• 大家一直这种噪音是个迷,直到几年,一些这些噪声一些偶然发生地震造成的。

    Many claimed the noises were just a legend until a few years ago someone concluded that the noises are occassional small earthquakes.


  • 控制在跟快艇噪音程度相当噪声中,或者完全安静的环境之下,观察它们捕食水蚤的情况。

    And watched three-spined stickleback fish hunt water fleas, to the accompaniment of either white noise calibrated to match the noise level of speedboats or a silent track as a control.


  • 电话线拔掉使用一个能产生白噪声机器或是打开电风扇空调阻断背景噪音

    Unplug the phone and use a white-noise machine, or a fan or an air conditioner, to block out background noise.


  • 使用噪声机器工作会导致耳鸣噪音失聪

    Working with loud machinery can cause tinnitus or noise induced hearing loss.


  • 嗡嗡泽拉发出噪声忧虑并不是空穴来风充斥着嗡嗡泽啦球场里的噪音水平高达130分贝,而电锯发出的噪声只不过是100分贝而已。

    The worries about the vuvuzela's noise seem to be well justified. A stadium full of vuvuzelas can hit up to 130 decibels - a chainsaw can only reach a meagre 100.


  • 原来左耳某些频率声音特别不敏感——就是医生们所说噪音空隙”,它们困扰那些噪声下工作过的人们。

    And it turns out that my left ear’s hearing is noticeably weaker in certain frequenciesit has what ear docs call thenoise notch” that afflicts those exposed to serious sound.


  • 巨大噪声引起我们某种面对恐惧本能反映(对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹我们可能完全放松

    Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise.


  • 驾驶c 30电动车很难从噪声辨别车速事实上直到停车前,我们没有听到任何令人不悦噪音

    In the C30 Electric you get none of that, nor is there really much wind noise to give you any sense of speed. In fact, we didn't really hear any unpleasant sounds until we'd parked the thing.


  • 是的街道上很大音乐声电车汽车发出的噪声电话铃声不能噪音

    Yes, Loud music on the street and the noise made by cars, trams and phone calls are all noise I can't stand.


  • 现场采用噪音施工机械施工,减轻噪声扰民。

    To adopt the construction machinery with low noise for the field construction to alleviate the noise.


  • 气流噪音压机主要噪声气流噪声角度可以简要分析如下

    Air compressor noise is the main noise source. From the Angle of air flow noise, can be briefly analyzes the following.


  • 评估这些问题影响而言我们需要能够作出适当噪声测量某些情况下监视时间噪音水平

    In terms of assessing the impact of these issues, we need to be able to make suitable noise measurements, or in some cases monitor the noise levels for longer periods.


  • 该文结合人体健康特性重新建立了更为合理地普通路面噪音路面噪声评价因素集合

    In the combination with the human health characteristics the paper establishes again more reasonable assembly of the noise evaluation factors for normal pavement or pavement with low noise.


  • 滤波器应用复杂噪音背景话音信号提取,很好地抑制背景噪声从而获得清晰的话音信号。

    This filter can effectively restrain background noise and acquire clear speech signal when applied in speech signal pick-up from the background with complex noise.


  • 最后大城市另一个形象噪音交通噪声施工噪声

    Finally, another image of big cities is relative to noise, such as the noise of transportation, the noise of construction and so on.


  • 然而一旦机理理解噪音低等特点,然后我们可以采取措施减小噪声

    However, once the mechanism of noise production is understood, then steps can be taken to minimise the noise.


  • 噪音污染已经世界七大公害之首,低频噪声人体慢性损伤

    Noise pollution is already the world's first in seven public nuisance, while the low-frequency noise on the human body is the kinds of chronic injury.


  • 可以通过避免过高音量(比如工作噪音机械器具大声音乐摩托车引擎声等等)来预防噪声引起的听觉损伤

    You can prevent noise-related hearing loss by avoiding loud noise such as that made by machines in the workplace, power tools, very loud music, and very loud motorcycles.


  • 想要限制噪音使人们可能不会浪费时间解释噪声信号

    He wanted limits wide enough to filter out the bulk of the probable noise so that people wouldn't waste time interpreting noise as signals.


  • 然而阶固有频率产生对摩托车噪音有很大的贡献结果为解决摩托车噪声问题提供了依据。

    There are high frequencies in the flexible model that cannot be obtained from the rigid one, which contribute to the noise of motorcycle.


  • 文章分析了网页HTML文档结构噪音类型的基础上,给出了网页文本信息提取、对噪声抑制方法以及实现过程

    This article analyses the construct of HTML document and the type of noises, provides the news information exacting and noises restrain method, and the process of realization.


  • 伊顿NVH采用定制软管大会专门针对承担流体噪声降低整体噪音水平,但同时避免过度衰减

    Eaton FC NVH utilizes a custom hose assembly that specifically targets the fluid borne noise to reduce overall noise levels without over attenuation.


  • 随着国内外轴承市场噪音轴承的需求量增加、对轴承振动噪声分贝越来越低的要求,使得低噪音轴承的研制工作显得日益重要

    With the increase and demand in low voice and low decibel vibration bearing in world market, the research in low noise bearing has become more and more significant.


  • 噪声几乎没有噪音捐款接收电子

    Low noise: Virtually no noise contribution from receiver electronics.


  • 实验理论上研究手提电钻工作时产生噪音主要噪声源及其特点,为减少噪音提供了依据。

    This paper studys noise produced by portable electric drill on theory and experiment. It can help find methods of reducing portable electric drill noise.


  • 马达安装一个牢固塑料盒里噪声缓冲装置工作安全标准减少噪音

    The motors are installed inside a sturdy plastic case; special noise buffers reduce the noise within the safety standards of work.


  • 工业噪声例如一种更为精确科学因为评估特定噪音水平这些有关立法行动水平兴趣

    Industrial noise, for example, is a much more exact science, as you are interested in assessing specific noise levels and relating these to legislative or action levels.


  • 最大限度减少噪音就算环境噪声会议室录音室也会觉得安安静静

    Minimizing noises, you will feel quiet even though they are used in a conference room or recording room with low environment noise.


  • 这个有关噪声污染调查还提示了一种出人意料同时可能会引人发笑老式噪音源。

    The noise pollution survey revealed a rather surprising and possibly amusing old-fashioned source of noise.


  • 这个有关噪声污染调查还提示了一种出人意料同时可能会引人发笑老式噪音源。

    The noise pollution survey revealed a rather surprising and possibly amusing old-fashioned source of noise.


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