• 因为亲爱土拨鼠一个粗心大意的木偶——粗心大意,没心没肺

    Because, my dear little Dormouse, I am a heedless Marionette--heedless and heartless.


  • 亲爱安妮希望读者可以建议因为实在山穷水尽,毫无办法了。

    Dear Annie: I hope you and your readers have some suggestions for me, because I'm just about at the end of my rope.


  • 亲爱安妮明年目标之一就是更多时间我的妻子小孩呆在一起,而过去几个因为工作严重忽略了他们

    Dear Annie: One of my goals in the coming year is to spend more time with my wife and kids, whom I've badly neglected over the past few months because of work.


  • 很幸运,因为亲爱的父母鼓励我、照顾我。

    I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who encouraged me and took care of me.


  • 我不能带你去,亲爱的,因为你没被邀请,”梅格开口说。但乔不耐烦地打断道,“你不能去,艾米。劳里只邀请了我和梅格。”

    "I can't take you, dear, because you aren't invited, "began Meg, but Jo cut in impatiently "You can't go, Amy. Laurie invited only Meg and me."


  • 王说:“亲爱的,金子是我的,但现在金子是你的,因为只有你学到了我想要教给我的人民的教训。”

    The king said, "My dear, the gold is mine, but now the gold is yours, because you are the only person who has learnt the lesson I want to teach my people.


  • 见过有人因为打碎一个杯子哭泣可能最钟爱的杯子,可能那是你亲爱娜娜第一杯子,但是这个杯子不是你的娜娜。

    I've seen people cry over breaking a mug, and even while it might be your favourite mug, the first one you ever got from your dear Nana who is now deceased - your mug is not your Nana.


  • 见过有人因为打碎一个杯子哭泣可能钟爱的杯子,可能那是你最亲爱娜娜第一个杯子,但是这个杯子不是你的娜娜。

    I've seen people cry over breaking a mug, and even while it might be your favourite mug, the first one you ever got from your dear Nana who is now deceased -your mug is not your Nana.


  • 所以,我亲爱的弟兄们,你们务要坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多作主工因为知道你们劳苦里面不是徒然的。

    Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work ofthe Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


  • 不能因为亲爱的人到来造成的额外购物烹调表现压力必须所有周围一切吗?)

    or taking out the stress of all that extra cooking and shopping on those dearest to you (“Do I have to do everything around here?


  • 不要害怕亲爱因为在这里

    Fear not, my dear, for I am here.


  • 但是并不重视容貌,我还愿意拥有我的容貌,只是因为这容貌属于,我亲爱,只是因为也许至少还有一样东西值得拥有

    But I do not value my good looks; I only like to have them because they belong to you, my dear, and that there may be at least one thing about me worth your having.


  • 为什么亲爱读者,这不因为讨厌男人。

    Why? Not, dear readers, because I am a man-hater.


  • 他们不仅仅否定亲爱的撒母耳,他们其实还否定了我,因为只有才配得上掌管以色列

    "They have not only rejected you Samuel," the Lord spoke to me. "but they rejected me because I am the rightful ruler of Israel."


  • 亲爱弗郎西丝过去时候扯头发因为听见打响指了。

    Frances darling, pull his hair as you go by: I heard him snap his fingers.


  • 所以亲爱弟兄们你们务要坚固不可摇动,常常竭力多作主工因为知道你们劳苦里面不是徒然的。

    Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.


  • 真的亲爱杰拉尔,只是小孩子,你自以为消息很灵通因为有一份急报皇上登陆,‘逆贼携随从戛纳登陆在追逐中。’

    Really, my dear Gérard, you are but a child; you think yourself well informed because the telegraph has told you, three days after the landing, 'The usurper has landed at Cannes with several men.


  • 亲爱哥哥不要,”开始喊叫但是已经迟了因为的哥哥已经溪水喝水了,溪水刚刚碰到嘴唇就变成了一小鹿

    "Dear brother, do not drink," she began; but she was too late, for her brother had already knelt by the stream to drink, and as the first drop of water touched his lips he became a fawn.


  • 妈妈亲爱,那时因为用脑过度

    Mom: Because he thinks so much, dear.


  • 琼斯夫人责怪布朗先生无礼“,因为开头是”亲爱詹姆斯夫人“,而且还有其它拼写错误还有儿子名字明显更正过的痕迹。

    Mrs Janes had accused Mr Brown of being ''disrespectful'' because the letter began ''Dear Mrs James'' and appeared to contain other spelling mistakes and a visible correction to her son Jamie's name.


  • 亲爱,”停了停,“发现生活太难因为无论努力做些什么,我都感到自己踌躇不前。”

    "Oh no, dear," she said without a pause. "I find life very difficult now because whatever I try to do, I feel I'm just marking time."


  • 我的一个同事一点也不在意有人她“亲爱”,因为感觉自己很年轻

    One colleague says she doesn't mind at all being called "sweetie" because it makes her feel young.


  • 亲爱上帝因为害怕而不能松开紧握的双手!

    Dear God, I am so afraid to open my clenched fists!


  • 丈夫了一会亲爱,正是因为这样所以那里才叫天堂”。

    "After a pause, her husband replied," My dear that is why the place is known as' Heaven '.


  • 好吧,”弗兰了一口气说道,“随便吧,亲爱子爵因为我无力反驳论据,但无论如何,这位基督山伯爵总是一个怪人。”

    "Well," said Franz with a sigh, "do as you please my dear viscount, for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation."


  • 好吧,”弗兰了一口气说道,“随便吧,亲爱子爵因为我无力反驳论据,但无论如何,这位基督山伯爵总是一个怪人。”

    "Well," said Franz with a sigh, "do as you please my dear viscount, for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation."


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