• 这个无穷迷人城市回到商业时代,回到未来

    For this endlessly fascinating city, it's back to business — and back to the future.


  • 竞争激烈商业时代资源占有成为决定企业生死成败的关键。

    In the commercial epochs where there is keen competition, possessing resource is fatal to decide enterprises livings.


  • 英子(2004),“电子商务先行者战略研究”,《商业时代》。

    Xiong Yingzi (2004). "Studies on the first-mover strategies of e-commerce", Commercial Times.


  • 未来城市化力量技术文化其他因素一起创造出商业时代

    The urbanization power, along with other elements, such as technology and culture, will innovate a brand new commercial age in the future.


  • 刊物创刊1982年,原名商业经济研究》,2000年更名商业时代》。

    Publication founded in 1982, formerly known as the "study" of commercialeconomy, in 2000 changed its name to "commercial times".


  • 现代商业时代一个普遍观点如果获得成功必须辞职然后自己当老板

    A popular myth of the modern business era is that, if you want to get ahead in life, you must quit your job and become your own boss.


  • 年轻企业家用自己的行动证明了如果这个竞争激烈的商业时代取得成功有时需要摒弃冷冰冰商业准则,相信自己的直觉

    The young tycoon proved that to be successful in the cutthroat world of business you need to occasionally put aside hard-boiled business practices and go with your gut instincts.


  • Twitter用户开始扩大到那些已经进入人生商业时代人群二月份美国400万用户当中,5.2%的用户年龄为65岁或者

    Twitter may even be catching on among people who have a reached a post-business phase of their lives: of the 4 million U.S. Twitter users in February, 5.2 percent were 65 or older.


  • 电子商务时代公司企业诉诸网络以寻求更多商业机会

    In the era of e-commerce, companies and enterprises can resort to the Internet for more business opportunities.


  • 但是我们目光由于市场旋风变得模糊,企业财富这个时代商业帝国”,丧失和被创造。

    But our views are blurred by the whirlwinds of markets, as firms and fortunes, the commercial "empires" of this era, are lost and made.


  • 比尔·盖茨史蒂夫我们这个时代伟大企业家,可是他们开始的时候商业也是一无所知。

    Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are among the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, and they didn't know anything about business when they started.


  • 商业角度看,夏洛特.福尔摩斯创造者那个时代成功作家去世的1930年之前,全球最著名英国人之一

    THE inventor of Sherlock Holmes was the most commercially successful author of his time; by his death in 1930 he was one of the best-known Englishmen in the world.


  • 但是雪暴袭击时代广场后,媒体新闻聚焦将会数百万商业损失而不是民众拥有了去野外滑雪机会

    But when a blizzard hits Times Square, the news reports will focus on the millions of dollars of business lost, not the cross-country skiing opportunities gained.


  • 与此同时人们日益担忧互联网时代这种商业模式或许多余的。

    Meanwhile, concerns are weighing that the business model may be redundant in the internet age.


  • 技术商业模式方法,在充满变化的时代寻找关键点亮点

    Technology, business, model, Methodology, looking for the key points and highlights of this variable age.


  • 书籍商业模式的最后堡垒,也是至今唯一仍然没有拥抱数字时代主流媒介

    Books are the last bastion of the old business model-the only major medium that still hasn't embraced the digital age.


  • ERP拥有信息时代显著特点并且重新定义企业的商业进程

    ERP has remarkable features of this information age and re-defines the business processes of the undertaking.


  • 信息时代众所周知写作能力各行各业——商业法律科学教育媒体——依然从业者的基本素质

    In the Information Age, as everybody knows, writing is essential in just about every professionbusiness, law, science, education, media, etc.


  • 要说那个时代商业往来没有欺诈诡计简直就是神话

    It is a myth, of course, that business dealings of that era were free of deceit and theft.


  • 而今这个极具商业时代许多家庭生活忙碌,加之速食的便捷诱惑,想要养成健康饮食习惯对于青少年而言的确艰巨的任务。

    Creating healthy eating habits in children can be a daunting task in this age of heavy marketing to children and teens, and the convenience of fast food in the busy lives of many families.


  • 印尼也没有足够的商业氛围经济增长保持苏哈托时代平均每年6.5%,更不用说中国那样的两位数增长率。

    Nor does Indonesia have a business climate that would allow the economy to grow at the annual 6.5% it averaged under Suharto, let alone the double-digit rates achieved by China.


  • 网球冠军现在这个马库斯祖父,马库斯·瓦伦堡一位时代的企业家一样经营企业,这种商业策略对于战后正在重建的欧洲相当合适。

    Marcus Wallenberg, the tennis champion and grandfather of the present Marcus, ran the shop like an old-time industrialist-an apt strategy when post-war Europe was being resurrected.


  • 随着互联网迈入商业互联网时代这些管理功能不再真正关注焦点,尤其如何管理全球互联网。

    And as it evolved over time into the commercial Internet, these administrative functions were never really the point of focus, in terms of how it would really govern a global Internet.


  • 追溯到远古时代不过今天的是现代商业机构利率,首先要讲的是贴现债券

    They go back to ancient times, but I'm going to talk about some of our modern institutions and I'm going to talk first about discount bonds.


  • 2003年10月24日,协和式飞机进行最后一次商业飞行,从而结束客机音带运输时代

    October 24, 2003, Concorde makes its last commercial flight, bringing the era of airliner supersonic transport to a close, at least for the time being.


  • 与此同时,正银行Integrity Bank),成立于2000年,祭出“信任至上”的商业模式——2005年时代杂志封面报道的标题为“”。

    Meanwhile, Integrity Bank, founded in 2000, played up itsfaith based” business model — it was featured in a 2005 Time magazine article titledPraying for Profits.”


  • 如今,我们处在这样时代,每个要让商业及其业务模式21世纪能够生存下来公司Web站点状态问题(由此变得)至关重要

    Now, in an age when every company serious about commerce and the survival of its business model in the twenty-first century has a Web site, issues of state are critical.


  • Sarbanes - Oxley、BASELII以及其它强制管理美国和国际商业时代执行遵从管理战略理由日趋明显

    In the age of Sarbanes-Oxley, BASEL II, and other regulatory mandates governing us and international business, the reasons for implementing a compliance management strategy are increasingly clear.


  • 尽管“。com疯狂时代已经结束,但Web商业价值正在提高。

    Though the "dot com" craze has ended, business use of the Web is going strong.


  • 工业时代遗留下来的错误观念是,必须保证产量才能支撑一家工厂。但是,创意无限的低产量商业模式正日渐走俏

    There's an industrial-age bias that you need volume to support a factory; but with this, much-more-creative low-volume businesses become viable.


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