• 他们只想知道这份工作兴趣因为特别渴望在这工作

    They want to know you are interested in the job because you are dying to work there.


  • 需要得到特别许可才能接触它们处理时候必须上手套因为我们手上

    You need to get special permission to access them, and then you have to wear gloves to handle them because the oils in our hands can destroy the paper.


  • 当然可能棵树可能不会蔓延很多地方因为栖息地而言非常特别

    Of course, you might think there might not be many areas where the tree could spread into, because it's very specialized in terms of the habitat.


  • 会让糟糕日子里振作起来还是会让因为今年这个特别节日没有什么快乐的事情烦恼?

    Does it lift your spirits on a bad day, or does it annoy you because there's nothing happy about this particular holiday this year?


  • 特别因为获得一些高等学位很多获得它们

    Especially because of some advanced degrees that you get, you pay a lot of money to get them.


  • 一次特别之旅只为因为今天生日阿

    This is a special tour, only for you, because it’s your birthday.


  • 一次特别之旅只为因为今天生日阿

    This is a special tour, only for you, because it's your birthday.


  • 可能会忽略主要客户因为客户特别一部分上网

    You might overlook a major persona, because a particular segment of customers does not use the Web.


  • 必要因为老板就敬而远之没什么特别之处,只是继承这个位置

    There's no need for you to be in awe of the boss. There's nothing special about him - he inherited the position.


  • 发现个别队员获得更高工资因为个人建树而获得特别奖励

    You will often find individual team membersmaking higher salaries or getting special rewards for their individualcontributions.


  • 不是独自一人因为很多公司工作上的着装没有特别指导规定

    You're not alone because most companies don't have specific guidelines about what to wear to work.


  • 因为不是个天才,又没有显着恩赐没有特别技能

    You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence.


  • 平日生活因为网上银行而变得十分便捷同时也要警惕电脑黑客打网银的主意,特别那些小型企业主来说。

    Banking online can make your life a lot easier, but it can also give hackers a gateway to your savings. This is especially true for small-business owners.


  • 在家睡觉一次特别之旅只为因为今天生日阿况且大人也不干这种

    She's at home, sleeping. This is a special tour, only for you, because it's your birthday. Besides, grown-ups don't do this sort of thing.


  • 特别首页中,因为游览者开始地方

    Especially in the home page, for this is the starting place of your viewers.


  • 消磨时间方式特别如果回答简单问题有些因为其他原因答疑解惑。

    It can be a good way to kill time, especially if you stick to the relatively simple questions, but some people do it for other reasons.


  • 知道嫁给奥巴马因为仁者爱人,而且认为一个特别

    I know that you married Obama because he CARES about people and also you think he is a special person.


  • 首先要把想法告诉别人特别那些已经出过书的人,因为也许就有人在某些方面给有用的建议

    Tell others, especially people who have already published a book, about your intention to write a book. You never know what kind of helpful advice you might get!


  • 因为有计划特别有动力所以可能超时间完成三项任务

    You're particularly motivated because you have plans, so you knock out your first three tasks in record time.


  • 因为不想面对现实特别(我们不,真的),周围不是笨蛋

    Because you don't want to face the reality that you are not special (none of us is, really) and the people around you are not idiots.


  • 简单呼吸就好明白处在应该在的处境中,因为非常特别原因而选择在这里。

    Just breathe and know that you are where you are supposed to be and that you selected to be here for a very specific reason.


  • 除非像素关心唯一事情(应该如此),不要因为像素范围而选择特别相机

    Unless megapixels are the only thing you care about (it shouldn't be), don't get a camera that sounds outrageously inexpensive for its megapixel range.


  • 不要担心一些特别或者做一些其他活动会让觉得痛苦,因为使想起曾经的记忆

    Don't worry if listening to particular songs or doing other activities is painful because it brings back memories of the person that you lost; this is common.


  • 根据复杂网恋被认为一种消极活动因为不能选择每个网友作为特别的聊

    According to the Love is Complicated website, "Online dating is also believed to be an activity of elimination because you do not choose every member as a special partner."


  • 沿着海岸线游览将会花费很大笔费用,但是不要犹豫。因为将会觉得花的物有所值,特别冬天的时候。

    An excursion along its shores costs quite a lot but don’t feel sorry for your money cause you’ll get an enormous pleasure of this trip, especially if it’s taken in winter.


  • 珍视因为可以某些非常特别的人一起它分享。记住时间不等

    And treasure it more because you Shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with... and remember that time waits for no one!


  • 然后收银员今天有多少进帐特别明知根本客人光顾因为根本知道做买卖时候

    Then run to the cash register to check how much money you made, when you know that no customers have shown up, because no one even knows your business exists.


  • 然后收银员今天有多少进帐特别明知根本客人光顾因为根本知道做买卖时候

    Then run to the cash register to check how much money you made, when you know that no customers have shown up, because no one even knows your business exists.


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