• 过去的三年,最想念哪位老师?

    Looking back at the past three years, which teachers will you miss most?


  • 可以选择不同选项回顾过去的统计数据。

    You can select different Range options to go further back in time.


  • 回顾自己更为久远过去时,倾向看到那些本该去本应该完成的事。

    When you look back at your own past to long ago, you are more likely to see things you should have or could have done.


  • “正向心理学”的经典疗法是——回顾过去所有的经历,尽可能地回忆,为何成就了为何一切,这样,更好地了解自己

    In classic therapy—where you review all your personalhistory, endlessly—you work to gain a better understanding of why you are theway you are, have done what you’ve done.


  • 回顾过去曾经别人说法中学什么

    Looking back, could you have learned from what they were saying?


  • 现在回顾过去氛围中,可能看看2009年2008年度的受欢迎下载应用——这里面很多好家伙呢!

    And while you're in a retrospective mood, you may want to check out the most popular new downloads of 2009 and 2008-still a lot of great ones in there.


  • 如果回顾一下过去十几那些刚刚挤进季后赛球队会发现这样几种类型

    When you examine the low playoff seeds of the last dozen or so seasons, you see a few types of teams.


  • 丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)的句名言很适用于互联网,不过关于互联网所能回顾最远过去差不多也就到1994年,那时候早期难懂的计算机网络第一次渐渐大众所了解。

    Winston Churchill's aphorism to the internet, and about the farthest back you can look is 1994, when the previously obscure computer network first became known to a wider public.


  • 每年(新年方便任何时间可以)回顾一下过去的一做了什么然后接下来12个月树立目标

    Once a year (New year is convenient, but really any time is good) you should review what you've done this year, and set your goals for the next 12 months.


  • 时间回顾一下过去非常值得的。

    Taking the time to review your past will be time well spent.


  • 回顾过去一周内所有事情

    Think back to all the things you've done over the previous week.


  • 回顾一下过去发生在其他地方的事情一样会得出相同的结论

    Look elsewhere in the past and you come to the same conclusion.


  • 通过这四方面,能够完整回顾过去一年生活

    By reflecting on them, you will get a complete view of how your life as a whole progressed in the past year.


  • 可以回顾一下过去个月项中的开销情况,来确定大致金额

    You can determine what you spend by reviewing the last two or three months of your transactions in each category.


  • Wenger建议可以回顾一下自己过去的经历,如果从来没有主动从头创建过任何东西哪怕学校里发起一个社团),那么可能并不适合创业

    If you have never taken the initiative to create something from scratch (and even if that something is just a new club at school) you are probably not well suited to being an entrepreneur.


  • 或者是不是想让回顾过去恋爱史找到自己曾经犯下的错误搞清是如何一步步走向单身的深渊的?

    Are you asking me to retrace my steps through past relationships and find the mistake I made that thwarted a walk down the aisle?


  • 此处所学有助于回顾过去发现这些行星周期生活产生的影响

    What you learn here will enable you to look back and see how these Planetary Cycles have already affected your life.


  • 经过个星期已经过去回顾过去的工作完成后,告诉看到的。

    After the week is over, look back over the completed worksheets and tell me what you see.


  • 回顾过去一个小时,就好象地球上最后一个小时,刚刚得知已经死了

    Look back at the hour that has passed, as if it was the last hour for you on the earth and that you have just acknowledged that you have died.


  • 如果回顾过去一两年十分明确是,中国电影市场高增长与电影品质下降息息相关

    If you expand the vista to the past year or two, it is quite clear that the high growth of China's film market is correlated to the lowering of quality.


  • 将来有一回顾过去,就知道今天不寻常的

    One day you will look back and know that this day was special.


  • 10年20更多年后回顾过去时,会吃惊发现随着时光流逝,发生了很大变化

    When you look back on yourself in the past10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it's surprising to see how much you have changed over time.


  • 回顾过去发现戛纳奥斯卡之间的关系想象中的更加复杂有时甚至令人难以捉摸。

    Look back at the past 10 years, and you'll see that the Cannes-Oscar relationship is more complicated - and at times more unpredictable - than you might think.


  • 我们节目里回顾过去二十部分卓越成果展示拍下的一些最为人钟爱影像

    We will look at some of your most outstanding accomplishments and your most loved images from the past twenty years.


  • 是否同意以下观点:解决现在将来的问题人们应该回顾过去

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.


  • 是一个成长之路上必不可少一部分,人人都会碰到将来某一天回顾过去时,:“尽管很难,但却造就今天

    Its all part of growing up, it happens to everyone, and some day you will look back on all of this and say, "Hard as it was, it make me who I am today."


  • 是一个成长之路上必不可少一部分,人人都会碰到将来某一天回顾过去时,:“尽管很难,但却造就今天

    Its all part of growing up, it happens to everyone, and some day you will look back on all of this and say, "Hard as it was, it make me who I am today."


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