她说:“人生这个阶段因为考虑小孩,所以我觉得自己根本不会方面去想。”纳特·里德也是没有子女的单身人士。

    "At this point in life, because I'm not considering kids, I don't think it would even enter my mind," said Kristina Stamatis, a high school teacher who is single.


  • 是的人生旅途遇到残酷令你痛苦因为这些事而自己新的事物隔绝开。

    Yes, you'll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life... but don't let that close you to new things.


  • 帕默机会尼科尔独处时,忍心女儿任何方面的事,因为知道,这将会使他女儿人生又经历一痛苦的时光。

    When Palmer gets a moment alone with Nicole he doesn't have the heart say anything, knowing that she will have to re-live the most painful time in her life.


  • 人生因为一个白人小子,我第一成为少数与众不同的人。

    It was the first time in my life that as a White, I was a minority - and boy did I stand out.


  • 人们喜爱宠物因为它们家庭成员主人宠物之间建立起来友情可谓人生乐事。

    People love their pets, as they are members of their family and offer a friendship between owner and pet that is one of the joys in life.


  • 此刻成为居住工作达拉斯美国公民一天早晚会到来- - -因为人生计划的一部分。

    Or I'd like to be an American citizen living in Dallas right now and working, but that'll come eventually - it's in my life plan.


  • 至今记得,我还是高中生时,最喜欢大大的笔记本封面写上各种箴言因为它们饱含着丰富的人生哲理。

    I remember when I was a high school student, I would decorate the cover of my foolscap pads with quotes because they were so meaningful.


  • 就是人生每一时刻都要活得精彩因为这个时刻的事情自己制定的。

    That’s what life is about – living life to the fullest in every moment, whereby the moments are created by you yourself.


  • 如果一个适当时候地方因为一句话改变他的人生历程会感到惊异和不可思议吗?

    Isn t it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life s history?


  • 就是人生每一时刻都要活得精彩因为这个时刻的事情自己制定的。

    That's what life is about - living life to the fullest in every moment, whereby the moments are created by you yourself.


  • 因为沙捞越和婆罗洲部落长屋过夜马来西亚壮丽雨林辨认猩猩,以及单车穿越老挝宁静村庄的经历,我们人生更加丰富。

    Our lives are richer for having stayed in a tribal longhouse in Sarawak, Borneo, spotted orangutans in the majestic rainforests of Malaysia, and cycled through the tranquil villages of Laos.


  • 研究人员表示人生年里良好营养状况至关重要,因为此刻大脑正处发育最快阶段。

    They said good nutrition was crucial in the first three years of life when the brain grows at its fastest rate.


  • 人生教会我们不要绝望即使黑暗的时刻因为每天晚上天。

    Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.


  • 人生教会我们即使是困难的时候不要绝望因为黑暗之后终将黎明

    Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.


  • Stefan分手期间向我们展现人生哲理是:“我不是那些因为某些世界就会停止转动可悲女孩。”

    During herbreakfrom Stefan, she shares her personal philosophy: “I’m not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy.”


  • 䩮——不能放弃梦想但是可以改变方向因为知道人生拐角处遇到什么

    You can't give up the dream, but can change direction, because you do not know on the corner of life will encounter what.


  • 充满创造力时候,当你做任何事情的时候,你就是实现人生的价值,因为你正发现表达生命你的意义。

    When you're being creative, when you're making things, you're really making meaning because you're engaged in the process of discovering and expressing what it means to you to be alive.


  • 人生道路一条年夜因为激流自己的冲击力,畴前没有水流的处所,冲洗出极新的料想不到的河流。 。

    Thee road of life is like a large river, because of the power of the currents, river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.


  • 因为舞台上爱情只是喜剧悲剧素材人生,爱情却常常招来不幸有时那位诱惑人的魔女(1),有时又象那位复仇的女神(2)。

    For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.


  • 因为要把一年里有限的几个请假机会留给你最最需要的时候学校的时候,你可能觉得苗条健康中你选择前者,等到工作了,你会发现,健康才是人生最大的财富!

    You may choose slim rather than health when you are in BJU, but when you work, you will realize that health is the most precious fortune.


  • 因为要把一年里有限的几个请假机会留给你最最需要的时候学校的时候,你可能觉得苗条健康中你选择前者,等到工作了,你会发现,健康才是人生最大的财富!

    You may choose slim rather than health when you are in BJU, but when you work, you will realize that health is the most precious fortune.


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