• 最后,本文文殊坊民俗文化院落商街改造工程项目为研究对象

    Finally, folk culture of Manjushri Square Mall courtyard renovation project project study.


  • 随着兜路历史文化街区香积复建信义商街地段价值逐渐显现

    With the great history and culture block and Xiangji temple reconstruction, Xinyifang's commercial value stood out gradually.


  • 移动商街虚拟商业区,它能都上百万买主,商家还有上亿消费者互动

    Mobile commercial zone was a virtual commercial zone with the capacity of holding millions of sellers, businesses and more than a hundred million consumers.


  • 这个城市只有王城广场附近国贸中心、曼哈顿国际商街商业楼盘陷入烂尾楼窘境

    Only this city-City Plaza near the ITC, Manhattan, the International Street and other commercial properties to a Lanwei Lou dilemma.


  • 他们于是入得城内,走巷。他们行至凉鞋商街时候,年轻渔夫见到水边立着一个孩子

    So they entered in and passed through the streets, and as they passed through the street of the Sellers of Sandals, the young Fisherman saw a child standing by a jar of water.


  • 他们于是入得城内,走他们行至珠宝商街时候,年轻渔夫见到货摊上摆着一只漂亮的银杯

    So they entered in and passed through the streets, and as they passed through the street of the Jewellers the young fisherman saw a fair silver cup set forth in a booth.


  • 地震发生之后一些建筑材料商人建筑商出于职业好奇心来到新街小学考察。

    In the aftermath of the quake, a handful of bricklayers and builders have visited Xinjian Primary School out of professional curiosity.


  • 虽然2008年开发商夺取这一财产企图失败,但开发商还将继续上诉格林毁灭命运依然令人担忧

    Although an attempt to acquire the property failed in 2008, developers' appeals continue, and the threat of Little Green Street's destruction looms ahead.


  • 艺术家古董商汇聚在琉璃厂这些位于坍圮的城墙前门附近的小巷子是最古老、最繁华步行购物

    Artists and antiques dealers fill the Liulichang market; the nearby lanes outside the destroyed city wall's front gate form the oldest and busiest pedestrian shopping corridor here.


  • 杂货商来见哲,窘迫谈到,街对面那家开设了一个大型连锁店,让生意一落千丈

    A grocer came to the Master in great distress to say that across the way from his shop they had opened a large chain store that would drive him out of business.


  • 福克斯弗里蒙特的房间静静哼唱着一个未来媒体模型,同时,它也将对传统出版商产生恐怖的威胁。

    Quietly humming in the Fremont Street cubicles around Fox is a future media model - and one that terrorizes traditionalists.


  • 与此同时地产开发商紧盯着这块土地(它离东京黄金地段的银座瑞姿条街之隔)。

    Meanwhile, property developers are eyeing the land, just a few blocks from the ritzy Ginza district.


  • 他们仍然等待国家运营商BSNL他们把电波交给civvy的BlackBerry - bashers以前他们个另外的网络

    They are still waiting for the national carrier, BSNL, to build them an alternative network before they hand over the airwaves to the BlackBerry-bashers on civvy street.


  • GIUSEPPEESKENAZI帮助组织了这场展览伦敦邦德拥有画廊,而且作为亚洲古董个重量级交易商,他因在方面的知识而广受尊敬

    One of the foremost Asian antiquities dealers, Giuseppe Eskenazi, who helped organise the show and who owns a gallery off London's Bond Street, is widely respected as knowing the field.


  • 我们是否很快就会看到那些大师级艺术交易商废弃的商店里走上牛津,来叫卖自己商品吗?

    Will we soon see besuited art dealers hawking their products from disused stores on Oxford Street? These really are the last few skulls and the jewels were hand-crafted …


  • 曼哈顿一些摩天大楼伦敦街开发商CanaryWharf有了新的标志

    Some skyscrapers in Manhattan and London’s Canary Wharf have new signs on them.


  • 邦德商区的各大商店员工培训中国式礼仪同时也大量雇佣中文的员工。

    Stores in nearby Bond Street are training their staff in Chinese etiquette as well as recruiting language experts.


  • 一街口,各形色尽在那里,市场之外还有出口,卖杂货,大陆化妆品等

    There are stalls in the middle of the road. they are some outlets, food stores and even some cheap and fake cosmetics.


  • 安德森大声说话拉低条街智商商

    Anderson, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.


  • 曼哈顿一些摩天大楼伦敦街开发商CanaryWharf有了新的标志

    Some skyscrapers in Manhattan and London's Canary Wharf have new signs on them.


  • 报告基于智能方法有限公司-一个时尚零售商

    The following report is based on Smart approach ltd- a high street fashion retailer.


  • 而一设计良好交易网站重要性强调个高零售商成功

    The importance of having a well-designed transactional website has been highlighted by the success of one high street retailer.


  • 十二英国零售商克森由于DVD播放机流行决定逐步停止销售盒式磁带录像机

    It was 12 years ago that UK High Street retailer Dixons decided to phase out the sale of VCRs due to the popularity of DVD players.


  • 据报道房地产计划在酒店旁边修建写字楼购物广场(购物街),(整个项目?)耗资6亿美元

    The real estate group also plans to build office buildings and shopping malls nearby, which would bring the total investment to an estimated 600 million US dollars, the report said.


  • 最好方法开始承办商的商业街之一检查邻居为持牌专业名当地建设

    One of the best ways to begin shopping for a contractor is to check with neighbors and at local construction projects for names of licensed professionals.


  • 我们原有业态基础上,增加美食街夜市一条小商品夜市,提升街区人气商气。

    We will add a food street night market and small commodity night market to enhance the commerce popularity ", said the officer in Trade and Tourism Bureau of Gongshu District."


  • 前门大街步行街 (pedestrianstreet),但是那里有当当(trolley car)商 但是那里有当当车 带你去商茶馆剧院。 茶馆和剧院。

    Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but _________trolley cars ________ to take there are (take) you to the shops, teahouses and theatres.


  • 前门大街步行街 (pedestrianstreet),但是那里有当当(trolley car)商 但是那里有当当车 带你去商茶馆剧院。 茶馆和剧院。

    Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but _________trolley cars ________ to take there are (take) you to the shops, teahouses and theatres.


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