• 喜欢夜晚单独外出

    I don't like going out alone at night.


  • 喜欢夜晚林肯纪念堂

    I love the Lincoln Memorial at night.


  • 喜欢夜晚沙滩

    I like the beach at night.


  • 喜欢夜晚

    I like night, too.


  • 他们喜欢夜晚,在夜晚他们可以跳舞,可以得很开心。

    They liked the nighttime better when they could dance and have more fun.


  • 知道喜欢夜晚百老汇霓虹灯。她并不真的介意,她只是希望寻找真爱

    You know, she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signs. She don't really mind, it's only love she hoped to find.


  • 喜欢夜晚如此感性,我讨厌那种自己感性女孩变得理智些,可以吗?

    I who like nights is very sensitive, I hate the girl who like sensitive so much as me. I'd like to be more reasonble, may I?


  • 非常喜欢夏天夜晚

    I really love summer evenings.


  • 我会喜欢那种环境中度过夜晚讨论新的想法建立一个新世界

    I would have enjoyed spending my evenings in that environment, discussing new ideas, building a new world.


  • 正是喜欢这种矛盾之处如此颜色光线来描绘一个夜晚场景

    That's the paradox that I really like, the paradox of painting a nighttime scene using so much color and light.


  • 才华工匠无需再一整天喜欢工作挤出夜晚的时间进行创作

    No longer does a good craftsman have to work in a job he dislikes all day, and then try to create at night.


  • 代才子王维(701-761)最喜欢在有月光的夜晚,在竹林中弹奏。

    Wang Wei (701—761), a highly talented man of the Tang Dynasty, liked playing it in a bamboo forest on nights with moonlight most.


  • 地人喜欢点几道最出名的菜和几瓶啤酒,和朋友们在那里度过他们的夜晚

    Local people like to order several best-known dishes and some bottles of beer and spend their evening time with friends there.


  • 知道自己喜欢做的事情——街舞地下据点,参加夜晚飙舞——除此之外看不清楚未来了。

    She knows what she likes - dancing to hip-hop, in group face-offs at an underground night spot - but beyond that her aspirations are unclear.


  • 似乎特别喜欢满月夜晚沙滩上聆听音乐

    She especially seemed to enjoy music on the beach at night when there was a full moon.


  • 默瑟夫人起身离开说抱歉不能了,经过了八点,她喜欢外面呆太晚夜晚空气不好

    Mrs Mercer stood up to go: she was sorry she couldn't wait any longer, but it was after eight o'clock and she did not like to be out late, as the night air was bad for her.


  • 那些选择上同学喜欢学校夜晚喝酒狂欢,这种行为导致尽管睡觉时间长,但睡眠状态不安烦躁。

    Those students who opted for later classes were likely to binge drink on school nights, and such behavior made for restless, although longer, sleep.


  • 特教授解释因为鲨鱼水下生存并且很多喜欢黄昏拂晓活动,所以他们生活在相对比较昏暗的环境中。 就如人们夜晚利用道路反射的光线照明一样,但有一些鲨鱼在一天所有的时间内活动且他们视网膜比一些夜间出没的肉食动物和深水动物拥有更多的视锥细胞和少量的棒形细胞”。

    Dr Hart explained that, because sharks live underwater and many are most active at dawn and dusk, they are operating in relatively dim light.


  • 人们总是喜欢享受自发乐趣,能喝到现场即兴制作鸡尾酒喜欢参加这样的夜晚聚会呢?之前客人发请帖收拾房子预留的的时间越多,聚会的那天就会感到越轻松

    While spontaneity is fun - who doesn't love an impromptu mojito night? - the more time you give people to RSVP and for you to prepare the house, the more relaxed you'll be on the day of the party.


  • 阳光明媚白天或是宁静夜晚,和最好朋友一个喜欢位置坐下,不管是聊天还是静静欣赏,时间都将成为记忆美丽的画卷

    Picking your favorite place, dating some of your best friends in a sunny day or peaceful night, no matter you are chatting or keeping silent, it will be a beautiful scene in your memory.


  • 安静时间(喜欢早晨夜晚的时间),一个安静的地方一本精彩的小说。

    Read in silence. Find a quiet time (mornings or evenings are great for me), and a quiet spot, and read a good novel.


  • 当时曾喜欢在一家酒吧打牌酗酒,开心地度过夜晚时光现在这家酒吧无影无踪了,变成一个环形路口,周围单调乏味办公街区

    Now the bar where I'd spent so many amusing nights, playing CARDS and drinking too much, was no more than a roundabout surrounded by drab office blocks.


  • 夜晚颜色大海颜色,喜欢潜水许多时间观察海洋中的深蓝色,这是深海颜色。

    I mean it's the color of night, it's the color of the ocean and as a scuba diver I've spent a lot of time looking into the deep blue, the pelagic blue.


  • 这个世界上喜欢件事太阳月亮。太阳白昼,月亮是夜晚你,是永远

    I am love three things in this world: sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night, and you forever.


  • 喜欢夏天因为夏天白天夜晚时间长

    I like summer better because the days are longer than the nights.


  • 一朵最为醒目一朵粉色的牡丹花夜晚都可以看到明亮的身影,喜欢了。

    There is a flower is the most eye-catching: this is a pink peony flower, can see its bright at night, I like it the most.


  • 人类喜欢找个理由,一个热闹、食物丰富的夜晚在一起。如今研究人员找到了人们最早群聚赴宴的证据

    We humans love excuses to gather for a rousing evening of community-featuring lots of food. Now researchers have evidence for the earliest known group feasting.


  • 人类喜欢找个理由,一个热闹、食物丰富的夜晚在一起。如今研究人员找到了人们最早群聚赴宴的证据

    We humans love excuses to gather for a rousing evening of community-featuring lots of food. Now researchers have evidence for the earliest known group feasting.


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