• 夜间觉醒不过气来的感觉可能放心

    Awakening at night with a breathless feeling that may be relieved by sitting up.


  • 一个渔民不过气夏天浑浊河水上了几牡蛎

    A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day.


  • 警察养老金压得不过气加州小城瓦列霍最近申请破产。

    The city of Vallejo, Calif., burdened by police pensions, recently filed for bankruptcy.


  • 朱丽叶亲爱的也愿意,可我太多的溺爱使不过来的

    Juliet: Sweet, so would I: yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.


  • 认为同一地方过着耕种的生活,年复一年干着同样的活种让人喘不过气来的负担

    I don't think farming in the same place for six generations is a dead weight that keeps you 2 shackled, doing the identical thing year in and year out.


  • 确保向前引人注目地面直截了当膝伤弯曲否则性格可能看起负重回到喘不过气

    Make sure the forward leg striking the ground is straight (knee is not bent) otherwise your character may look like he's carrying a load in the back of his pant's.


  • 一个还算令人感兴趣的世界峰会新闻报道之所以增值也许更多的倒不是因为容易激动令人喘不过气媒体

    This is an interesting world summit alright but perhaps for more reasons than the excitable and breathless media coverage may appreciate.


  • 呼吸变得突然不过气来

    Her breath came in convulsive gasps.


  • 这项工作责任喘不过气来

    The responsibilities of the job are weighing her down.


  • 的肚子上挨一击一时不过气来

    He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.


  • 世界产生影响想法是否会让有点不过气来——比如可能不得不加入和平或者收养一个印尼孤儿

    Does the idea of affecting the world make you hyperventilate a bitlike you might have to join the Peace Corps or adopt an orphan from Indonesia?


  • Gran 前后不一致态度,以及之后他控诉成为那个时代中一段被普遍认可为事实的历史喘不过气来

    The wavering views he voiced about Gran and how he wrote her out of what would become a definitive popular history of the era, crushed her.


  • 玛丽吓得屏住呼吸,差点喘不过气来感到自己脸色都变白了。

    Mary caught her breath in a short gasp and felt herself turn pale.


  • 现在世界其他地方可能说起冰岛,人们会有些不过气来,说它是西欧最后原始荒野

    Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe's last pristine wilderness.


  • 在弯曲的轮子上由于平缓的斜坡营地,累得不过气来带着几分担心,把自己行李托付它。

    It stood there on buckled wheels, wheezing and gasping with exhaustion from having to climb up the gentle slope to the camp, and I consigned myself and my loads to it with some fear.


  • 最后英里简直使每个喘不过气来

    Those last eight miles just pooped everybody.


  • 天堂半死不活的;的天堂是发酒疯;我说我他的天堂里一定睡着的;他说他在我的天堂里就要不过气来于是开始变得非常暴躁

    I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine, and began to grow very snappish.


  • 使出超人的自制力克制自己,才没有送的命,可是终于喘不过气来罢手了,把那显然已无生身体高背椅子旁边。

    He exerted preterhuman self-denial in abstaining from finishing him completely; but getting out of breath he finally desisted, and dragged the apparently inanimate body on to the settle.


  • 交易大厅速度强度压得喘不过气

    I was overwhelmed by the speed and intensity on the trading floor.


  • 觉得喘不过气因为我用手捏住鼻子以免眼泪落下

    I found it hard to breathe as I pinched my nose to keep the tears from falling.


  • 慢性阻塞性肺病常见症状呼吸困难,喘不过”,过多慢性咳嗽

    The most common symptoms of COPD are breathlessness, or a 'need for air', excessive sputum production, and a chronic cough.


  • 音响关掉,紧张地都不过气,这时我才意识到手机了。

    Turning off the stereo and trying to remember to breathe, I realized my mobile phone was ringing.


  • 如果EEG飞行员行为显示开始信息喘不过气来,系统可以临时“淡出”次重要屏幕信息,并且减少接入的无线电通信

    If the EEG and pilot's behaviour indicate that he is becoming overwhelmed, it can temporarily "grey out" less vital onscreen information and reduce incoming radio communications.


  • 这个世界上充满信息我们每日都会不断地遇到各式各样信息,被信息超载压的喘不过气来

    In a world full of information we seem to be constantly toggling between managing all the new impressions we get on a daily basis and feeling totally overwhelmed by information overload.


  • 该报援引消息人士话说,里奇觉得巨星夫人“压得喘不过气”,现在他只希望能尽快离婚

    He sees his superstar spouse as a dead weight around his neck and now wants a divorce to be agreed quickly, the source was quoted as saying.


  • 该报援引消息人士的话说,里奇觉得巨星夫人“压得他喘不过气来”,现在他只希望能尽快离婚

    He sees his superstar spouse as a "dead weight around his neck" and now wants a divorce to be agreed quickly, the source was quoted as saying.


  • 该报援引消息人士的话说,里奇觉得巨星夫人“压得他喘不过气来”,现在他只希望能尽快离婚

    He sees his superstar spouse as a "dead weight around his neck" and now wants a divorce to be agreed quickly, the source was quoted as saying.


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