• 第二分析欧元区回购市场主要特点

    The second analyses the main features of the repo market in the euro area.


  • 最大改善来自于流动性冻结结束尤其是短期回购市场

    The biggest improvement has been the end of a liquidity freeze, especially in short-term repurchase (" repo ") markets.


  • 如果一点债券囤积行为可以使债券回购市场付出较少得到资金为什么呢?

    If a little market-cornering gets you funds in the repo market for a small fraction of that, why not?


  • 国库券抛售将会导致回购市场瘫痪提升借贷成本流动性关闭套利交易

    The fire sale of T-bills will paralyze the repo market, drive up the sweeping borrowing costs, suck dry the liquidity and close up the spread in the carry trade.


  • 建立起了全国统一银行间拆借市场,初步形成票据贴现市场国债回购市场

    Stock market is developing rapidly, a uniform market for inter-bank borrowing and lending has been set up, bill discounting market and Treasury bond market have come into being.


  • 故而,有必要参酌国际场外回购市场经验构建我国场外回购市场理论准备。

    Thus, relevant international experience regarding OTC repurchase market shall be referred to so as to make theoretical preparation for the piloting of China's OTC repurchase market.


  • 除此之外,还存在回购市场金融机构普遍利用筹集资金国库券则被用做借贷的抵押品。

    Then there is the repo market, widely used by financial institutions to raise money; Treasury securities are used as collateral for such borrowing.


  • 随着我国国债发行规模不断扩大国债回购市场逐渐发展壮大,市场交易日渐活跃。

    Along with the continuous enlarging of our bond publishing scale, the Treasury bond repo market is also gradually developing and getting strong.


  • 通常情况下,投资者所谓的回购市场上隔夜借出美国国债次日收回获得一小利息收入

    Investors lend out Treasuries overnight in the so-called repo market, and get the bonds and a small interest payment back the next day.


  • 这些都是繁忙回购市场进行操作,在那里债券出售以换取现金,同时按照合约规定,稍后债券回购

    They do this in the busy repurchase (repo) market, where treasuries are sold for cash with agreement to buy them back later.


  • 国债回购市场国债市场而派生,国债市场规模种类影响和制约着国债回购市场的活跃程度;

    As a derivative market of bond market, the repo market is greatly affected by the bond market in aspects of scale, category, etc.


  • 一些人担心违约可能回购市场引发像2008年那样信贷紧缩,日益增加国库券削发导致追加保证金

    Some fear that a default could cause a 2008-style crunch in repo markets, with the raising of "haircuts" on Treasuries leading to margin calls.


  • 本文考察了全国银行间拆借市场债券回购市场分析市场利率市场进程指出目前取得的成就存在不足

    This article analyses interbank offer market and bond repo market in China and interest rates liberalization process in this market, then points out the achievement and the existing drawback.


  • 现在挤兑发生监管者或许还不完全明白的领域,例如协议回购协议,投资银行日常运转筹集资金市场

    Now, runs happen in spheres regulators may not fully understand, such as the repurchase agreement, or repo, market, in which investment Banks fund their day-to-day operations.


  • 如果做得好大规模债务回购可以获利于市场折价降低债务负担

    Done well, a big debt buy-back can pocket market discounts and reduce debt burdens.


  • 关于展期方案细节仍然讨论中,现在一些银行正在讨论关于出资用以帮助对还在流通中的希腊债券市场价格进行回购

    Details of a rollover are still being discussed-some big Banks are now talking about supporting a Greek buyback of existing debt at market prices.


  • 所有回购计划都公开市场进行按照市场价格大宗交易回购,遵守股票交易量价格时间有关限制

    Any repurchases will be made on the open market at prevailing market prices or in block trades and subject to restrictions relating to volume, price and timing.


  • 股份回购可能消除投资者眼前“大小可能涌入市场担忧

    Share buybacks may remove some immediate concern about a potential flood of previously non-tradable shares onto the market.


  • 大量采用金融关联机构场外交易衍生产品回购资金市场对冲基金证券化影子银行的做法被到了监管阳光下

    Shadow banking-through large, interconnected financial firms, OTC derivatives, "repo" funding markets, hedge funds, and securitization-is brought into the regulatory daylight.


  • 另外Gazprom给了TNK -BP一个选择可以以市场价格回购原来股份25%,前提条件是BP要完全履行这次的交易责任。

    In addition, Gazprom gave TNK-BP an option to buy back 25% of the field at a market price, but only if BP fulfils its part of the deal.


  • 随着银行逼迫证券化市场赎回大堆拙劣不堪的保险贷款一切都到来了:摩根大通第三季度回购储备金提高到了30亿美元。

    All this comes as banks are forced to buy back growing piles of poorly underwritten loans from securitised pools: JPMorgan Chase increased itsrepurchasereserves to $3 billion in the third quarter.


  • 随着银行逼迫证券化市场赎回大堆拙劣不堪的保险贷款一切都到来了:摩根大通第三季度回购储备金提高到了30亿美元。

    All this comes as banks are forced to buy back growing piles of poorly underwritten loans from securitised pools: JPMorgan Chase increased itsrepurchasereserves to $3 billion in the third quarter.


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