• 天使回答是从普天下的面前出来

    And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the LORD of all the earth.


  • 不曾离开四风子澄,也会展翅高飞,冲出四风港吗?

    Would Chi Cheng, who had never thought of leaving, spread out her wings and leave?


  • 但以夜里见异象,看见陡起,刮大海之上

    Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.


  • 四风中国当代知名爵士摇滚音乐键盘作曲家之一。

    Sedar Chin is one of the best Keyboardists and composers of Chinese contemporary jazz and rock music.


  • 耶和华说,从前分散你们方。(原文作犹如天),现在你们要北方之地逃回

    Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the LORD: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the LORD.


  • 使方刮临到人,他们分散方(方原文作)。这被赶没有一国不到的。

    And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.


  • 耶和华从前分散你们方。(原文作犹如天),现在你们要北方之地回。耶和华说的。

    Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the LORD: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the LORD.


  • 他们偷走了埋在地下金币一样地跑掉了

    They took the four gold pieces which you have buried and ran away as fast as the wind.


  • 出于这个原因嫦娥研究太阳月球表面影响以及航天器发现任何矿物

    For this reason, Chang'e 4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft.


  • 冷冰冰的,还刮着一阵阵凛冽

    It was icy cold with a gust of howling wind around.


  • 思想灰烬中,同时存在疯狂喜悦一种无止尽的讽刺,而被分割成空间散播,这对于世界永恒的批判

    There is both mad delight and infinite irony in the thought of my ashes scattered to the four winds, sown frenetically in space, an eternal reproach to the world.


  • 法师法师、法师和光法师种属性的法师,增强神奇力量

    Magic like Fire mage, Ice mage, Wind mage and light mage, increase your magic power.


  • 环绕着“眼”,即剧烈雷暴区域,通常是整个热带气旋中天气恶劣区域。

    It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather of a cyclone occurs.


  • 如同一个荒岛面环一样,丰富能量阳光潮汐形式存在于我们身边。

    As with the water that surrounds a desert island, there is abundant energy right under people's noses, in the form of wind, sun, tides and heat.


  • 在其内部不同主题花园,即“”、“”、“”、“”,分别代表种元素。

    Inside there are four distinct thematic gardens named, "Earth", "Wind", "Fire", and "Water", which represent the four elements.


  • 太阳粒子太阳磁场,也就是我们通常所说的行星际磁场中带出,经过的时间到达地球

    The solar wind, which carries the particles from the sun's magnetic field, known as the interplanetary magnetic field, takes about three or four days to reach the Earth.


  • 独特的秘密学院里,学生分为、水、土、火“大家族”。哈利 波特一样,大家都要学习对抗致命的“魔法”。

    Pupils who attend uniqueconclavemagic schools are split into four ancient houses - Winds, Undines, Gnomes and Salamanders, and like Potter, students study a defence against the deadly Dark Arts.


  • 能源发电量比例年前2%跃升42%。

    Wind accounted for 42% of new generating capacity, up from just 2% four years earlier.


  • 即使轻微,也会让溢,向由煤灰形成的沙尘暴一般遮盖天空

    With even the lightest wind, the tiny particles take flight, blotting out the sky like a thick sandstorm of ash.


  • 阳光溢的西班牙海岸不列颠海岸已经移居国外英国无疑感受到的节约开支的必要性。

    From the sun-drenched Spanish costas, to the wind-lashed Breton coast, Brits who have moved abroad are undoubtedly feeling the pinch.


  • 为了确保不会因为太大或是动作太大而飘,床根钢缆墙上

    To make sure that the bed doesn't float away because of hard wind or weird movements, it's tethered to the walls by four cables.


  • 地球磁场效应不仅能够指引指南针,还能够将其效应延伸至宇宙空间指引地球太阳流向,这样就形成了一种称为气圈”的结构(如上图所示)。

    Besides directing compasses, the Earth's magnetic field reaches out into space to direct the flow of the solar wind around the planet-forming a structure called the magnetosphere (depicted above).


  • 庄灵回忆到,“路上花了很大,雨也很大,海上颠得很厉害。”

    "The trip took four days," Zhuang Ling recalled. "It was windy and rainy, and the vessel rocked hard on the sea."


  • 猛烈挟着土刮得几乎不开眼,她只好伏在地上,用触感找珍贵叶草

    There such a violent wind was blowing that she was almost blinded with dust, and was obliged to throw herself upon the ground, and feel about after the precious herb.


  • 不要它们相互接触保证包括上部底部

    Do not let them touch each other. Be sure that air can reach the fish from all sides, including the top and bottom.


  • 2年前国内字幕之一软字幕组网站上看到招聘广告,随即申请加入。

    Two years ago, she responded to a help-wanted ad on the Fengruan website, one of the top four subtitle groups in China.


  • 处发散,长满了患灾病人的皮,据祭司察看,从头脚无处不有。

    If the disease breaks out all over his skin and, so far as the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the infected person from head to foot.


  • 处发散,长满了患灾病人的皮,据祭司察看,从头脚无处不有。

    If the disease breaks out all over his skin and, so far as the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the infected person from head to foot.


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