• 回归相关分析作为研究随机现象重要数学方法水资源确定性分析中具有广泛应用。

    As one of the mathematical ways to study the random phenomena, regression analysis is the important tool to study the uncertainty of basin water resources.


  • 追踪损失发生率利用Kaplan -Meier方法加以计算追踪损失的相关因素则利用logistic回归分析Cox多元回归分析加以确定。

    The incidence of loss to follow-up was calculated using KaplanMeier methods and factors associated with loss to follow-up were identified by logistic and Cox multivariate regression analysis.


  • 应用国际通行相关回归分析方法,对“十五”时期上海市劳动就业容量结构进行预测。

    Using international current correlation and regression analysis method, we make a project of capacity and structure of labor employment.


  • 回归分析显示年龄手术切除范围并发症发生相关

    Regression analysis showed that age and resection range associated with the occurrence of postoperative complications.


  • 此外,本文提出LQ定理使我们能用相关分析法,通过变量变换,把因素非线性回归问题,化成线性形成来处理。

    Besides, the LQ theorem presented in this paper can be used to change a nonlinear single regression problem to a linear one by means of transformation of variables.


  • 由历史数据推测未来趋势众多方法较突出时间序列法最小方法指数平滑法回归分析相关分析

    Prominent among the various techniques that can help to extrapolate past date into future trends are the following:time series, least squares method, exponential smoothing, regression and correlation.


  • 目的探讨边际回归模型医学研究领域多变量相关分析中的应用。

    Objective To explore the application of marginal regression models on multivariate correlation analysis in medical research.


  • 并用MATLAB语言编制相关程序实现线性回归分析

    Correlation program was programmed with MATLAB to realize its linear regressive analysis.


  • 采用相关回归分析等方法研究不同群体水稻产量及产量构成因素的相互关系

    With the methods of correlation and regression balance and path coefficient analysis, relationship between rice yield and its components were studied in different rice populations.


  • 相关回归分析表明:自责、解决问题生活事件总分影响下岗职工抑郁主要因素

    Correlation and regression analysis showed that the main influencing factors on depression of unemployed were self-accusation, solving problem and the total scores of life events.


  • 对于非线性函数线性组合型相关方程,本文提出交替运用非线性合和逐步线性回归分析相结合的方法逐步非线性拟合。

    A stepwise nonlinear fitting procedure was proposed to nonlinear fitting equations that USES Marquardt nonlinear fitting analysis and stepwise linear regression alternatively.


  • 相关回归分析表明物理环境控制感主观幸福感中的性情绪存在密切关系

    Correlative and regressive analysis showed the closed correlation between perceived control on physical environment and positive emotion of subjective well-being.


  • 多元线性回归相关分析显示眼球轴长增加单纯性近视眼形成主要因素

    Multiple linear regression and correlative analysis showed that the increase in optic axis was main factor for the formation of simple myopia of teenager.


  • 应用多元对数回归分析明确哪些因素良好临床结果存在相关

    Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with a good outcome.


  • 多元线性回归模型分析显示血清tc水平累积噪声剂量呈正相关,与高温级别呈负相关

    The multiple liner regression model indicated that serum TC level was significantly associated with accumulative noise dose, but negative associate with scale of hot environment.


  • 分布分析脑血管发病季节规律;直线相关、多元逐步回归分析气象因素与脑血管病发病之间关系

    The relationship between the onset of CVD and meteorological factors including temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, wind velocity was analyzed by circular distribution analysis,.


  • 多元线型回归分析显示了平均动脉年龄体重、体重指数相关血脂指标影响

    The criteria of serum lipdemia was affected by mean artery pressure, age, weight and body weight index by stepwise regression analysis.


  • 利用统计方法影响企业产品销量相关分析回归预测提出了相关建议

    With statistics methods some relevant elements which have influence on sales and products structure is analysed, the regression calculation is done and some related Suggestions are made.


  • 回归分析结果显示企业价值资产负债率和资产收益率相关流通股比例相关

    The result of regression shows that value of listed companies is positively correlated with asset and liability rate and yield of asset, and is negatively correlated with the ration of floating stock.


  • 方法原始寿命数据进行生存函数分析利用相关分析数据建立线性回归方程

    Methods Analyzing the Survival function of the original lifetime data, and developing Linear Regression Equations by means of related analysis data.


  • 使用多元逐步回归方法进行相关分析

    Step wise regression was used to analyse the relationship between GMFCS and risk factors.


  • 运用多元相关逐步回归通径分析一些大穗小麦产量构成因素等农艺性状进行研究。

    The yield and components of some big spike wheat varieties are studied by means of multiple correlation, progressive regression and path analysis.


  • 采用t检验回归分析比较组患者各参数差异,并分析微笑露龈畸形相关因素

    The t-test and stepwise regression analysis were performed in both groups to determine the correlated factors of gummy smile deformity.


  • 比较组间相关危险因素差别这些危险因素进行因素相关分析多元逐步线性回归分析

    We compared the differences of the risk factors between these two groups, and analyzed them by simple correlation and multiple stepwise regressions.


  • 对居相似性系数空间距离进行回归分析表明二者之间存在显著相关

    Moreover, the regression between the similarity coefficient and the space distance showed that there was no significant correlation between them.


  • 回归分析分析现象之间相关具体形式确定其因果关系并用数学模型来表现具体关系的一种方法

    Regression analysis is a method to analyze the specific form of the phenomena's relating, determine cause-and-effect relationship and express the specific relationship by mathematical models.


  • 文章足迹数据分析首先介绍相关分析然后建立回归模型最后计算出相关回归方程

    This article takes a group of trails traces data analysis as an example, first introduces the correlation analysis, then establishes return model, last counts correlation regression equation.


  • 采用多元相关、多元回归分析方法分析山西省旱地小麦产量构成因素

    Yield forming factors of wheat in arid land in Shanxi were analyzed by multiple correlation and multiple regression.


  • 所得资料叙述统计分析因素分析相关分析直线回归分析统计方法进行分析整理

    The collected data analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis of analysis of statistical methods, such as finishing.


  • 所得资料叙述统计分析因素分析相关分析直线回归分析统计方法进行分析整理

    The collected data analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis of analysis of statistical methods, such as finishing.


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