• 如果想要将几个效果组合成较大规模效果点将非常重要,因为利用能够可靠地控制一个效果何时完成,下一个效果何时开始

    This is important when tying together several effects as one larger effect, because it lets you reliably control when one effect is finished and when the next effect can start.


  • 料吸管绝对不是塑料污染的最大来源,但是们最近饱受抨击,因为大多数人不需要用们来喝饮品,也因为们尺寸小、重量轻,无法回收利用

    Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution, but they've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.


  • 相信因为我们掌握微妙关键之处,我们就开始利用控制身边发生是事情。

    He believes that as we master the subtle cues of laughter, so we begin to use it to manipulate those around us.


  • 因为VisualEditor一个所见即所得图形化编辑器,所以利用容易用户接口获得想要外观行为

    Because it's a WYSIWYG graphical editor, Visual editor makes it easy to get the appearance and behavior you want in your user interface.


  • 不如永久地去除特权好,因为如果攻击可以控制程序,攻击者就可以重新启用特权利用

    This isn't as good as permanently dropping the privilege, since if an attacker can take control of your program, the attacker can re-enable the privilege and exploit it.


  • 利用环境变量sgml_catalog_files这种方法因为SGML解析器使用(耐心一些,我本文的下一节讨论)。

    I use the method that makes use of the environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES because it is also used by the SGML parser (patience, I come to it in the next section of this article).


  • 2002年,日本市场营销人员技术据为己有,利用锁定消费者因为越来越多的消费者已配备先进的二维码扫描仪——手机

    By 2002, Japanese marketers had glommed onto the technology, using it to target consumers increasingly equipped with sophisticated QR code scanners -- their phones.


  • 因为我们使用LDAPLTPA作为身份验证机制,所以我们可以Web服务级别上利用使用

    Since we are using LDAP and LTPA as the authentication mechanism, we can leverage and use it at the Web services level.


  • 安全环境中应该所有生产Web服务器应用程序中删除这些文件因为攻击者能够利用它进行非法访问

    In a safe and secure environment, these files should be removed from all production Web servers and applications, as they can be manipulated to allow unauthorized access.


  • 因为能源资源有限的,而且很多都是不可再生,充分地利用必要的。

    Since energy resources are limited and most of them are not renewable , it is necessary to conserve them.


  • 然而跑船商人们并不急于利用究其原因嘛因为全球变暖注定增加多年漂移数量这些漂移块暗藏开辟航道中,具有潜在的致命威胁

    The reason : as fate would have it , global warming appears to also be increasing the amount of potentially deadly multi year ice chunks lurking in the newly opened pathway.


  • 所谓没有时间因为没有好地利用

    The so-called no time, because there is no very good use of it.


  • 好了利用我们可以实现多种算法因为用到基本原理一个比较器

    Alright, so we can implement any number of algorithms using this thing because the basic mechanism I have here is a comparator.


  • 对于很多来说好的至少有人拥护因为他们利用来达到提高效益目的。

    They're all pretty good for a group of people, not least of all to the people who espouse them because they use them and find them effective.


  • 也有一面,因为那样懒惰,你不想月夜白白溜走而不利用

    You were in the right because you were not so lazy as he was and you did not want to let the moonlit night go by without making some use of it.


  • 时间还在时,要利用因为时间逝去

    Take time while time is, for time will fly away.


  • 如果认为选择自由充分利用因为你们手中

    If you've that freedom of choice, make full use of it because it's in your hands.


  • 青春,一旦应该日复一日利用它因为很快消逝的。

    Youth, while we have it, we must wear daily, and it will fast wear away.


  • 总体而言,c521重要因为第一个戴尔电脑包括AMD处理器,戴尔利用良好效果

    Overall, the Dimension C521 is significant because it's one of the first Dell PCs to include an AMD processor, and Dell uses it to good effect.


  • 因为如果海豚被认为是非人类物种,那么把当作娱乐公园的宠物或者利用达到我们战争中的目的允许吗?

    For, if dolphins were to be recognized as non-human persons would it still be permissible to use them as pets in amusement parks or to employ them for our own ends in our wars?


  • 利用处理器最新功能第一因为直接使用

    You'll be the first person to be able to take advantage of the processor's latest new features, because you can use them directly.


  • 新的开始上帝将这一天恩赐于,让按照自己意愿利用。 我可以浪费--可以很利用它真正重要的是我今天的所作所为,因为正在生命中的一天与之交换

    This is the beginning of a new day God has given me this day to use as I will I can waste it - or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it!


  • 世界许多地方地下水资源人类需要清洁饮用水主要来源因为可以相当成本利用它

    In many parts of the world, groundwater resources are the main source of clean and potable water for human needs as it is can be exploited with quite low cost.


  • 可以浪费——可以很好的利用,真正重要今天的所作所为,因为正在生命中的天与之交换

    I can waste itor use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it!


  • 重要的是偷听到了被监禁因为我“对食物的过敏”,我必须要了解什么意思以及怎样利用来为服务

    More importantly I overheard that my confinement was due to MY power of allergies. Must learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage.


  • 因为工作生活带来方便资料音乐游戏以及利用进行沟通联络等

    Because it brings convenience to people's life and work, such as searching for information, listening to music, playing games and communicating with others by using it.


  • 因为工作生活带来方便资料音乐游戏以及利用进行沟通联络等

    Because it brings convenience to people's life and work, such as searching for information, listening to music, playing games and communicating with others by using it.


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